Loud buzzing sound
Insomniac code gorilla. I help maintain lemmy-ui and, to a lesser extent, Lemmy’s backend.
Loud buzzing sound
Now that they mention it, the USSR was a shining city upon a hill. The same is the case with China.
For we must consider that we shall be as a city upon a hill. The eyes of all people are upon us. So that if we shall deal falsely with the masses in this work we have undertaken, and so cause them to withdraw their present help from us, we shall be made a story and a by-word through the world.
I hate that barstoolsports is so popular with people I have to interact with.
Modern day equivalent of emperors ingesting mercury to become immortal.
RIP Farmer Steve… a new one!
Thank you so much for posting this! I’ve always found the technofeudalism thesis grating because it tries to paint what is clearly capitalism as something else, but this paper argues it way better than I ever could.
My absolute earliest memory is me looking up at some dinosaurs in a dark room with flashes of light and loud noises and being terrified, only to get to the end and find out it was an amusement park ride. I never found out which ride or amusement park it was.
It’s been awhile since I read the 'festo, but doesn’t Marx explicitly call out petty booj “socialists” whose idea of socialism is when everyone become a booj?
He’s mentioned several times in the past that he believes that the USA was the one who imposed the “evil Communist dictatorships” abroad like North Korea. I could not figure out for the life of me how on Earth he ever reached this blatantly ahistorical conclusion.
I suppose that could be true in the sense that the US imposed themselves on the peninsula to prevent it being unified under a communist dotp, instead relegating them to the just north half of the peninsula while the burger regime turns the south half into its puppet. Even then, my last sentence was a big stretch.
The only good things Mozilla does anymore are:
If you dont even know that a country that explicitly does not call itself communist, even socialist, that arose from the illegal dismantling of the nominally socialist nation that preceded it, is very obviously not communist, then what the fuck do you know about communism. why are you running your mouth about how people who subscribe to these tendencies aren’t real communists when you clearly don’t know jack shit about the revolutionary struggles of the oppressed peoples who developed these schools of thought in their fight to throw off the shackles of colonizers and imperialist oppressors??
You know what they say in the little red, white, and blue book: no investigation, obligation to speak.
The screenshot isn’t even talking about theory vs practice. The real life non-theory “practice” they recommend is simply being on the receiving end of booj state violence, starvation, being overworked, etc. This is not the same as organizing a strike, organizing a party, going to protests, and other stuff that actually is practice. That suffering may help one embed themself into a community or workplace they want to organize and motivate them to destroy capitalism, but it hasn’t prevented many oppressed people becoming anticommunists regardless (see the other thread on this post about poor Brazilian gig workers still ending up as Bolsanaro supporting chuds).
Sadly, Nietzsche was palatable to the Nazis regardless of his sister. It’s been awhile since I read any Nietzsche myself (I went through a phase of reading his stuff in college), but IIRC his dislike of antisemetism was primarily because it’s seeing oneself as superior regardless of whether one is a wretch themself. He thought only people who crush their enemies underfoot (and are thus super special boys with noble aristocratic souls) could puff themselves up with such a superiority complex.
There’s a lot of ridiculous shit to touch on, but I just want to point out this detail I found amusing:
While eating his second bun…
Not just “a bun”, but “his second bun”. It’s phrased like it’s a given that John Kerry would be eating at least 2 buns.
In totalitarian China Land, the only breakfast is buns and you’re required to eat at least 2 of them.
Dommy mommy? That’s a heckin’ authoritarianism!
I don’t work for the bad guys. I work for the United States.
OOP just after dropping that banger.
If by “next Barack Obama” they mean “another politician who can be neoliberal af while being just popular enough with the working class that they don’t agitate for revolt too hard” then they’re right, though not in the way they thought.
Can someone please find the clip of Haz describing how the Swastika is a representation of a 4-way homosexual polycule? Haz vindicated yet again
This is piss, but same idea.