I mean I’m with you,
But let’s not act like your totally innocent here Canada.
Honestly seeing Canadians libs do third-worldism posting its really funny
“Imperial lackey colonizers, welcome to the…uhm…wait who invited these people?”
The Canadian Maoist uprising is here?!
The Canadian Juche uprising for cross-49th-parallel unification
The Middle East will join us along with South America and Mexico
Look at whitey trying to act like they’re part of the resistance. I don’t think most of us from the Global South will trust Global North Nations that easily
Seeing Yemen patrolling the Great Lakes would be based as fuck.
“Hey why does this Canadian knife in my back say ‘American subscription expired, renew to resume services’?”
That’s exactly my point. The moment it’s more convenient to join The West™ again, they’d leave us out to dry. Most settler nations would.
Oh I wasn’t disagreeing, I was just building on what you said.
Lol I wasn’t arguing, just expanding on what I meant initially. It’s all good!
This is the same country that is doing racism against Indians as a political platform
don’t worry, they can multitask
ah, so this is what all the Dems meant when they kept repeating “I believe that we can walk and chew gum at the same time”
First world babies get pressed in the lightest possible way and they immediately declare a protracted people’s war, fuck off Maple suckers
The Middle East will join us
No seriously fuck all the way off
The Middle East will join us
Dude thinks he’s Paul Atreides
when he’s more like Lawrence of Arabia (who historically betrayed his Arab allies; grudgingly or not, he chose his English colonial oppressor (he was Irish))eh, circumstances are different here, he’s not even pretending to fight for anyone from the global South
Just because Justin is the love child of Castro suddenly makes these maple leaf bozos think they’re the vanguard of the revolution!
Canada should clearly invade the US.
I could do with some public healthcare and Timmies around here
Poutine is pretty good I’ll give them that.
Tim Horton is American for years now
I went to a Tim Horton’s in the Twin Cities once, it was decent but wasn’t like mindblowing or anything.
That’s the wrong vibe to enjoy Timmies. The best way to appreciate Timmies is you have to drive on slush covered highway in blizzard whiteout conditions at 30 mph slipping and sliding for 4 hours fearing for your life and mentally exhausted, then you see a Timmie stop in the middle of nowhere, you pull up, enjoy the cozy warmth and safety, drink the drip coffee that is so hot you can barely taste it, and some eat sugary timbits, then you’re ready to go back out into the blizzard and roll the dice with your life to maybe still die on interstate highway, but this time at least the accident wouldn’t be your fault. Timmies save lives if you have to drive in adverse weather. We can use some Timmies here in Colorado. Every Canadian who lives in the sticks and had to drive a lot will have their own Timmie’timeout story.
Ah, so I should’ve gone to the Timmy’s in Mahnomen in the middle of December, then, rather than the one in Minneapolis in the middle of July.
Burger King bought em in 2014 and apparently proceeded to enshittify them
I see…
I belive that is a bit account
It’s a bit that a lot of people are into, then
a timbit account if you will
That’s not a question
Honestly, I will say that “more Canadians fantasizing about killing Americans” has been a positive result of all this. I’m not saying we are going to redeem ourselves or anything, but it is a step in the right direction.
Still poisoned by liberal idealism, but they have the spirit.
Hexbears being confused by this shit is kind of funny and kind of depressing. The leader of the most powerful military in the world is making jokes about invading a country, and the normies of that country are reacting poorly to it even though they know it’s a joke. How the fuck are you people going to “community build” when you can’t understand other people on a basic level?
Who’s confused? It’s funny that random Kkklanadians are jumping right to threatening a PPW over treat tariffs despite zero preexisting class consciousness, no one disagrees with them that the US is a depraved garbage nation that needs to die
Are people actually confused by this or is this just shitposting on an insular leftist forum?
I’m community building with the entire country of canada with every post I make here
Im Nation Building in Canada right now
Maybe a bit off topic but
most powerful military in the world
Literally has lost every war since after ww2
This misunderstands how US military hegemony works.
The US doesn’t need to win militarily to win geopolitically. Even if they lose, they can inflict a lot of damage on other nations in the process while sustaining very little themselves. Even if you beat the US you still suffer greatly from it, which makes most countries scared to challenge their economic hegemony, which is the really goal of US foreign policy.
Like Trump the Canadians are completely full of shit, aside from the fact this chest-thumping is contained 100% online, what we’re looking at is a manifestation of wounded nationalist pride, not a genuine expression of anti-imperialist consciousness. They’ll get in line when the leash is actually pulled
Right now everyone (whether they admit it or not) senses this is a half-baked negotiation initiative from Trump and his inner circle and not a genuine imperialist project with the backing of the MIC
The minute the MIC signals the green light and the real imperialist chilling effect is detected (like with 2002-2003 Iraq, 2001 Afghanistan, Gaza etc.) is the minute all these Canadians get real quiet and everyone scrambles to politically reorient themselves so they don’t end up on the losing side of the annexation
How the fuck are you people going to “community build” when you can’t understand other people on a basic level?
The DPRK has been this for the last several decades(without the colonialism or support of imperialists), and the average normie has been an enemy of the DPRK until…not until, but still an enemy of the DPRK. Two faced allies who only want to hold hands with the global South when it’s in their interest is no ally. They were more than content to be lackeys of American empire until now.
Sounds like you’re the confused one here, bud.
Canada forever
canadians trying to pretend they aren’t just the loyal dogs of empire
What a fucking loser. Imagine thinking Maple Syrup America is somehow doing better…