Look at this fucking dumbass lmao
At first I thought he was just a dumbass but now I’m thinking he’s legitimately just a Nazi
Edit 2: The mods locked the thread and banned him lol, they got 'em.
Never thought I’d find myself quoting Marxist apologia, but read Blackshirts and Reds😪
Really confused by the existence of a person who apparently hates “Marxist apologia”, but has read Blackshirts and Reds.
Has read and recommends Blackshirts and Reds, no less. “Well, this one piece of Marxist analysis I read was thoughtful, thorough, and worth reading (despite being Marxist). But obviously the rest of it must still be terrible”
Copying and pasting my other comment:
Based on what they told me yesterday, they have started reading it, maybe a chapter or two in. Throughout my interactions with them over the last year or so, I have steadily gotten them to read Elementary Principles of Philosophy, “Tankies,” and now finally they have started Blackshirts and Reds.
Overall, they are your typical anti-communist “progressive liberal,” but in the last month or so have been pushing back against anti-Communism. This is genuinely a massive step for them IMO.
Holy shit the amount of work you must’ve put in to make this one lemmitor read something other than harry potter. You deserve the medal of honor.
I think that honor goes to them, I lost patience more than a few times when they were especially reactionary, but they genuinely seem to be a true believer in the “marketplace of ideas” kinda thing so they ended up taking my advice anyways. I think if they do end up a comrade, they will have been one of the most effort-requiring converts I’ve done, but ultimately I think it’s more a virtue of being a rare “true believer” that actually followed through enough for the shell to crack.
Obviously not condoning their reactionary views, they have plenty of brainworks to deworm but the process isn’t hopeless at all IMO.
Very cool of you to keep engaging with them! I’ve met one of those types myself, but that was irl so much easier. I don’t know if it’s the users or the format but people are much more defensive online.
Oooh you just made me remember that one person who got dog piled on for their “to the last Ukrainian” stance, who then came to hexbear to apologise. That was in early federation.
Edit: found it! https://hexbear.net/post/3707945
Yea, I think there’s genuine hope, and since the fediverse is so small the more solidified the left the better it is when people come in and visit for conversion.
You made me look thru their comments and this is like the third one https://lemmy.ml/post/25405794/16429720
They might be doing some work but so are you. Seriously applaud your patience.
give it up for Comrade Cowbee
that’s fantastic, great work
Thank you, you’re too kind
You have the patience of a saint, comrade
I could literally never do what you do without it killing me
I take frequent breaks, haha. Probably will this weekend especially. But thanks for the kind words!
amazing work, before i read this I was even prepared to just say “shit, I’ll take it” but the fact that it’s actually progress from concerted effort is truly awesome and you deserve all the praise
Thank you so much!
What is “tankies”?
Redsails article of that name
Not too much, whats tankies with you?
this is a person on the verge of tankiedom. We’ve all been there. Somewhere between a Dem Soc and a Left Com and an Anarchist and a commie, a generic “leftist”. Have to still pay lip service to not being “authoritarian” and all that
Based on what they told me yesterday, they have started reading it, maybe a chapter or two in. Throughout my interactions with them over the last year or so, I have steadily gotten them to read Elementary Principles of Philosophy, “Tankies,” and now finally they have started Blackshirts and Reds.
Overall, they are your typical anti-communist “progressive liberal,” but in the last month or so have been pushing back against anti-Communism. This is genuinely a massive step for them IMO.
OK, that explains it, at least some libs are willing to learn.
I think most of us were libs at one point, just means we have to deal with that as a challenge to grow.
Nuh uh not me i have never had any reactionary viewpoints I am the one true leftist when jesus said “let he who is without sin cast the first stone” he was talking about me (and misgendering me, typical orthodox baptist evangelical catholic protestant, but I forgive him)
Good to hear but lmao very stereotypic “type of guy” behaviour to recommend a book they’ve only just learned about themselves
I think they’ve been reading it for a few weeks or whatnot but I only found out a day ago, but they are personally busy right now, which is fair.
if they at least started reading it enough to get a couple chapters in, then a recommendation is valid I think in casual conversation
Quick hit them with the transgender ray, coup de grace, coup de grace!
My power level isn’t high enough, lol
Holocaust revisionism? on .world??
that place is getting stranger and stranger
I think as time goes on, without a large influx of new users, instances largely coalesce into the real “True Believers” of the general line of an instance. Lemmy.world’s stock-standard anticommunism gets taken to it’s natural next step, fascist apologia.
I’m so Pro-Ukraine I’m writing about the double genocide. My name is Timothy Snyder.
that explains the existence of their conservative community.
Yep, it’s settling down and crystallizing.
Their attempts at trying to smuggle in flat Earth mumbo jumbo is a dog whistle for fascism (ask flat Earthers who’s behind the conspiracy to fool people into thinking the Earth is flat).
Still love that they tried that, got in a fight with all their users, then back pedelled only by removing the thread.
Only realized this when the worldnews/politics mod briefly had their sticky links crossed out with a we’ll revisit this later message
I’m adding the whole of lemmy.ml to the block list, you guys are nearly as bad as Hexbear for being able to string together a thought.
rent free
there is a specter haunting lemmy
Oh of course, we’re all mentally deficient suddenly
@_cryptagion@lemmy.dbzer0.com holocaust revisionism is genocide denial AND antisemitism.
In case you are actually interested in a serious response here are the symbols used in holocaust camps. The first of these, the red triangle, designates “political” prisoners, which was applied overwhelming to communists and social democrats (meant the same thing at the time anyway).
Here is another shorter chart in English:
You are poorly educated on this topic and should sincerely read some actual books instead of getting everything you know from internet comment sections then screaming at the people who are correct because the information you’re being corrected on doesn’t fit into your deeply deeply propagandised worldview.
Oh and calling everyone that says anything you dislike a russian bot is indistinguishable behaviour from the IDF calling everyone they dislike Hamas. Deeply unserious behaviour.
communists and social democrats (meant the same thing at the time anyway)
communists and social democrats (meant the same thing at the time anyway).
I thought by that point the split between communists and social democrats was solidly defined? I thought after the SPD completely and utterly betrayed the German revolution the demarcation between the two groups was solid
The split is fair to say it was well defined but the only social democrats that went to camps were members of the actual resistance, which was overwhelmingly communist. By overwhelmingly I don’t mean like 50% I mean like 95%+ resistance members in most countries were communists. The people willing to die doing underground sabotage and other acts were all our people.
Wait what
Looks like Hungarians arent white people accourding to hitler
Hungary was allied with Nazi Germany in WW2, however they got fucked up bad and tried to peace out, at which point the nazis overthrew their fascist government, installed a different fascist government that would stay in the war. At this point, Nazi Germany had occupied Hungary and was sending Hungarian Jews to Auschwitz. I’m sure there were also some Hungarian communists or social democrats sent, but it is probably mostly a label for Hungarian Jews.
correction, nazi germany arrived and the hungarian authorities were standing ready to send all the jews to their deaths. just hungary things.
Deeply tragic country
It’s wild because they had many enthusiastic Hungarians ally with nazi Germany, the Germans even granted them territory.
Finnish people weren’t considered white either.
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why do liberal dweebs always do the “🙉 lalalala i can’t hear you” bit when confronted with facts that contradict their worldview, like they never grew out of being the most annoying child on the playground
Pffft. Who needs actual evidence on why I’m doing Holocaust revisionism when I can just be smug on the internet and not read things?
maybe if you actually bothered to learn from the shit you spew I’d have a shred of respect for you, but you instead seem content to be a contemptable little shit with no redeeming qualities
It says:
@_cryptagion@lemmy.dbzer0.com holocaust revisionism is genocide denial AND antisemitism.
In case you are actually interested in a serious response here are the symbols used in holocaust camps. The first of these, the red triangle, designates “political” prisoners, which was applied overwhelming to communists and social democrats (meant the same thing at the time anyway).
Here is another shorter chart in English:
You are poorly educated on this topic and should sincerely read some actual books instead of getting everything you know from internet comment sections then screaming at the people who are correct because the information you’re being corrected on doesn’t fit into your deeply deeply propagandised worldview.
Oh and calling everyone that says anything you dislike a russian bot is indistinguishable behaviour from the IDF calling everyone they dislike Hamas. Deeply unserious behaviour.
Hexbear.net and lemmy.dbzer0.com are federated, if they weren’t you couldn’t comment. The comment is about how distorting the Holocaust to “own the tankies” or whatever is a form of fascist apoligia and Holocaust denial.
Get a load of this guy lmao
I don’t know if you can see this comment, but https://www.organdonor.gov/sign-up
#4“I can see you tagged me in something, but whatever it is, I can’t see it because I filtered your instance, and I’m pretty sure you’re also defederated from me anyway. I’m going to give you the benefit of a doubt and assume it was something very eloquent, moving, and worth reading. It probably would have moved Stalin to tears.”
Site tagline material
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Awoo uses she/her, fyi.
Are you using an app that doesn’t let you see people’s pronouns? They show up on the web version, which is a much better experience IMO.
I’m using eternity, which lets you see people’s pronouns, but in the commenting pop-up you can’t view others comments, only the one you’re responding to, and you can’t preview the media you’re uploading. Anyway, my comments seems to have been deleted and I don’t know why…
Don’t worry, we just have had a bunch of transphobic wreckers, so it kinda makes people be very on guard about that stuff
her pronouns are clearly visible at the top of your screenshot, please edit your comment to reflect that
im sorryy
her pronouns are right there…
hey how does that one famous poem start again? It goes “First they came for the tankies and said hey redfash you’re with us” right?
Well, actually. Niemöller was originally a Nazi supporter. So checkmate, tankie!
Someone mentions him in the thread lol
No reply from OP though.
Doing Holocaust revisionism to own the tankies
my favourite time was when I saw someone call ml and bear “republican instances”. I just had to laugh physically
The republicans in question:
They genuinely cannot conceive of people to the left of them, lol
my favorite was being called a trump supporter during the election. lol
I got told I didn’t do enough voting for Harris. Anyone who pointed out dnc flaws now === trump supporter now
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The dems were running on trumps immigration policy, does that make them trump supporters?
Yeah. A little bit. :(
Were you doing things to aid Isreal or advocating for politicians that support Isreal? Because if so, you are complicit in genocide regardless of your politics.
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I’m complicit for sure. I kept going to work. I paid my taxes. It’s fucking hard. I also protested and boycotted and donated but that resistance doesn’t excuse that I was complicit as were almost all adults in the USA and quite a large group around the Earth.
Do you do things or support things that help create the conditions for fascism to arise? Guess what liberal, I guess you’re just a fascist.
I’ve paid my taxes in the USA my whole adult life so… :( Still I really wish people had showed up to the polls in the US on Nov 5th.
Ofc, someone of your name says such childish things
True. Stating the obvious is something children are pretty good at. That’s one childish behavior I’m glad I haven’t outgrown.
deleted by creator
Were you doing things to aid Trump or advocating for positions that aid Trump?
That was the entire Harris campaign. Ran on Trump’s 2016 border policy, even had her own "they’re bringing
drugsfentanyl moment’, and campaigned with a Cheney. The greatest achievement of the Republican party over the last decade has been that their opposition is now running on their policies. The Republicans of 2008 and 2016 are now the Democrats of 2024.Correct.
Biden could have ordered someone to shoot Trump in the head. Especially if the Democrats believed Trump to be a dangerous outlier and threat to democeacy
Or the Democrats could have stopped supporting a genocide. Or actually advocate popular policy. So are they all Trump supporters?
Sometimes I wonder if the dems wanted to lose so so they would be Trump supporters.
@echodot@feddit.uk got us with this one though
See? We need little a bit of
to maintain street cred.
no lies detected
Calling the communist victims of the Holocaust “tankies” is definitely a historically literate thing to do.
That said, I’m pretty sure tanks were necessary for liberating the concentration camps but what do I know about WWII battlefield tactics?
“Tankie” has only ever meant “commie” anyway.
they were tankies, t-34 heads what up.
we’re taking it back bby, tankies 4 lyfe
A tankie is just any socialist that has been successful in the fight against capitalism and colonialism, or one that supports those that have been.
First they came for the Communists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Communist
Then they came for the Socialists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Socialist
Then they came for the trade unionists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a trade unionist
Then they came for the Jews
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Jew
Then they came for me
And there was no one left
To speak out for me
Yeh the ‘they’ in that poem is the gottdang tankies
First they came for the…. Um I forget. Definitely not communists though fuck those guys.
I think it was the communists who were coming?
One less nazi on lemmy ml at least
Gonna complain about being censored by the tankies in the future, certainly.
what did I do? , all I did was argue against everyone and every fact presented to me
Give it a day or two before that’s their post on the power tripping comm
Or MWoG, if they’re feeling especially fash friendly.
I thought that was just where they’d share replies not complain about bans?
Idk had that comm blocked so long
They do whatever they want there, the only binding role is a hatred for Communism and Communists. That’s why people like db0 hang out there alongside PugJesus, who also hang out with the “gamergater” mod that complains about DEI and Wokeness, while the Instance Admin
CW: Transphobia
complains about Russia and China forcing transgender ideology to radicalize US youths against the US Empire.
From their bio:
Well, I didn’t vote for you!
Yea, there have been worse, even if they were awful.
The smugness is off the charts.
checks notes
Didn’t check enough notes lmao
all the smug confidence of a complete, willful ignorance… that has got to be the most loyal Bill Maher fan in the world.