This is very good news

So if you have any questions ,you should go ask them

If you think you have a silly question ,ask it ,North Koreans are people too ,and they value comedy as much as everyone in the world does

I remember him telling me “For some reason or another many people, including supporters think people from the DPRK are not capable of comedy. We must always be serious. There is a way to get serious points across with comedy. Humor is human nature.”

So don’t be afraid

Here’s the original post ,if you want to leave your questions there

  • seriously. I was on a sanctioned trip somewhere designated “dangerous” and restricted that was already fraught with institutional scrutiny, and our host country had diplomatic relations with DPRK so there was an embassy we drove by. our fixer (a nice guy who was just trying to show us our host country and help us avoid trouble on our return back to Free States of Burgerland) told us to stay away from the embassy because of how the US govt was likely to overreact and fuck with us even more than they would already because the place was probably under constant, intense surveillance by western powers.

    I was pretty bummed, because I would have loved to have a friendly and open convo with somebody from there about anything. and that was before listening to the Korea season of Blowback.