I heard the DOGE crew threatened to call the US Marshals if they weren’t given access.
I heard the DOGE crew threatened to call the US Marshals if they weren’t given access.
What we need is labor to group together and start buying their own courts and judges.
I’m not an expert, but stuff won’t change until the domesticated middle class start feeling the pain. So go out and raise the price of eggs and push up the cost of insurance.
Last time during the housing bubble a shit ton of people got kicked out of their houses and faced decades long financial setbacks. Well the good folks got together and bailed out the banks and institutions while fucking over the home owners. Just basic gamblers logic tells me one of these disasters will have to result in a bailout for the peasants.
This has been the Republican game since Reagan. Massive transfers of wealth from the public to the private. Then the little GOP voters scamper around and wonder why stuff is falling apart.
Or just give the farm to the workers and have them run it as a coop.
Trump needs to be scared of his supporters, he doesn’t realize how close they are to waking up to his shenanigans. If the price of eggs goes up just one more dollar the MAGAs will take to the streets!
Except the child like adults who put those up everywhere are so deep in the con they can’t tell up from down. I mean his butt monkey supporters are actively being grifted by their president via meme coins… I just got a bad feeling that like most other crazy right wing authoritarian movements of the past this one won’t end with his supporters waking up and abandoning him over the price of eggs.
What kind of mushrooms?
It produces idiots and grifters.
That and Trump made at least three different attempts (that we know of) to remain in office last time. Fake electors, find those Georgia votes, and an actual attack on the Capitol. The GOP and her voters then spent four years squawking about election security and fraud. Their jackass right wing media spent time revamping white replacement theory… so they have to on some level understand democracy and voting.
So what do the big on the rule of law real Americans do? They vote for the only candidate that tried to disenfranchise a whole shit ton of American voters. It is absolutely wild that so many domesticated standard Americans failed this very very basic test.
This is why they are shoveling so much money into loyal robots.
You can’t pay taxes in crypto.
The GOP are sending those back to the individual states so they can decide.
Of course Democrats care about working class people. The party is just currently run by a bunch of overly educated elites that don’t have an interest in listening to the workers. Because when they do listen they hear complaints that are all over the place. The Dems moved to the right a long while ago, and around the globe liberal parties are all facing major setbacks, and our liberal party here in America is farther right than most of our democratic peers. My point is that neither of our political parties will ever do what you are asking for without being forced to action by the people.
Except our electorate is so broken that 30+% of them voted for the billionaire party and are waiting patiently with their hands cupped for that sweet trickle down. Except they are more than likely about to get austerity before they get dental coverage. I really don’t know how to get through to some of these people, they either don’t understand a ton or have fundamentally different values. Values that are in opposition to the basics of a liberal democratic system. Part of me wants to shake every one of the taxes are theft post tea party MAGA clowns and take them on a tour of where the real theft is… like say any of the multiple private space companies that launch rich assholes into orbit and sadly bring them back.
A big part of the problem is the underclass republican supporters are just little authoritarian tyrants themselves. Given the chance they are all too ready to pull the ladder up behind them.
I like blaming Biden and all but let’s be real we are in this mess because a bunch of the people that occupy the underclass with us are actively fighting against us and for the rich ass rulers.
Allowed to get rolling… who is going to stop it? The republicans control the entire federal government.
A billion dollars per violation or total?
I think it matters because this election was one more nail in the neo-liberal coffin. I don’t think the reactionary response is very good though. Instead of saying hey those rich ass rent seekers are taking too much of our economic pie the electorate picked the guy scapegoating immigrants. Historically this is probably a bad path. Personally I’m not a fan of the right wing authoritarians, and sadly the competition is going to be them fucking up not anyone challenging them outright.
Which could just be a natural outcome of our political system. Because, I am not sure that a representative democracy that allows rampant unchecked capitalism to buy our government, will ever be the check on power we need.
This is why we need an Earth week not just a day. Also, I live in Minnesota and it is the same here every year without fail the first snow just highlights how quickly people forget how to drive in snow.
Cause they ran their own empires in a previous time. They all still fuck around in their old colonies shit too.