Holy fuck, the things we are capable of.
This is for PON technology. 1 fibre can be split 32-ways to feed, you guessed it, 32 customers. 50g over a fibre that is split 32-ways with a minimum of 15db loss is impressive.
I guarantee those 100gbps circuits are a single fibre all the way from the provider to the customer. And they are expensive, very expensive.
Panasonic Toughbook: You’re gone get wet and dirty.
Meh, I use ‘as discussed’ when I want to commit something I have discussed over the phone, to email. So there is a paper trail when the thing that was discussed doesn’t happen, or gets fucked up somehow.
People don’t want photos for the memories, they want them for their socials.
I don’t see a problem with anon making a profit from his shallow, vapid customers.
Put me down for Bollock Gobbler
40 hours? For real?
UK’er here. I get 230 hours of annual leave per year, fully paid. I pay less tax and national insurance on days off, so I actually earn more for not being at work, go figure. 6 months sick at full pay, 6 months at half pay. 4-day week, 36 hours.
When you factor in weekends and bank holidays, I work a grand total of 175 days per year.
As a percentage of the entire hours in a year, I spend just under 19% of them at work. It feels like so much more, but you guys, man, you have it so much worse.
America, land of the free? My arse.
Never forget.
Whoever said it third, dropped the turd.
They certainly make engines for cars.
Welcome to the UK. And if anyone asks, you ain’t seen me, right?
Quantative Easing
A man travelling on a high-speed train in Germany clung on to the outside of the carriages after failing to get back on after a smoke break, miraculously surviving speeds of up to 282 km/h, police said on Friday.
The man, a 40-year-old Hungarian national, boarded the train bound for the northern coastal city of Lübeck in Munich on Thursday without a ticket.
Yet, that was not the reason for the risky stunt, according to police. When the train stopped at the Ingolstadt station, some 70 kilometres north of Munich, the passenger stepped outside to smoke.
When he realized the doors had closed and the train had begun moving again, he jumped on the fixture between two carriages and held on to cable harnesses while the train accelerated to speeds of up to 282 km/h, police said.
Onlookers on the platform notified the police at around 3 pm. The driver stopped the train at the small town of Kinding, some 30 kilometres north of Ingolstadt, where the man was arrested.
When questioned by police, the man said he jumped on the outside of the train because his luggage was still inside.
The man “surprisingly” wasn’t harmed in the life-threatening incident, said a spokesman for the federal police.
He is now being investigated for his failure to purchase a ticket. He also faces proceedings for “disruptive behaviour” - which, however, is only considered a misdemeanour.
Every day we stray further from God
Can’t call it football if you use your hands.
Sounds like something someone with a little PP would say
I work on PON and XGPON. Officially we work on a -25dB maximum, but I’ve seen circuits stable at around 30dB.
It’s surprising how many bad splices you can ignore before it gets problematic.
-18.5dB is going to limit you to either a really good fibre path, or a really short one. Unless you have options with long-range SFPs? The constant progress keeps my job interesting at least.