Hey, we still haven’t been able to find a secure way to poll everyone yet. I’ve really been wanting to ask (in the negative, to be more inclusive) what proportion of Hexbear is queer. This isn’t going to be super scientific or anything as a result, but just a quick guess.
Please respond to this post with the following emojis :
For yes, you ARE a cisgender heterosexual (cishet):
For no, you are NOT a cisgender heterosexual (cishet):
For unsure, as in you are UNSURE or QUESTIONING if you are queer, transgender, a cisgender heterosexual (cishet), etc:
If you have anything to add, please use a spoiler tag below your answer like so:
Remember to respond even if you are cisgender, queer, or otherwise. Everyone should try to respond, if you feel comfortable! 
what is this honeypot
Hexbear has more lgbt people than the liberal lgbt instances and it’s not even trying.
The one neat trick: Visible pronouns that aren’t buried in a performative section of the profile page where people can ignore that they exist.
imagine being on Hexbear for any length of time and still being cisgender
hello cisgenders
big showing from the five cishet guys on here
it feels wrong frowning at something that brings so much joy and is the morally correct thing to be
:dean-frown: literally scheduled to start HRT soon, but who knows? Probably still cis. /s
but everyone’s a little gay innit
For all practical purposes? Yes. I’m a cisgender man who is in a relationship with the mother of my children and I want to keep it that way.
If I for some hypothetical reason were to find a new partner I feel like I could be with any gender, they’re all hot in each their own way so I guess I’m bisexual at heart although I feel like applying that label to myself is done form of stolen valor.
As for gender I feel fine about presenting as a guy although it could be fun experimenting from time to time.
Though only like two people in my real life know because that feels scary to share.
i tried to be cishet though. good lord, did i try to make that work