“China stole the f-35 plans!” So? Who care? Like literally who cares? What are they going to do, build air defense systems to counter america’s strategic baby murdering capabilities?
“China is going to invade taiwan!” Again, whocares? Why do you give a single fuck about taiwan? And why do you think china is going to invade when y’all constantly talk about how china doesn’t have the capacity to invade and taiwan would just blow the chip fabs anyway? And china has it’s own mature chip technology? So why do you think they’re poised to invade when you ourright say they cannot do that and have no incentive to, they’re not producing military gear capable of invasion, and their publicly stated goal of peaceful integration has been consistent with their praxis for, what, fifty goddamn years?
“China is spying on us through tiktok!” One, no they’re not, and no credible source believes they are, or even that they could. Two, senior us officials have openly stated they are trying to seize control of tiktok because it exposes kids to information outside of us control. Three, who care? What the fuck is china going to do to harm you? Why are you worried about china enough to talk about it constantly, but you’re totally dismissive of five eyes very real and publicly proven surveillance of your lives, which five eyes does use to cause you real material harm?
How can people this fucking smart be this fucking stupid when the state department sprinkles a little racism on their propaganda? Oh, and also, i was told today that wikipedia says china is doing uighurcide and they don’t need to read the un report because they skimmed it and then they start moving the goalposts from genocide to human rights vioations and bitching about prison labor which, again, you fuckers never talk about the us prison slave system that actually effects your life and that you could actually do something about? Fuck’s sake this shit is so goddamn frustrating. These people are smart as hell but as soon as they see an epicathic fold they turn in to the fucking john birch society.
It may be overstated, but it’s legitimately the media/social media pushing this shit. It’s all funded by US-backed think tanks etc., sometimes even directly funded by the CIA’s NGOs. People are unable to critique the reporting on China because there’s no one in the media spheres (msm or the YouTube commentator sphere) actually against a Hot war with China.
And i tried to show them that Blinken has more or less literally said that the purpose of the tiktok ban is to bring it under us control and they just don’t hear it, don’t see the man’s own damn words, it’s astonishing?!
We’re not at war with China. China is our largest trading partner. Realistically we could never be at war with China because our lives would be terribly hard without them. Stop wanting to be at war with China. Do they realize what that means???
Nearly everything is made in China or has parts or materials from China.
Actual war would shut down pipelines for medicine, consumer electronics of every kind, appliances, tools, reagents, etc
I don’t know if people realize how reliant we are on China.
Say what you will about Deng Xiaoping as a Communist, inducing the West to tie its entire economy to China by appealing to capitalist greed was a masterstroke of geopolitics.
I think some people unironically believe that manufacturing can be brought back to the West with the wave of a hand. Never mind that you need to build the factories. Never mind you have to retrain a generation of people who have lost institutional knowledge about manufacturing. Never mind the fact that China produces the most machine tools of any nation in the world. Just manifest it with thoughts and prayers.
It’s a skill gap the size of an ocean at this point.
There’s a confusion about China. The popular conception is that companies come to China because of low labor cost. I’m not sure what part of China they go to, but the truth is China stopped being the low-labor-cost country many years ago. And that is not the reason to come to China from a supply point of view. The reason is because of the skill, and the quantity of skill in one location and the type of skill it is.
The products we do require really advanced tooling, and the precision that you have to have, the tooling and working with the materials that we do are state of the art. And the tooling skill is very deep here. In the U.S., you could have a meeting of tooling engineers and I’m not sure we could fill the room. In China, you could fill multiple football fields.
- Tim Cook
Literally a skill issue.
More importantly it would need to be PROFTABLE. In a capitalist country institutions aren’t going to do shit if there’s no profit involved. The only way this would work if they forbade US “allied” countries to trade with China and then forced them to buy US goods, and ideallly cripple their productive capacity at the same time (see: destruction of Nordstream 2). In this world still the US and any countries aligned with the US will quickly become quite poor in terms of living standards.
Just to be clear, this one particular argument is exactly what was said before the great war.
It’s never been an argument against war. It assumes rationality and intelligence in our leaders.
No question, washington’s constant warmongering and provocations are fucking unbelievable. They’re trying to drag the whole world in to wwiii and idk what they even think they hope to achieve.
China does represent a threat to them. China is the only place that can actually turn the treats off
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My funkos!!!
Oh, and then there’s the one literal fucking fascist who hangs around who kept yelling “never again” about uighurs while expressing complete and utter contempt for Palestinians and treating NATO as a divine force for good. Blocked that fucker. Turns out he was also, i cannot make this up, a kmt dead ender who believes the roc is the legitimate government of china. No comment on whether he’s going to support the roc’s invasion and conquest of mongolia when they somehow magically seize control of china.
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Turns out he was also, i cannot make this up, a kmt dead ender who believes the roc is the legitimate government of china.
Sounds like a CIA-funded paid poster. These people exist in Taiwan but they’re all ex-KMT soldiers and over 80 years old. They don’t go shitposting on the internet, especially in English.
No, he’s just a fucking Canadian.
Liberal concern about China is to me basically the same as liberal concern about trans women in women’s sports. Did you know a single fucking thing about this topic before you opened your mouth? Name one women’s sports team in any sport. Shut the fuck up.
It does, just not in a way they understand.
China’s ascendence spells the end of US hegemony; the endless shower of superprofits is coming to an end. This will destroy the bourgeoisified lives of US liberals, either kicking them back down into the working class or kicking them into the reserve army of labor. Persistent inflation, massive private debts, decline of the administrative state and the meagre protections it provided, and an end to the Grand Bargain. It’s over.
They’re just reacting from their own class interests, even if the specifics are being filtered through State Department nonsense.
It’s not all China, of course. The inherent limits of growth meant bourgeoisification couldn’t be sustained forever.
Why the fuck would China want to steal the plans for the F35? It’s a massive failure, a flying flaming dog turd. They don’t need special knowledge or technology to counter it. Fighter jets half a century old wipe the floor with it in mock battles.
Okay, at the risk of being that person, the F-35 loses in a stand up fight because it’s not designed in a doctrine sense to get in stand up fights. On paper it’s designed to leverage its status as a stealth fighter to avoid those stand up fights by either avoiding them entirely or get one of the most important things in a A2A engagement, getting the first missile salvo off.
So regardless on how actually good the F-35 is, having it’s blueprints to have the knowledge on how to counteract it is still incredibly useful in case it happens to be very good for what it’s designed to do.
f35 is supposed to be stealthy but China can already track it. it’s just a useless piece of shit designed to funnel money from the federal reserve (which has infinite money) to the military-industrial complex
f35 is supposed to be stealthy but China can already track it.
You do know that’s pretty normal for stealth fighters, right?
Like to explain this as far as I know the F-117 is to date still the fighter that is the most stealthy, and it still technically shows up on radars, just that it’s radar signature is a lot smaller than a normal jet. Which how stealth fighters work is that they minimize the radar signature that is received back by radar systems, either by shape (which is why the F-117 looks the way it does), and or special coating on the panels itself which absorb the radar signals being sent out by the radar installation on the ground or from other aircraft. The point of it to essentially trick the other guy into thinking that what they’re reading on radar isn’t a fighter jet. And this doesn’t get into the several ways you can essentially trick the opposing radar into not seeing you regardless of the plane doing it is a stealth fighter or not.
There’s plenty to dunk on with the F-35 (like all the cost overruns, the fact that it seems to only be able to fly in good weather), but saying that anyone can track is incredibly misleading.
Why the fuck would China want to steal the plans for the F35?
So they can build one and laugh at it
it’s just unoriginal CIA propaganda. it’s filled with a bunch of unimaginative and fairly unintelligent ppl with no morals. once you recognize how they do things you start seeing it everywhere.
But it is known that the Chinese brain pan isn’t capable of innovation so if they have jets that are peer-competitive with the west then they obviously stole it
Why the fuck would China want to steal the plans for the F35?
even if the final product package is garbage, it probably has some insightful details on constructing a modern military aircraft.
also useful for designing anti-f35 technology.
Yeah I’m seeing China derangement syndrome more and more, it’s wild. Kind of disturbing how easily so many people are propagandized into thinking Red Dawn is real life but with Chinese paratroopers. New type of guy: AR-15 guy. 70% of his bougie militia kit was manufactured in China.
A lot of things are getting me about this, but one of them is i’m saying “china is not a threat to you” and this fascist starts frothing at the mouth yelling “not a threat? China’s not a threat?! Let me list all the ways Nato can kill chinese people inside china with our superior weapon systems! You still think china’s not a threat? All of their weapons suck and we can murder tons of chinese! That isn’t a threat to you?” And it’s like jesus fucking christ what the fuck dude?
if someone is crying about China stealing F-35 plans - which is literally just standard military procedures. Like what do you expect a superpower rival to do? Not steal military secrets of their enemies?? - but they’re completely oblivious to the fact that China produces a significant amount of raw materials and components for the western military, they’re unserious about their understanding and only care about what CNN/FOX tells them like 20 years ago.
Posts like this show you haven’t been a liberal or active in liberal spaces for a very long time because you’ve completely forgotten how they think.
That’s a compliment, I guess
Yeah, China is a banned topic amongst my libs because it always leads to arguments. At least that means they don’t casually badmouth China every conversation, because they’ve learned I will call them out for it.
I mean, yeah, guilty. I only engage with any of them on this beacuse I care about them and it hurts me to see them like this. : (
How can people this fucking smart be this fucking stupid when the state department sprinkles a little racism on their propaganda?
Being smart and being racist aren’t mutually exclusive
oh they stole the plans for a boondoggle plane? basically a self own if they actually try to build one isn’t it.
The spooks found out where the plans were held by tapping phones and listening for riotous laughter.
They sound like they have a lot of trust in the state and the media.
My Chinese friends are convinced that they don’t want to pose some sort of threat to Western liberals. I am baffled and frustrated.
Want me to send some transcripts? I ask “why is china a threat to you?” And they start screaming about how good nato weapons are for killing chinese and it’s like… they’re salivating for massacring chinese people and they somehow think that their lust for destruction constitutes a threat from china. in sone way i absolutely cannot ascribe rationality to.
I sincerely believe people who don’t have extensive, face to face experience with American’s do not and maybe cannot understand how fucking awful our people and leaders are, the complete dehumanization of others, the absolute drive to steal everything at any cost including the destruction of the planet. I just don’t think most people think like that, and vis versa, I don’t think Americans can understand taht most of the world doesn’t think in zero-sum terms of absolute conquest, submission, and extraction.l
I find self-defense very threatening
I don’t follow these things very closely, but I can’t see China invading Taiwan anytime soon, it’s not in China’s interest, and it would still be super costly. It’s better to play the waiting game and let a political and economic solution manifest itself.
I suspect there will eventually be a time where Taiwan sees that it’s coupled to falling stars in the West and seek peaceful reunification.
Given that there’s been a harsh lesson of the dangers of outsourcing, it’s unlikely they’ll fortify the Taiwanese economy with another huge, critical industry any time soon.
Once the re-onshoring has reached a sufficient level that the West no longer NEEDS TSMC plants, the strategic value for the island plummets. The current security guarantees are pretty damn expensive, especially considering that the leading countries backing them have some crippling long-term risk factors (failing educational systems in 2025 are hardly the recipe for 10% annualized growth in 2040)
There is no “re-onshoring” of chip fabrication in the US. The TSMC plant in Arizona is a joke.
I suspect there will eventually be a time where Taiwan sees that it’s coupled to falling stars in the West and seek peaceful reunification.
This is Chinese nationalist propaganda and it doesn’t even make any sense. Even if Taiwan theoretically become as poor as let’s say Burkina Faso why would they want another country (the obvious aggressor) to take over? Has that ever happened in the history of humans?
another country
Taiwan IS China, specifically the government of Taiwan is called the “Republic of China”, a capitalist government that claims sovereignty over the whole of China (including a bunch of stuff outside its current borders, incidentally) but fled into exile on the island of Taipei, a Chinese province for hundreds of years, because they lost to the communists in the Chinese civil war seventy five years ago.
There, now you know the actual historical origins of “Taiwan”, as you apparently did not before.
Well, the DPP has been advocating for more than a decade that Taiwan has nothing to do with China, or Chinese culture, not historically, not now. Even when the KMT were in power for decades, due to its own history of “fighting” against the CPC, they implemted full-on propaganda about how crappy Mainland China was, how horrific was the communist system there, how oppressive, how Mainlanders hate them and always only want to oppress the Taiwanese, etc. Etc.
Honestly the Taiwanese people are pretty innocent folks mostly, not very interested in political nuances, but after all these decades of propaganda from every single party, separatism is basically politically correctness there now. The constitution, along with the “ROC” name, alas, might as well just be a piece of paper
Taiwan has nothing to do with China, or Chinese culture, not historically, not now.
That is some AAA grade revisionism holy shit.
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I live in Taiwan and to quickly summarize, they will never invade. It’s literally a “face” thing for them. Historically, China gave 0 shits about Taiwan until the KMT losers started to claim it when they lost their war. It’s funny seeing Chinese nationalists get pissed off over Lai’s milquetoast statements. I would strongly prefer China adopt Russia’s rhetoric style which is more FACT BASED. Call Taiwan out for funding ASPI. Call the US out for forcing Taiwan to pay protection money by buying useless arms.