• 3 Posts
Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: November 6th, 2024


  • They’ve been planning on invading Taiwan for nearly a decade.

    That conflict overall is as old as the CCP. The reason it ended was the US threatening to step in: https://www.rand.org/pubs/research_memoranda/RM4900.html

    China holds Trillions in foreign assets in the West, they’d be kissing that all goodbye.

    I’d bet on Russia getting invaded by China far sooner than Taiwan. In fact, either than the Sino-Vietnam war, the war with the Soviets is their most recent war.

    Russia simply has less allies and has more of what China needs and wants, fresh water, uncontested ports and oil among many other things. They also have a (recent) historic claim to Outer Manchuria too.

    Even Russia knows this:


    As the war with Ukraine grinds soviet stockpiles down, Russia gets weaker and weaker. Taiwan on the other hand has a lot of allies and is very defensible.

    Chinese philosophy and military doctrine is clear. The threats to Taiwan escalate while railways are being made towards the Russian Far East ‘for trade’.

    “All warfare is based on deception. Hence, when we are able to attack, we must seem unable; when using our forces, we must appear inactive; when we are near, we must make the enemy believe we are far away; when far away, we must make him believe we are near.”

    “Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt.”

    Invading Taiwan might be the most obvious, telegraphed invasion in history.

  • I don’t see that happening outside of an outright war with China. I dont think that’s very likely. If you have evidence of them doing stuff like that already I’d be open to changing my mind on the topic.

    I think it’s much more likely they’ll just continue buying up our companies like Husky and trying to turn us into an economic puppet state. Which is still better than the stated American alternative of being the 51st state.

    They lose that power and risk nationalization of their assets if they go too far. They know that.

  • The argument against Chinese Ev’s is not an economic one.

    If some authoritarian state wants to steal from its poorest in society and transfer the wealth to foreign electric car buyers, why is our government trying to win in the race to the bottom?

    Billions have been spent on the Canadian EV industry through subsidies, tax cuts and grants. The relative amount of jobs and Canada made goods are pitiful. The real beneficiaries are the foreign auto companies.

    We will NEVER have a competitive advantage against China, Japan, US, UK, SK and Germany. Stop trying and put all that money and effort into something we do have a chance at being competitive in.

  • Here’s a list of them:

    Amex Bank Citibank J.P. Morgan Bank Bank of America, National Association Bank of New York Mellon Capital One, Nation Association Citibank, National Association Comerica Bank Fifth Third Bank, National Association J.P. Morgan Chase Bank, National Association M&T Bank Northern Trust Company PNC Bank, National Association State Street Bank and Trust Company U.S. Bank National Association Wells Fargo Bank, National Association

    If you recognize these names, I and many others would highly appreciate you moving your business elsewhere.