Trump’s transition team is relying on private email servers, raising security concerns among federal officials who fear potential hacking and misuse of sensitive information.
The White House has instructed agencies to limit electronic sharing and instead offer in-person briefings or reading room access for sensitive materials.
Federal employees are wary of transmitting classified or personnel data to unsecured servers, with some requiring transition officials to verify compliance with security standards.
The reliance on private emails is slowing the transfer of government materials ahead of Trump’s inauguration.
You see. _her emails _ were a problem. His emails are fine.
See how it works?
The fact that the media ignored that both Bush and the Trump admin conducted all their business over private emails is one of the biggest betrayals
They didn’t betray us. They never were for us in the first.
The “4th estate” is owned by the same people who own the first three
Buttery males
Butt Tizzy Males
The hypocrisy IS the point. It signals to his supporters that it’s okay to do things that are wrong as long as you’re with him
Republicans are hypocrites. Always have been. Their voters are fine with it. This is why they don’t lose votes.
Defends Matt Gaetz, calls Democrats pedophiles.
I still laugh when I see that “Pedophiles for Trump” sign showing up in various pics…
Lock him up (for any of his several dozen felonies).
And republicans say pronouns aren’t a thing 🙄
2016 ≠ 2024. Sorry.
Ok, it has to be said…
But his emails…
I will bet all the money that these servers are either controlled by Russian sources or are somehow connected to them. If there is no internet traffic between those servers and Russia, I will eat Putin’s shoe.
I would not want to be the poor intern handling his emails.
I bet he responds to all the “Cherry is looking for a hot date in your area” with mushroom pics.
Trumps little fascist circle is gonna get breached. I promise.
There’s no fucking way their team is competent enough to manage their own security. It’s likely that a lot of their data is already getting scraped by corporations.
Nation state actors will have several of their devices compromised before he’s even in office.
Any APT worth their salt will see them as a valuable target. I can’t wait for this shit to splatter all over them.
Too bad we probably wont hear about it for many years if whoever gets in is talented.
This already happened during his first administration. His family was using private e-mail and all of them were using unsecured devices. The news covered it and conservatives covered their ears.
You make it sound like they are ignorant when they are instead hiding evidence of corruption from government servers.
Not my intent. They are for sure up to no good. Even worse it shows their total disregard for our social contract the basic way our gov’t should function at the highest levels. Because, as long as they have power there isn’t any system or institution that can hold them accountable.
The supreme court has shown over and over again they are completely unwilling to police themselves. Yet we are expected to abide by their decisions? Congress ignoring their oath of office failed to remove Trump during his first term. Instead choosing party over country.
We are not a new democracy. The fact that so many of our citizens support this insanity is really sad.
You realize he already was, right? A security researcher in the NL breached Trumps’ Twitter. Twice.
is it a breach if they were invited in?
Yes. Most breaches are through social engineering where you effectively have someone invite you in.
It’s also why most hackers are known to sit in the dark. Most of them are actually vampires.
I looked up the MX records and they’re using the non-government version of Office365. The big difference between the gov and non-gov versions is that the former is staffed with only US citizens, whereas the latter is mostly poorly paid foreign nationals who I’m sure would love a big payday from China, Russia or Iran.
Maybe we should start a fundraiser for this info. Like a bounty.
There’s some monero bounty sites for campaigns like this
But honeslty I dont think you need to pay. Its already happening, I’m sure. The FBI recently said so when they made a public statement telling everyone to use encrypted messaging because of the increased ongoing attacks on US communication companies, especially targeting DC
You can look up the MX records pretty easily using Powershell (windows) or terminal (Mac and Linux) and the nslookup command.
Or do you mean who has access to their accounts on the Microsoft side?
The data, yes. Or heads on plates, that works too.
Lmao holy shit that is WILD
Lock Him Up
Wait… fuck, wrong timeline
Can I hop to the other, less shitty timeline? (So we can actually #LockHimUp)
You need to retrieve the Sports Almanac from Mar-a-Lago, then find the Doc
Lock him up.
Im not saying to do it, but it would be absolutely SO funny if someone hacked the Donvict’s emails and started making some information public that they would rather have stay private. Just saying, it would be hilarious
It’s OK you can’t get arrested for hoping the president gets hacked.
If only some Anonymous hacktivists were to take on this task!
butter emails!
Where’s Donald’s laptop?
As if he knows how to use a laptop.
Speak n Putin
It’s permanently got the McDonald’s app loaded.
This is all done on purpose.
You really think he wants China and Russia and North Korea and Israel to steal his communications? I dont see why.
No, I think this is just stupidity
You really think he wants China and Russia and North Korea and Israel to steal his communications? I don’t see why.
I’m sure that MBS gave Jared Kushner $2 billion against the wishes of his own government for absolutely no reason at all.
I’m also sure that Ivanka Trump receiving over a dozen huge patents in China mere days after Trump saved ZTE was also just a huge coincidence.
Trump storing dozens of boxes of classified information in a golf course bathroom was just a clerical error and Trump’s top priority was national security. The fact that foreign nationals who paid hundreds of thousands of dollars for membership to the club were all over the place like it was a Walmart on Black Friday was just Trump’s way of showing how secure those documents were, since nobody looked in that particular bathroom at all!
And of course, I’m sure Trump has given an explanation why he had been holding meetings with foreign nationals where no US representatives or note takers were allowed to join him since pretty much the start of his first term.
Trump can be bought. Cheap. And he has been showing since 2017 that US national security is absolutely up for grabs.
Absolutely. Trump wants to sell that info, not give it away!
(reading title) Wait, Trump’s trans? Do I need to use new pronouns? Is it really going to be “but her emails” again but for Donna Trump?
Making sure there’s no traceable evidence of any of the nightmares they’re cooking up. But that’ll never happen anyway, fucker’s going to get away with it all. But I’m sure Vlad’s guys hooked him up nicely, perhaps as a welcome back gesture.
That’s so cute that anyone thinks those servers are remotely locked down. You saw the massive tech brains with the “evidence” that voting machines were hacked.
Wait I thought this was sooper dooper unlegal, you guyz!!!
Oh, it was a female Democrat doing it…nevermind.
Or ‘e-mail’ in English.
Yeah, boomer English. In all seriousness both are acceptable but “e-mail” has fallen out of fashion.
The dash is so 1995
That’s how we spell it here on the INFORMATION SUPERHIGHWAY