Someone who does not appreciate those who steal from exploitative global corporations, is not someone worth knowing.
The entire reason the McDonald’s app exists is so McDonald’s can have variable prices to rip you off based on what they learn about your habits.
I hardly classify using their services in unintended ways as “stealing”.
If tech went down for six months, they’d offer you a discount for hopping on one leg while rubbing your stomach and patting your head.
Besides data collection, the main purpose is to get more money out of people willing to pay more without missing out on people who won’t pay that much.
It’s tiered pricing where they’re fine with you selecting a tier, as long as they steer enough to the higher one l.
This is what you text to win her back.
Maybe not something you show off on the first date. Got to lay down the Marxist theory first.
Let your che Guevara date night t shirt do the taking
They’re chicken nuggets, he’s not Robin Hood.
Unless he gives those nugs to the poor.
We are the poor.
Yes, there are poorer people out there, but I think we all kinda forget how big the divide is. It lets us put ourselves in a place where we feel like we’re doing well comparatively, but I think it’s important that we remember that we’re all being taken advantage of and we all deserve better. Yeah, definitely some will need a bit more uplifting than others, but it’s Us vs. Them, and I think we spend too much time trying to further sub-divide that ‘Us’. Thank you for attending my crazy segue.
We’re all poor enough to deserve those free nugs though.
Yes we are the poor. If you need a job to survive you are the working class. The middle class is a concept to avoid people eating the rich. This also counts if your salary is a million, if you need to continue to work to make your life work, you are the working class.
There are only two classes:
- The Owner class who lives of the income from merelly owning things.
- The Worker class who has to work for a living.
Also originally the middle class is wealthy people who have no title. Like landed gentry and the bourgeoisie. And the upper class is aristocracy and nobility.
we all kinda forget how big the divide is
Obligatory pixel wealth link:
You unwittingly (or maybe purposefully but few spotted it so far) tripped on the Moral Core of the matter.
Somebody tricking the McDonald’s system for personal upside maximization isn’t the class warrior so many are portraying here, rather he’s just another greedy fucker with a swindle that just so happens to target a large corpo.
A class warrior would be trying to make things better for everybody, not just himself.
I can see how his date’s take on this might have been that he’s a guy who is dishonest for his own gain, which is hardly the kind of person you want to get in a relationship with.
Further, somebody with their own decent notebook and the technical knowhow to run Android emulators is almost certainly not poor and actually needing to do this, which would be the only valid reason to do it.
capitalism contains the seeds of its own destruction.
I don’t view it through the lens of Marxism. Rather, I see this simply as cheating a cheater. The whole reason McD’s is pushing the app is to gamify the experience, take advantage of people’s psychological weaknesses, and trick them into paying more than they otherwise wood. I see this as just scamming the scammers.
He literally feeds 30 people and she’s still not impressed!?
I can appreciate those who steal from corporations but I sure as hell don’t want to implicate myself by being with them when they do it lol
A guy I hung out with in college told me about all the ATMs he stole and asked if I wanted to go with him next time… I said maybe another time and then never spoke to him again. I didn’t want to be associated with him when he eventually got busted…which he did…
I don’t know the details of these nuggets, but I’m guessing they used multiple sessions to use a coupon code multiple times or something of the sort. More just exploiting a poorly set up system than theft.
Stealing ATMs is significantly different and definitely more illegal in my mind.
It’s the exact same thing at scale.
One is going against a company’s ToS, the other is theft… Not sure how they’re the same.
If he cheats with you he’ll cheat on you. Even if it’s cheating on food.
What a wild take
He’ll use his laptop running multiple girlfriend emulators to gamify the relationship!
Nobody got anything to say about her reply?! She could have just ghosted him but instead gave an honest reply.
Many people who get mad at getting ghosted also often get mad at the “bullshit” reasons they get, so you’re not going to hear a lot of praise.
Its also perfectly fine to just say “Hey, sorry, I don’t think we’re compatible” and not even give reasons why
We normalize normality.
i can’t help but think that if your first date with someone is drive thru mcdonalds, maybe that should have been the first clue
My first date with my girlfriend was at a Wendy’s and we took the bus to get there. That was 2005. We got married in 2009 and just celebrated our 15th wedding anniversary. It doesn’t matter where you go or how much you spend, it just matters who you’re there with.
How many times did they say, “Sir, this is a Wendy’s” before they just gave up and let you stay all the way until you got married there?
They said “drive through” explicitly. I think there’s a difference between going somewhere because you’re poor and going somewhere because you’re lazy.
If your first date is a glorious scam heist, the future looks promising
Maybe don’t order carnist options though
a glorious scam heist
You son of a bitch, I’m in.
Maybe don’t order carnist options though
Why not let people excercise their liberty to decide for themselves. Plus how is this relevent to a date a majority of people are omnivorous anyways
Was their comment one of those ‘self-identifying without being asked’ moments? Certainly feels stereotypical to me. But, it couldn’t be that obvious.
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I prefer Arch Linux over the Golden Arches. It’s much better for your health.
I want to say ‘exactly’, if I’m reading your comment right. The ‘carnist’ commenter could have ripped on McDonalds, or chicken nuggets in general, which both would have been super easy and everyone would have agreed with, and not made it weird by specifically falling into the stereotype here.
Yeah lol. The memes are real.
Its not the liberty of the animals to be exploited and murdered.
The animals have no rights and no liberty. Plus if it wasnt for us farming them then their evolutionary niche wouldnt exist so if u think about it we are doing them the favour.
The animals have no rights and no liberty.
Evolutionary niche
On the one hand, the breeding of animals dependent on humans destroys evolutionary niches for animals independent from humans, on the other hand, humans destroy evolutionary niches directly.
Farmers won’t release or breed animals to improve their evolutionary niche, because farmers and consumers don’t farm animals for conservatory reasons.
That’s not entirely true because there are expectations depending on the jurisdiction on the standard of care for animals, in several countries they’re legally seen as sentient beings not property.
Putting them in filthy crowded slaughter houses where they’re kicked and shoved only to be slaughtered as children relative to their life spans is not doing them favour. It is our responsibility to stop exploiting them.
the natural lifespan of livestock is exactly when they are slaughtered
Nothing but a suggestion
I suggest you keep it to yourself next time, then, as you have only furthered the image that vegans are smug asshats who can’t shut the fuck up about being vegan.
Maybe that’s what you want though, it’s just a suggestion. c:
Rude comment.
If u took offence then it proves u are everything they claimed u to be.
That logic is bad and you should feel bad. You suck. If this comment makes you mad, you’re only proving my point /s
It is not polite to use ad hominems rather than a logical argument.
Why are you angered?
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Usually vegans use the term carnist to represent those who engage in animal products full stop, rather than breaking down the difference into carnivore and omnivore.
To us vegans, whether you’re carnivore or omnivore results in the same outcomes. Plus, many conversations surrounding veganism don’t necessarily involve diets, such as with clothing, in which case again it’s easier to use a single term to describe everything non-vegan.
You might say that non-vegans is a good enough term to describe the above, but that kind of framing can paint carnists in a more benevolent light that acknowledges their freedom of choice, rather than framing carnists with regards to the outcomes they cause, and the victims that suffer because of them.
You might say that non-vegans is a good enough term to describe the above, but that kind of framing can paint carnists in a more benevolent light that acknowledges their freedom of choice, rather than framing carnists with regards to the outcomes they cause, and the victims that suffer because of them.
so it’s just loaded language
Ideology that supports the use and consumption of animal products.
Things can have several properties, for example a thing can be red, which doesn’t mean the thing is not a cube.
Thank you for providing the definition. Keep fighting for the animals!
I dunno. McDs was mine and my spouse’s first date, after church.
We are married 27 years now…
I’m barely older than you’re marriage but McDonald’s was a very different vibe when I was a kid. I still wouldn’t say anything to shame people going to McDonald’s for a first date today.
Some people are poorer than you
A while back Taco Bell and T-Mobile was doing some promo where you could get a free taco each week (or something like that, it’s been years) for “T-Mobile Tuesday”. The code wasn’t unique, but it’s use was tracked on the TB account. TB at this time also didn’t have a captcha for new accounts.
I also had a Google Workspace domain that had its email rigged to accept and deliver any email sent to its domain regardless of what was before the @.
A bit of C# later and I had a Taco Generator going, on command it would generate however many orders at whatever TB I choose. I’d just roll up and say I had 12 orders for cm0002 LMAO
No one ever said anything until the one time i pushed my luck and had it generate 24 tacos, then the manager was like “Better not be this high again, I’m cool with the 12”
That’s a cool manager.
I’m cool with the 12”
hehe. That’s what he said.
Honestly, fuck you.
I managed a pizza place for six years and I cut the scam orders down to 10% of what they were when I took over. We were insanely busy in the fattest city in the USA.
Aside- I don’t mind giving food away, I always made sure there was food for the staff, even made my own recipes for everyone that’s so much better than what you can order at [corpo store]. During the busy season we had 40 employees and I made sure they were all fed and made sure they had food to take home to their families if they were in a bad spot. I was actually making less than minimum wage because I was exempt salary at the federal minimum and I worked 50-70 hours a week. We also fed homeless people as long as they took what we had and didn’t demand we cook something for them.
Back on topic- Scammers are not starving people, they’re just assholes. We had one guy who was getting one free pizza each week delivered to his fucking boat. I mean this guy was getting a free pizza with no tip delivered during the busiest part of the busiest day of the week for years! When I told him to never call again he called me every name he could, and threatened to call the police. I had so many people threaten to come over and fight me when I refused their scams. I would drop everything even in the middle of the shittiest rush to shut down a scam. Scams hurt everyone and especially hurt the drivers who got $2.15 an hour. Scammers never tip.
For any food managers who read this, I developed a technique I call the broken record. In a cheery voice, I would say “I’m sorry sir/ma’am but without a verified order I’m unable to issue a replacement.” They would but but but but and I would say “I’m sorry sir/ma’am but without a verified order I’m unable to issue a replacement.”
Sometimes they would hang up after two. Sometimes I would say it eight times in a row. But that’s all I would say once I was sure they were lying. It worked fucking fantastic and the more they cussed me out the better my day would get. They would say the most ridiculous shit like the pizza put my daughter in the hospital. And you want another?
Years of this combined with knowing pathological liars since I was a child means I can spot a liar right away. I am very fucking good at knowing when someone is lying. I don’t mind when people exaggerate a story a bit for fun, I do it myself, but liars can go fuck off all the way. They do not care about you, only what they can get from you.
Thanks for coming to my Fred talk.
Tbh, my biggest takeaway from that is tipping and sub-minimum wage need to go die in a fire. That corp used you and your employees as a meat shield to soak up the financial consequences for flaws in their shitty system.
You and your team are victims of wage theft.
Yeah at the end of the day this is another example of corporate greed and them taking advantage of the people on the front line who are measured in dollars and cents where the CEO is measured in percentage of quarterly revenue.
That being said the people who don’t need a cheap pizza but rather just want to game the system or to prove a point of what they can get are the same as the people that refuse to tip because the tipping system is bad. They are costing the corporation pennies while making someone’s day really shitty.
Class warfare isn’t only against those of a different class, it can and is manufactured to make you angry at those next to you so we bicker amongst ourselves as the the actual guy on his boat would never order this pizza to begin with and has his own private culinary staff.
It wasn’t like a yacht. It was this guy’s boat that he either lived in or was in every Friday for so many years. You could look him up in our system and it was just free pizza after free pizza. 52 a year for years.
People like that are not our allies in class war.
Oh I absolutely agree. The only things I’m proud of from my time in that fire are the people skills I gained and the people I was able to help. Shit was so bad in this place. One day one of the drivers came in crying. She didn’t have a shift that day I asked her what was wrong and she’d found a body in the alley behind her place. Her husband had killed the guy. She had nowhere else to turn. We sat in the little desk area we called an office and I hugged her and told her we would figure it out and she would be ok. We waited for the police while service went to shit because I wasn’t out there.
You are being exploited by whoever owned the pizza place. We are all working class.
That’s your takeaway? That we’re all be exploited so the person who has to deal with the scams should just be OK with it because we’re all on some hypothetical side?
I mean unless that person is explicitly getting paid to deal with scams, why give a shit? If I found out someone was gaming the system where I worked at I’d ask how they did it, because fuck the corporation.
unless that person is explicitly getting paid to deal with scams
In this context it was their job to deal with the scammer.
Because it was costing all the minimum wage employees in the store money. They literally told you exactly why they gave a shit.
Always scam companies out of pizzas and give employees a larger tip with the money you saved. That’s the lesson here
I wouldn’t mind if they did that at all. In total I was at that shithole for 8 precious years of my life. The poverty was grinding. I would make free pizzas happily all day if it was getting the drivers paid.
But in that eight years I cannot recall a single free pizza that got a tip.
Man this is such a sad comment. Imagine people gaming the system are the problem and not the company you work for that is paying a driver 2.15 an hour.
a) This was TB a giant multi-billion dollar conglomerate, not the local pizza joint nor did I ever place it for delivery, no tip was expected.
b) The manager knew what I was doing and was mad about the quantity rather than what I was doing and gave me a stern “Just keep it reasonable” warning. Which I adhered to, had he told me to stop entirely I would have.
Unfathomably based. You’re a good person.
That’s kind of like going up to a display that says “free sample - one per customer” and taking several samples. And doing so on a first date, like: this is who I am. It’s not really bad or anything, it’s just… kind of weird and embarassing.
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It is overtly bad. It’s making someone’s shitty job worse because you think you’re better and so smart for beating the system. Garbage people.
Is there anything that really makes their job shittier about this though? Than than dealing with three orders instead of one?
If anything with the focus these days on metrics around how fast they can serve customers these three simple orders probably made their metrics look better so they could slack off on the next few orders.
But yeah just says “I’m a cheapskate.”
When I worked in a restaurant I wouldn’t have cared because I got paid hourly, like a McDonald’s employee. The customer is still making a habit out of McDonald’s so maybe this is what corporate wants.
I’d say, potentially yes.
I say that, because 1, is been over 2 decades since I worked a McDonald’s, so things could have changed. And 2, it depends on the time of day. And secret third option, depends on the customer.
So generally speaking a certain amount of food will be cooked before hand and kept in a warmer for only so many minutes (ideally). So it is possible that there wasn’t enough chicken nuggets ready to go and they just had to be counted out. If that’s the case the person just needed to make more chicken nuggets.
However, even back when I worked there you had a plethora of customers who would demand fresh stuff and I know it’s only gotten more popular to do (don’t do that). So if this individual demanded that they be freshly made and it was done during the rush… Then yes absolutely this could have made somebody’s day worse.
Fresh McDonalds!? 😂
But seriously… who demands McDonalds to be fresh? It’s literally fast food.
Fresh in they want it cooked “fresh”. People do it all the time because they are under the idea that the food just sits until sold, and it’s some life hack to demand it be made fresh. People do it with fries all the time, or they’ll demand “no salt” (forcing someone to make it fresh) and then once getting the food, ask for a shit ton of salt packets (the salt will not stick to the fries at this point). For sure, not all McD’s hold themselves to the corporate standards, but I’d say a fair number do.
Its especially silly to ask for it to be “made fresh” during rush, since they’re likely cycling through everything in minutes.
I’d have a hard time not laughing at customers if I worked in fast food I feel. But I am also good at bullshitting so who knows?
It also says “I’m a cheater.” Red flag.
Green flag. Drag doesn’t date people who pay for meat or movies. Drag expects potential romantic partners to be pirates who are either vegan or meat thieves. In a neoliberal capitalist world, the biggest act of rebellion against the unfair conditions of production is not to pay.
drag has good taste!
Also, drag would very much like to be told how to use Android emulators to scam McDonald’s out of chicken nuggies. Drag is finding it difficult to fit fake meat into drag’s budget, but drag still wants chicken. Drag has a bottle of tonkatsu sauce that turns fried chicken into Japanese style katsu chicken.
Depends on the context. If they start out with a speech about revenge, use it as a demonstration of their work, or make it a goofy play on 90s hacking, it could be fun for the right person at the right time.
But if they went into it saying “I’m such a little tendieslut. God, I can’t wait to steal some chicken. My neighbor blew me behind there *point* when it was still a Wendy’s, and that was confusing because she was just supposed to drive me to my mom’s place so I could get ready for junior league” then their audience shrinks considerably further.
Ever worked food or retail? I mean yeah the guy’s a dipshit, but you aren’t considering factors that make several workers’ day worse.
Like what
You need to make 40 trays of samples an hour. Here goes some dipshit thinking he’s hurting the system by popping a bunch in his fat ass mouth. Now you gotta make more trays. Holy shit this post is really showing me that Lemmy might be a bunch of teenagers in a trench coat.
They’re asking about the McDonald’s example. Obviously taking a bunch of free samples means they have to make more samples. If you’re working at McDonald’s, you’re either making food for 8 hours or selling stuff for 8 hours, you’re never going to finish serving or making food.
Why am I not getting through to you people who have no experience in food service? Yeah you are going to finish making or selling food. People/Orders come in rushes. Once the rush dies down you can prep for the next rush. Once that is done you can take a fucking break. The people who work at McDonald’s aren’t robots. Think for a goddamn second. Ever take a moment of a break at your job? They deserve that too.
Closest to this I’ve worked was a convenience store which included a deli.
In that context the way I would have seen it was that he probably would have come in and bought them anyways, so the only difference to me would be sticking them in three bags vs one. No different than anyone else asking to cut their pizza a different way or whatever other minor out of the ordinary changes customers wanted.
If we were swamped with orders then yeah I wouldn’t be happy about it, but you get over it and move on that is part of working retail.
Oh poor McDonald’s will never recover from this. Now they’ll have to treat staff a bit worse to clutch back part of the losses.
Find someone who appreciates you, chicken nugget wizard
Exactly, find a partner in crime.
You rang?
OMG, UrPartnerInCrime, guess who’s back in town. Chicken Nugget Wizard! Ya know, Hamburglars’ cute lil bro 😏🔥 He’s still single, so you should totally vibe with him and see what happens! I can already feel major chemistry! 🍆💖 Let’s get it poppin’! 😂
Username checks out.
I’m a tech guy. I dont mind the occasional redistribution of wealth from corporations. I can even appreciate exploits found in the wild like this or doing hacking when it doesn’t hurt people.
What this signals, though, is that you are cheap. I side with the girl on this. It’s a date. Pay for the meal and show her you can be normal first.
Split the check. It’s 2024.
How is it still expected for men to pay in this day and age. When I’m on a date I’m looking for an equal partner, not a dependent.
Me, disabled and just wanting someone to be with: side eye
IME it hasn’t been expected in some time, at least from me. If I invite someone out on a date, I’m usually offering, but I’ve definitely had many split checks and a few that paid for the whole thing.
Yea wow women are so equal in this game and have to chase men suddenly it’s so 2024 wow that it’s like that ever or has ever been
Pay for your own food you bum
I always do?
Yes, he was trying to come off as a cool hacker, but that’s not why she’s brushing him off.
It’s because he said “I’m in.”
Eh, I dunno why everyone is so negative about this. A knowledgeable person, free food, and (I suppose the critical point) I’m into this stuff too, so fuck yeah let’s go. And whipping out that knowledge boner on the first go? Shit, setting the bar kinda high. What’s in store for next time, gonna joyride in a new car after you take control of it remotely? Oh just take me now, I’m ready~.
Just gotta remember to torch it after, evidence is a bitch. Or so I’ve heard. Ehem. Anyway… nuggets, not a big deal, but knowledge is sexy af.
There’s “I don’t care where I go as long as I have good company” and then there’s “I’m going to scam mcnuggets”. Yes it’s a neat trick and it’s free but that better not be the main part of the date.
If you had already eaten, and then donated the free nuggets to a homeless dude, that would be good.
You can do both, though. And I mean, remember when a double cheeseburger was $1? Or when 10 nuggets were $5? A big mac meal was $6.50? How much are those now?
Fuck the greedy corpos. As far as I’m concerned, it’s fair game. I’ll add a 4th order for the homeless dude outside.
Besides. Fucking mcnuggets?
Questionable date food, but otherwise they’re fine.
No, they’re for eating.
Conversely, this is a great way to filter out normals who want to pay a corporation to prove how rich they are. You just gotta be yourself and you’ll get the person that’s right for you.
Yepp… great Filter.
“Hey, wanna come up to see my 3D printer” worked for me.
If they know about the Great Filter, that’s a green flag.
Ok McDonald’s
Gonna need a normal emulator…
Or maybe, just maybe, we should love people as they are and not make up stupid societal bullshit to follow for an indeterminate amount of time. I get you don’t want to let out all the crazy before you know someone, and maybe this really is too much up front and your point stands. But I don’t think it’s that grevious. Maybe they are cheap, or maybe they wanted to show how skilled they are, or maybe they thought “this is really cool to me, I hope she finds it cool too”.
Either way it’s clear she’s not a fit for him. But that’s kind of a stupid note to end things on. I hope he finds someone more tolerant and understanding that takes an interest instead of being judgy and “weirded out” by essentially a hobby.
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Maybe he’s not cheap at all. Maybe he just wants to stick it to the Man in small ways, with 30 nuggies as a reward for his hard work.
Yah this isn’t something you break out on the first date, you really have to get to know the person and learn what their social views and politics are before you try to “subvert capitalism at the nearest mcdonalds.”
I mean, good tho that he learned early. It’s just too bad he’s going to get a billion messages asking how to do this trick exactly and McDonalds Corporation will have to patch their kiosks.
We can’t have nice things.
If this is the kind of thing he likes doing he should absolutely do it on the first date and find out they’re not compatible right away instead of wasting time on someone that thinks he’s weird. Why delay the inevitable?
On the first date literally everything “not normal behaviour” is somewhat “dangerous”. You’re looking out for red flags and don’t hesitate to end everything before it begins. Instead of conversations about why someone did something it usually just ends, so the time he does this is devinetively something. In a relationship he probably would have gotten the possibility to explain himself.
Man, y’all are no fun if you think something silly like using a few emulators to take advantage of McDonald’s new account offers is so “not normal” that it constitutes being “dangerous”
Yea, dangerous is a bit far. It’s dumb as fuck for a first date tho just based on it being McDonald’s. Who in their right mind makes McDonald’s a date at all, let alone add in multiple fuckin emulators just to get a bunch of shitty, stale nuggets.
Sure, I guess. I still think the reaction in some of these threads is pretty extreme for a meme post in a meme community, especially since the original meme doesn’t even make it clear if this was for a date at all.
Or donate the value of the meal to her favorite charity
What am I missing? Is there a “free 10 nuggets, 1x per customer” kind of thing going on?
When you sign up on the app as a new user that’s exactly it.
Someone else posted something about the price being different based on your user profile/purchase history, so maybe having three logins, they can’t build up a proper profile.Or they have a “limit 10 per customer” thing?Edit: Guy above me posted that it was a sign-up-and-get-free-nuggets kinda thing…
As a straight dude, I’ll date ya Eli. Absolute legend, showing character and something different.
Yeah, I woulda thought this guy is a scammer and too would have moved on
Great first date if you meet on one of the infosec mastodon instances, but otherwise you just look like a dirtbag, yup.
She’s prob thinking like “oh God this guy can hack my phone”
There’s a bunch of context missing from this. Did he tell her hey, I know a cool way we can get free McNuggets? Or did he just ask her out, took her to McDonald’s and randomly pulled out a laptop with android emulators to get free McNuggets? Context matters a lot.
If it’s the second one, it’s giving me these vibes: :
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What show?
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
Is that Jake on the ground? Lmao
Yeah, it’s flashback where he took a girl on the cheapest date possible, which involved stealing snacks from a vending machine. He immediately got stuck and the woman left.
AAAAAND now I remember the episode, tyvm
stuffs deep fried chicken paste in mouth
your loss !
You need to pull an anarchist for this to work out for you.
I personally like not knowing anything about the random dude from the Scruff app. Dates can happen after the hookup if there is some chemistry in the basement.
Basement, truck stop shower, wherever.
The bush in a park. Ya know.
Showing off tech skills, sticking it to the man, and getting chicken nuggets? You’re great and dodged a bullet with that girl. Find someone who appreciates you!
I hope a shit ton of folks do this and they only lose money with the apps. they are bullshit.
The extra nugs are pennies to McDonald’s, but the lifetime of still eating McDonald’s made it worth it to them. Best way to scam McDonald’s? Never go there in the first place.
You’re just screwing the workers.
Can you please explain how? You’ve commented this like 8 times but haven’t explained yet
Time. Scammers take the workers’ time away. I explain it much better in a long comment above if you care to look. Oh and don’t scam me I’ve only commented six times.
Ok, found it (it wasn’t there yet when I looked). So, you’re making the workers’ lives worse by… making them do their jobs? What’s the difference between ordering 30 free nuggets and just ordering 30 nuggets normally?
Oh and don’t scam me I’ve only commented six times.
Six? At these rates you’re scamming me! I’m gonna need you to work overtime to get that comment count up
They wouldn’t have to make the 30 free nuggets if they weren’t being scammed. You seem to think they’re making an endless supply of nuggets like s robot. No, they make enough for the orders and then maybe get to chill and smoke a cigarette or a blunt for a few goddamn seconds.
I’d still be making nuggets, free or not.
Obviously I’m not under that impression, stop acting in bad faith. I’m saying that there’s no difference between ordering 30 nuggets normally, and ordering them for free, from the worker’s perspective. You’re saying that ordering food is treating fast food workers badly. Sorry, but no?? You’re there to do your job, not to smoke weed. If you don’t want to make food, don’t work at a fast food place.
Former McDs worker: it’s not my time, I’m there, filling orders, regardless.
If I’m not filling orders, I’m scrubbing toilets, mopping or sweeping, or taking trash out, or doing more prep work.
I’m there for 7 hrs, regardless.