• 2 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 7th, 2023


  • Gods, take the crypto/tech bro young adults that are being hired by Elon and used to destroy and infiltrate sensitive government systems right the fuck now. The extreme disconnect between what’s happening and what they’re fake angry about is fucking wild.

    ‘Hiring and promotion practices that help emulate or better represent the population as a whole, to better enable minorities to grow equally with the majority population’ is wrong!’

    But on the other end;

    ‘Let me hire my bro from college/from a wealthy donor family/from within my family/from a friend of the family, etc who is highly under qualified and has the sketchiest of loyalties but is loyal to me alone since I am making him from scratch and he owes me everything…’

    And not a single republiklan sees anything wrong with it. Fucking hell. Even these comments on this website are going to bite me in the ass in the next year or so. I could lose my employment by not showing enough loyalty to our ‘golden god’ and his ‘crypto Jesus’. This is bonkers.

    The Vice President of the United States said an openly racist, belligerently so with extremely racist online comments, shouldn’t have been canceled and should be able to keep his job at dismantling our US government systems. It blows my mind.

  • Ordered CFA with a friend a few weeks ago, an hour and a half later and it still hadn’t arrived. My friend canceled their order and we drove out to CFA and ordered it in person, it was less than $30 USD. That’s when they mentioned that the new order was less than half of what they were charged on DoorDash.

    It blew my mind, they said it was close to $80 for two large chicken nuggets (whatever count that is) with two large fries, an OJ and a large fountain drink. The place was literally under 10 minutes away, they charged more than 2.5x for it, and it hadn’t even arrived in an hour and a half. DoorDash is terrible.

  • They know good and fucking well that gov’t funding for NPR and PBS is so fucking small a percentage compared to what they pull in annually from donations from corporations and individuals, that they’re going directly after those contributors by taking away the measly ‘thank you, pajamagram, for your contribution’ call outs. Anything and everything that can be attributed to malice when attacking or gutting programs should be.

    Edit: also, I’ve purchased twice from pajamagram because of their call out and donations to NPR. If anyone at NPR or pajamagram reads this comment, your donation ad worked on me.

  • Have you taken a look at other portions of the constitution that would have blocked him this time around AND other laws that he’s breaking with his Executive Orders right now? Laws and the Constitution mean nothing if no one will enforce them, he has the other two branches of the government in his pocket, and I wouldn’t put it passed him to stage some sort of emergency suspending the next election to maintain power. WWIII isn’t off the table, especially with how he’s bullying our allies and sucking up to our enemies.