ok, the phrase “self-medicating at PetCo” is an absolute banger. lmao
This is an old meme in fishkeeping circles but RFK jr might make it real:
It’s interesting how niche circles get continually brought into the spotlight these days. Looking forward to some weird thing next week that forces me to know about an inside joke from the ant farm enthusiasts
Getting “causes oxydative stress” mixed up with “prevents oxydative stress” is so good.
And the idea of doing a higher than optimal dose because you are “spearheading a movement” is an incredible bit.
Do NOT, without doctor supervision, put anything blue or green in your body that isn’t food. Oftentimes, that color comes from copper which will replace the iron in your blood and will stop your red blood cells from releasing oxygen to the cells. Methylene blue is not one of these materials (and an IV drip of it is actually the treatment if this happens to someone) but I really want to make it clear that those colors are not safe. Do no consume dyes or anything but food grade coloring.
It’s ok, he’s spearheading a movement
This is true unless you are RFK Jr, in which case go for it
If I wasn’t supposed to be eating blue paint chips, Why’d you paint them blue? Checkmate
Also, don’t call them chips unless you want us to eat them
now im wondering if that copper cookware fad is causing people to slightly poison themselves from the copper leaching into their food the way cast iron leaches iron.
In copper cookware the copper is coated, the part that touches food isn’t copper
Generally those are lined with something to prevent a harmful amount of copper leaching. That being said, if they are not treated correctly, the lining can come off and then they would become dangerous. I use ceramic copper pans and I have felt no ill effects yet, but I am very careful with how I cook with them and clean them.
Metallic copper is safe (otherwise residential water pipes would be a terrible idea) but the salt form is not
The issue is that heat + something reactive can make salts. Copper sulfate from cooking onions for example. As a result copper pans are typically lined with a thin layer of a nonreactive metal like tin. This makes them both ridiculously expensive AND impractical because when the tin layer starts to wear away you have to get it re-tinned. This can be done at home but the bougie person with all copper cookware generally isn’t going to do that
Obviously cookware with “copper layers” embedded doesn’t have that drawback but this is marketing nonsense for the most part. “Better heat transfer” may be technically true but people have been cooking fantastic food on carbon steel pans for like 100 years and cast iron since the Han dynasty. If someone needs fancy cookware over a $30 pan it’s a skill issue
As you said cast iron does leech as well but it leeches dietary iron, which for most people is beneficial. Seasoning layer does not prevent this.
uh. weed.
I am referring to anything industrially produced.
uh. weed.
Weed is food
an IV drip of it is actually the treatment if this happens to someone
Chelators are such fun
low key hoping that RFK directly leads to one or more of the current administration developing health problems from the 1860s and dying because they insisted that what they were doing was helping.
“I wish to be the next FDR!”
*monkey paw curls a finger* “HA! Enjoy the Polio, asshole!”
I just want a secretary of some department to take enough colloidal silver to turn blue
You know what else prevents colds and viruses at the airport/planes? An N95.
sigh really hope none of my dumbass family picks this shit up
Same, generally terrified my mom is gonna kill herself with this quackery.
Same, my mom is already in not great health :pain:
will make your red blood cells explode
The libs don’t want you to know this, but you should be drinking elixirs daily. I’m talking mercury. I’m talking antimony. And you’d better include your daily value of arsenic while you’re at it. I’m never felt better and I’m going to live forever.
WE ARE SO BACK: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blue_mass
The American working class of today can scarcely afford to pass down an antimony pill to their children. The modern copyright system has kept patent medicines locked away from the people. Why, even a simple liniment or elixir these days is locked up behind the counter at the general store!
Well to you, the good people of Liberal Mountain, Idaho I say no more! A new red dawn has risen for the American worker. I bring you the finest cure-all Soviet Science can muster! Stalin’s Scientific Sausage, containing naught but the certified, verified best!
your humours are out of balance and you’re phlegmatic-posting
will make your red blood cells explode
So it’s the anti-vampire thing from blade? Certainly explains why it does that.
Methelyene blue is Western Decadence.
Brilliant Green is proletarian science.
Sometimes I wonder how much damage could be done to the far right by intentionally spreading crazy health dads like this. I guess for every ghoul it kills there would be 10 teenagers or maha moms.
The collateral damage would be too great
Lmao, fingers crossed he takes care of himself.
Really hope all this self-medicating leads him to the grave, but unfortunately money always seems to keep these fucks alive no matter how self-destructive they are.
Except for that juice drinking nitwit.
True but his cancer was extremely real, which makes his case different. These other clowns are trying to “rehydrolate” their “DNA-receptor-nodes” or some shit that was made up to sell the cure. Which is unfortunate. Because I do wish they would all get pancreatic cancer and die.
Too bad their products are just placebos, because the dna supercharger would cause cancer if it really worked.
We need to convince them to hug the elephants foot in the Chernobyl basement. It boosts vitality and gives you confidence in the bedroom.
Modern day equivalent of emperors ingesting mercury to become immortal.
I just watched this documentary about the “mother god” cult
Anyway, I think RFK should get into colloidal silver