If conservatives could comprehend numbers, they’d be real upset.
How mean, if they could read, they’d be pissed…
I think they would demand data from the first term.
if they could read at all they’d blame biden for an education plan, giving no credit to michelle oabama
They should’ve added Trump 2016 too, dunno what would it look like but omitting stuff isn’t great
So even with less dementia in 2016 Trump still couldn’t beat a Democrat.
Honeymoon lasted a month
However the economic devastation is gonna last decades…
I thought you had drawn it in with a sharpie. Lol
I know it’s standard, but the y-axis is shifted significantly. This representation makes the numbers look a lot more severe than reality.
Even then, built up some hype then just stagnated, vs a continuous steady growth
Good bot - way to sow doubt. Fucker.
I don’t like Trump whatsoever, but I feel like we gotta be showing how bad he is, could’ve painted this as “old man loses it, tanks the economy even though we said he would”
I remember how a webstream of a lettuce was set up for Liz and she got kicked out faster than the lettuce on the webstream became rotten.
We need to start a trump lettuce stream!
Needs to be an orange, surely.
I get your point. The focus on Trump’s potential foreign agent status can overshadow the broader issues with the status quo. Much like how “yesterday sportswear” trends, focusing on one angle can distract from the bigger picture. Visit Now : https://survivalmiami.com/collections/yid-sync
I hope this doesn’t sound too insane given that currently this is “good news” or at least good metrics for us: But I often worry about using the stock market as a metric for anyone notable.
For instance, I picture a future where a politican pushes hard for increases to minimum wage…and the stock market tanks because “free labor is ruined”. There are some bubbles where it really should tank and I just worry that we’d be excusing it then, and not now.
Granted: It is my belief that there’s no bubbles now and that Biden handed us a working system - one that Trump is throwing wrenches into. I just think after the GME fiasco, we shouldn’t necessarily trust the stock market as a perfect system run by level-headed people.
I suppose what I see here is a way of describing the result of what I think we all know the cause is. Yes it’s a small glimpse of an incomplete picture, and shouldn’t stand up to debate by itself - but it stands with the backdrop of all Trump’s public aggression to friendly countries.
Obama 2013 doesn’t really make any sense. He was already president, so nothing changed. 2009 is probably much worse cause of Bush’s recession.
It’s important to note that Trump is responsible for what’s happening. While Obama was given the financial crisis on his lap because of things out of his immediate control.
100%. Neither is a good comparison, really. Trump 2017 vs Trump 2025 might be the best comparison. But that also implies he was responsible for 2017, which he wasn’t.
Yeah, other presidents have ups and downs and usually it’s nearly a coincidence, good luck or bad on their part.
Trump absolutely is responsible for current economic conditions, with no ambiguity.
Obama 2009 looks about the same, maybe a bit stronger over 100 days. The market collapse happened in the final months of the Bush presidency, and it was just about at the bottom as Obama came into office.
To have a number as bad as Trump II, you have to go back to Bush’s first term (in general the Bush graph is pretty bad, barely managing to make it back up to break-even for a few months before the 2008 collapse).
Bad bot. Making so obviously provocative and distracting content is a give away. FUCKER.
Wow, you are angry at anything that doesn’t blindly cheer on your narrative.
Do you not have the ability to take a vote of no confidence in the US? Or are you.just stuck with it for 4 years and he can do whatever?
They have an impeachment process which they tried a few years back twice but didn’t work. It is like black magic, a whole lot of mumbo jumbo for literally nothing.
Impeachment doesn’t seem like it actually does anything. It’s like an official slap on the wrist.
Maybe the laws were written back when politicians had a sense of shame and they just assumed that an impeached president would resign.Exactly.
The US system has bunch of things that don’t have explicitly defined penalties, because just the act itself was so shameful that it itself was the punishment.
But now they have a president with zero shame and zero morals - the processes don’t work.
Impeachment DOES have a defined penalty if found guilty
But the chances of being found guilty by the cult of bootlickers Trump has in Congress is slim to none.
It is a 2 part process. If you think of it like a criminal offense, impeachment is a charge. Then the Senate convicts. He caught 2 charges and the Senate voted him innocent.
So long as he holds at least 33% support in the Senate, he’s safe.
50% in Congress for bringing the articles (charges). 67% of Senate to convict
My point exactly. US politics have become so divided that a sitting president would never be found guilty by his own party members, which would be necessary for conviction considering how the two parties always get near-equal amount of representatives. The system is stacked so that an impeachment will never have any effect on a sitting president.
If you’re found guilty in impeachment you’re removed from office… Just because you don’t understand the full process doesn’t mean it’s toothless
His constituents really need to understand that he doesn’t care. He’s willing to tank the economy b/c he and his rich friends can afford to weather that storm. In fact, it’ll be a buying at discount opportunity for them. The vast majority of that base is absolutely not those ppl. They chose wrong, and I hope they’ll learn.
Would be interested in seeing the full 4 year terms as well
I wish every magat in the world would realize what a significant marker this is!!!
For anybody that’s interested, it looks like the source of this visualization is sort of this Reddit post on r/dataisbeautiful.
At the very least, it’s OC of the same numbers, but slightly different layout.
Thanks for the source
Gotta love how the mods locked that post 😂 Reddit is such a cesspool
It’s an official rule in r/dataisbeautiful to allow US-centric posts only on Thursdays (probably to prevent the drowning out of other stuff), so that’s fine in my book.
Data is ugly - you skipped the first term of Obama and trump and the Lehman Brothers bankruptcy.
The Lehman Brothers would have to also include Bush’s term, and no where near any inaguration. The first term of obama would still have left Trump II looking pretty lonely down there, with a smidge of the fallout from the 2008 meltdown still going down for the first few weeks, but by March it had recovered enough to be above his inauguration numbers. Either Bush term would have kept Trump II company down there indexed from inauguration, which is consistent with the reality that republicans seem to be bad for the economy.
Yes and now they all drink Mich Ultra as if they are making a statement.
I’m freeeeeeee… free falling
Lucifer the fallen angel…