Fre:ac seems to run in a wine package.
Fre:ac seems to run in a wine package.
I wonder what impact a truly high end CPU being open would have on the fab industry.
Right now, there’s a lot of manufacturing secret sauce; if you took an Intel design, it would require significant rework to perform well on Samsung or TSMC process.
Fab owners would have a vested competitive interest to customize the design to perform better on their tooling.
Conversely, buyers might develop a renewed interest in second-sourcing-- if you can take your chip to any fab, you have more control over your supply chain.
They’re going to eat Dvalin, aren’t they.
Shadowy international cabals used to be competent and stylish.
This is buying the Illuminati off of Wish.
I like currency in general as a public art piece. We don’t live up to the potential though.
You can argue that the most successful sculptor in history was Victor D. Brenner, who got his boring-ass profile of Lincoln reproduced several hundred billion times since 1909.
The keyboard has 4 keys to the right of the space bar, so it’s probably a PC-style keyboard with “Windows keys”. But the Mac is old enough it would be ADB only. There’s no way that’s working without a spendy adaptor.
Unacceptable. Beat the props guy with a Model F.
It’s an intersection of immature tech and desperate capital.
Look at some of the rubbish that was tossed around when personal computers were new. The classic one is “you’ll have one in the kitchen to store recipes” but they didn’t foresee livestreaming or Microsoft Excel. Or look at some of the railway routes proposed in the mid-1800s. Fair enough, people will speculate and make dubious guesses about the future of new tech. I expect we’ll find useful cases for generative AI, but many of the “now with extra fingers” products will wither when they prove to offer unacceptable cost once unsubsidized, or simply prove to be too much hassle to get correct output from. When a support LLM regularly gives technically incorrect answers, nobody will want it no matter how clean its grammar and florid its language is.
But fir now, it’s fuel for late-stage capitalism that has to jump from bubble to bubble to keep delivering infinite growth. They’ll wager on any and all of it, even the stupid and ultimately useless stuff, in case it delivers the moonshot return they’re after. It’s institutional FOMO that they might miss buying into day-1 Apple, or that they might strangle their big win by not cramming it down everyone’s throat hard enough.
The Atari XL seriea computers cut a nice space between retro and futuristic.
They’re much sleeker looking than their 400/800 predecessors, as well as the Apple II and the breadbin VIC 20/64/C16. Only the 64C and Plus/4 really look similarly minaturized and not-in-need-of-a-big-wristrest-for-comfortable-typing.
The use of metal and smoked plastic trim gives it a premium appearance. The 1200XL even hides the cartridge slot on the side to avoid anyone nistaking it for a mere console…
This reincarnation loop definitely needs roguelike elements. Every playthrought is just born-crusehed by capitalism-die.
Not to mention I bent all the pins on my Cyrix MII ttying to get it in that stupid socket.
The TV is blocking the amplifier from venting. Does no good to either.
It feels like there’s going to be a fire sale on American talent.
Someone should be rising to the moment- the counyry that offers an easy “show your voided American visa/passport and skip through the emigration process” could poach effectively.
I’ve seen a lot of cheap little “appliance” machines-- fanless devices meant to be network routers, NAS devices, signage controllers advertised as running on like 4th and 5th generation laptop CPUs.
Presumably “femoids” or some other 4chan coinage.
I don’t get why they couldn’t just do more 8-pin connectors. Three is common enough on things like 6900XTs. Four would give you a 600w envelope too.
Then you don’t have to redesign the PSU and they’re a known quantity. It’s not like this lets you make the card meaningfully smaller, heatsimk and all.
How come they have every procedural trick in the book, shown to them in the last four years, thrn drop it all the moment they have thr opportunity to use it?
Make them get 60 votes before they can order a pizza for an all-nighter. Turn renaming a courthouse into a month long revival of the Ringling Brothers Circus.
The Priest manhwa apparently has very little to do with the movie, and it wasn’t particularly vampire-centric. Very much Weird West, although the community for that’s gone pretty quiet lately.
I would think immortality and hightened abilities make for an odd clash with cybernetics. Nobody who expects to live for another 200 years is going to sign up for a Generation 1 implant.
You could get a SDR dongle. The cheap ones probably won’t fo AM well, but they make excellent FM tuners, as well as aircraft, 2-metre and 70cm ham bands with a pretty basic antenna.
It’s the same playbook as foreign sanctions elsewhere.
The Assads, Kims, and Putins of the world can get their people to rally into a “bunker mentality” which helps prop up their regimes as a grand and noble struggle.
Trump has brought the same energy home. And history shows you can milk it for decades or generations even before something essential craxks.