This is very good news
So if you have any questions ,you should go ask them
If you think you have a silly question ,ask it ,North Koreans are people too ,and they value comedy as much as everyone in the world does
I remember him telling me “For some reason or another many people, including supporters think people from the DPRK are not capable of comedy. We must always be serious. There is a way to get serious points across with comedy. Humor is human nature.”
So don’t be afraid
Here’s the original post ,if you want to leave your questions there
Let’s go! Super curious to see how this goes.
I am just as curious as you ,while I do have full contact with him ,I do want to tell you all is that I’m not trying to blame any of you here since he told me he became available a year ago ,but pretty much anyone here and I legitimately mean anyone could’ve done what I was doing at least from 2024 to now
Because there’s nothing special about me that made me have contact with him ,yes I have spoken to a North Korean before which did eventually help me identify this person as a North Korean and what made me reach out to him in the first place ,but for the past two months I’ve been looking for full confirmation so that I can make this post , I had to do something and I did which is the reason I couldn’t do it sooner
I did get the confirmation that it is indeed a DPRK representative and this is all what matters to me ,while you obviously don’t have to believe me ,I think you should all listen to his answers and think about them very much
The one thing that I can tell you about the DPRK form my Talks with this diplomat and my friend that despite all the propaganda, the DPRK is 10000% a communist state and anyone saying otherwise is either lying or misinformed
Anyways I am looking forward to this as much as everyone else but I just wanted to tell you that even you ,yes YOU could’ve actually done this
there’s nothing special about me that made me have contact with him ,yes I have spoken to a North Korean before
Unfortunately, this is the special part. most Americans will live their lives and never talk to a citizen of the DPRK.
seriously. I was on a sanctioned trip somewhere designated “dangerous” and restricted that was already fraught with institutional scrutiny, and our host country had diplomatic relations with DPRK so there was an embassy we drove by. our fixer (a nice guy who was just trying to show us our host country and help us avoid trouble on our return back to Free States of Burgerland) told us to stay away from the embassy because of how the US govt was likely to overreact and fuck with us even more than they would already because the place was probably under constant, intense surveillance by western powers.
I was pretty bummed, because I would have loved to have a friendly and open convo with somebody from there about anything. and that was before listening to the Korea season of Blowback.
Most people don’t tbf ,I have my Palestinian friend Zuhair to thank for this ,hes The one who told me that He is friends with a North Korean in the Chinese university he is in
Oh sick, that’s a cool connection. I’m glad you were able to start speaking
Please ask him to share one or more of his favourite jokes. Here is one for him, hopefully he can read some English:
How do you tell the difference between a chemist and a labor organizer?
Ask them to say “unionize”
I Will
Thank you! Just posted some questions ♥️
Oh I haven’t seen you since the time the mods removed the tank lol
Hello 👋
Yeah I had to do some stuff for a little while haha. Hello again friend 🤙
Good to see u again. too many big ballers were resting and grass touching all at once making me (a shitpost glutton) the sasdest Panda
Are you planning to make a new ama thread or keep it in the original?
he is replying in the original so I’m going to re-pin that one
Hmmm my thinking was sort of like making sure people know about it so activity doesn’t trickle off.
Maybe an update thread when it’s all over after several weeks? Unless I’ve misunderstood something about their access.
Probably a new one lol
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