On this day in 1898, the Battle of Virden began when armed members of the United Mine Workers of America (UMW) surrounded a train full of strikebreakers and exchanged fire with company guards. 13 people were killed, dozens more wounded.
After a local chapter of the UMW began striking at a mine in Virden, Illinois, the Chicago-Virden Coal Company hired black strikebreakers from Birmingham, Alabama and shipped them to Virden by train.
The company hired armed detectives or security guards to accompany the strikebreakers, and an armed conflict broke out when armed miners surrounded the train as it arrived in town. A total of four detectives and seven striking mine workers were killed, with five guards, thirty miners, and an unrecorded number of strikebreakers wounded.
After this incident, Illinois Governor John Tanner ordered the National Guard to prevent any more strikebreakers from coming into the state by force. The next month, the Chicago-Virden Coal Company relented and allowed the unionization of its workers.
“When the last call comes for me to take my final rest, will the miners see that I get a resting place in the same clay that shelters the miners who gave up their lives on the hills of Virden, Illinois…They are responsible for Illinois being the best organized labor state in America.”
Mother Jones
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Bit idea: go to an open mic night and only tell one joke. Start really quiet and ifnpossible with the mic off. Make sure its a bad joke that no one will laugh at. When the mic is one, say “I guess no one heard that, so I’ll start over” say the joke again but kinda mumble. “Sorry, that sounded loud in the monitors, maybe you didn’t hear it.” Repeat the same.joke louder and clearer. Keep making excuses and telling the same joke louder and slower until people eventually laugh and then immediately say it probably wasn’t that good of a joke and they didn’t miss much by not hearing it and leave.
Nearing the end of my first play thru of disco elysium and I’m so confused and mystified
A problem that’s very funny but also quite annoying if you forget about it is: if you run too far in the wrong type of shirt (without a bra or tape) the fabric will abrade the outer layer of your nipples.
Pray for my nips comrades
on my 5th nipple grindset
Damn I only have three!
In the winter, just walking can be enough for my diamond-cutters. Reusable pasties have been a godsend
Oof. Sorry, that sucks. I wish you band-aids in your immediate future.
A comrade (me) has worked out today. Have you
What is the point of consooming news these days? Why waste time being an informed public citizen. All there is is wall to wall ongoing genocide in which you can’t do anything, and horserace electoralism where your vote does not matter. What is the fucking point.
Due to cost of living adjusments, food stamps are giving a WHOLE MORE DOLLAR!!! ONE WHOLE MORE DOLLAR!! A month. Wowe. Woeeeewewewew
Also medicare isnt covering my Vynase anymore. Im pretty sure I just have to switch to generic but fuck u.
Generic should be fine. There are very few meds where generic isn’t perfectly fine.
Yeah and someone with specific experiance with Vynase said that about hers so its not a huge deal its just annoying.
Oh cool, I didn’t know about that specifically. I got generic methylphenidate er and never had problems. I have heard the DEA was specifically fucky about out meds specifically though so I wasn’t sure
I dunno entirely about Amerikkka and you guys have really lax pharmaceutical laws it seems but at least in KKKlanada, the bran names HAVE to be the exact same as the generics. My mom worked in a pharmacy as her only job ever, from 18 to 59 when she retired (she got a pretty sweet deal) so I always knew drugs by their real names cause we’d get generics at a huge discount compared to buying branded otc meds. When people use the brand names it always confuses me and also it’s not specific. Like wtf do you mean when you say an Advil cause there’s 2 typed of advice and one is acetaminophen and if I recall the other is naproxen. That can make a huge difference for a guy who should never take acetaminophen
new atlus game is wild
I always thought “I hate being right all the time” was just some joke people made about how conceited they were, but seeing all the heinous shit going on right now, shit the left has seen coming for centuries, I genuinely hate being right. Can we be wrong for once? Can Kamala be super awesome, and Dick Cheney find a heart? I would love it if we could be wrong for once
going to move to a swing state for a month just to vote third party and then move back
Talking with my girlfriend about being a communist (mostly working back to how i got there) and making the breakthrough that the biggest problem is making sense of some ideas in a way liberals dont think about is essentially Plato’s Cave.
Being a leftist is Plato’s Cave all the way down.
New Megathread nerds!
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🌈 If you ever want to make your own megathread, you can go here nerd
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@CARCOSA@hexbear.net @liberal@hexbear.net @ella@hexbear.net @all_or_nothing@hexbear.net @KenBonesWildRide@hexbear.net @KiraNerys@hexbear.net @TomboyShulk@hexbear.net @DuckNuckem@hexbear.net @SapGreen@hexbear.net @Zangief@hexbear.net @scumlord@hexbear.net @COMMENT@hexbear.net @Antisocial_Socialist@hexbear.net @DOPESMOKERDENG@hexbear.net @BoarAvoir@hexbear.net
No current struggle session discussion here on the new general megathread, i will ban you from the comm and remove your comment, have a good day/night :meow-coffee:
ok i pull up
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Feeling stressed? Love to dance? Come join us at the rave of the year.
Make a right just before the concentration camp of the subhuman people who we oppress and join us at our annual peace and love festival ✌️
The Rave act spomsored by joe biden drove mdma out of drug markets leading people to use meth as an alternate party drig in this essay i will…
Meth as an alternative to MDMA for parties is a microcosm of capitalism.
Meth in pill for is a lot different from smoking crystal meth. Also chemically they’re almost the same thing.
“chemically almost the same thing” means actually nothing. Water and hydrogen peroxide are “chemically almost the same thing.” These are not even close to the same compound, and drinking one vs the other does not have the same effect or risks interacting with your body’s biological systems.
Don’t just look at a picture of the abstracted chemical structure and go “yup!” Talk to pharmacists and especially pharmacologists about how compounds impact your body and interact with its systems and neurotransmitters and receptors, how the compounds are are processed and broken down and through what pathways, and how those broken-down components also interact with neurotransmitters and receptors and impact your body. Just the serotonergic difference alone between these two compounds is monumental and incredibly dangerous and irresponsible to ignore, let alone the many other differences and associated symptoms and risks.
And different routes of administration has different effects and risks with any compound, but it is the same compound and share many of the same problems — as well as even if it did not with you, in many cases can and does lead to normalizing use toward other more variously-hazardous routes too; and it is irresponsible and dangerous to hand-waive one vs the other where impressionable people might think one is fine vs the other isn’t, when they are both still meth. Your business is your business, but please consider the impacts of your actions and whether your personal experience as a user means you have expertise studied enough on on topics before speaking on them like this.
Anyone else reading, don’t do meth. Anything you or your friends ever do choose to use, no matter what you think it is, buy testing kits and test BEFORE USING, especially these days. Even if you think you know what’s in it, you don’t and it not worth the potential forever-consequences to guess. Even then, pure MDMA can be very damaging for your brain to use with frequency on a recreational basis; the guideline I always heard was absolute maximum 3 times a year if that to be safe about it. I would honestly say no less than half a year between. You only get one brain. And always make sure you are accounting for hydration and body temperature and taking breaks from activity.
Mixing (most things) with alcohol is very ill-advised; especially because of the aformentioned brain-strain and hydration and body temperature issues. But critically NEVER mix with antidepressants or medications with SSRI/SNRI/MAOI effects because you could die in a horrible agonizing way from serotonin syndrome. Always always always look at interactions, even with stuff you are prescribed or get over the counter. I’ve had doctors give me medicines with horrible interactions without them even being aware. And don’t take any “it’s basically/almost the same chemically” at face value. Body chemistry is insanely complicated, and two compounds looking “almost the same” is beyond gibberish when it comes to practical realities of the compounds. Water and hydrogen peroxide are “almost the same.”
So…you’ve never done any hard drugs huh?
They’re chemically super similar. I also genuinely prefer meth (not big on smoking it but will rail i
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Sending energy
I just pooped away a hangover