Literally any mention of some supposed ‘western civilization’ or ‘western culture’. Like just say the 14 words already, cause we all know that’s what you believe in. Fucking coward
“License and registration please”
“The reason I pulled you over…”
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As if an “illegal” would ever afford or want to live in their vegan liberal upscale apartment on top of a whole foods and an Orange Theory
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Using the word “complexion” to describe a neighbourhood, especially in combination with opposition to apartment building construction.
“Overpopulation” or any mention of not having enough resources is some ass-backward Malthusian mindset that usually indicates someone wants to do a culling of undesirables.
If I hear that kind of take I always go “Yeah exactly billionaires use so many more resources than a normal person that they’re not sustainable and they have to go”. Strangely, so far nobody has agreed
Any time someone talks about how China or India has more pollution than the US, like to tell them that there are more people in those countries, so per-capita the pollution is much lower. And the majority of that pollution is produced by factories that make goods that are sold in the US. So it’s pretty much our pollution, we just outsourced it.
And China is rapidly reducing shit even with their larger population. While the US is still tip-toeing around even talking about proposing doing anything at some point down the line (of course such time is only “correct” after 99% of both parties get permission by their corporate masters).
This is essentially the entire Scandinavian fash. Typically with some not so subtle eugenism thrown in.
“There isn’t enough room for more people here” when they live in a country that has over 38,000 golf courses and the average private suburban property is several times larger than the house that’s built on it.
There’s a certain elementary school education that just encodes this shit on your brain. Everything is Euro-centric. Only the most lily white aristocrats get any kind of credit for progress. Phillip of Macedonia, King Louis XIV of France, and Winston Churchill are transformative historical figures while Abū al-Qāsim Muḥammad, King Sejong the Great, and Ho Chi Minh barely merit a mention.
Is it any wonder why American students step out of their high school graduation ceremonies believing Cleveland, Ohio is the pivot around which the rest of the world turns?
One of the reasons a book like Howard Zinn’s “People’s History” sends so many college freshmen spinning sideways, despite it being barely a nudge off the center of the western oriented curriculum, stems from the degree to which public schools blind their students to any variance in historical perspective. These kids come out fragile as porcelain, and absolutely primed to shatter, given the teenage inclination toward rebellion and the ample evidence of their indoctrination.
When I hear someone say “Western Civilization”, my knee-jerk response is to bring up something wildly outside their wheelhouse. Historical figures, events, and even whole civilizations they’ve never heard of. “Have you ever heard of the Phoenician alphabet? Because you’re using it, kid. Your entire language is rooted in North Africa.”
Similarly, caring a lot about Epstein specifically, or generally talking about what the “elites” are doing without any class consciousness.
A lifetime ago I was into fashy memes on 4chan so I got to learn the inns and outs of hating Jewish people. Anything like “oy vey” “goyim” or a -berg at the end of a last name can be a red flag you’re dealing with an antisemite. Problem is now a lot of them have dressed up their hatred in more respectable politics by attaching themselves to the anti-zionist movement in the west. So you get chucklefucks like Jackson Hinkle who you think oh wow cool they’re anti-Israel so their politics must me good but nope.
I was raised as a haredi jew and I will never stop saying oy vey, you can pry that from my cold dead hands.
It’s a good term, I often use it too as an agnostic lol, sometimes it’s oy vey for other time jumpin’ jesus christ!
Oy vey sounds really appropriate for what it’s expressing. I use it for minor annoyances all the time. I throw a shalom down I stead of ‘hello’ as well but that’s in the pile of hello and goodbye in different languages that I kinda just grab from
Making sure everybody knows just how much you enjoy eating pork.
“Western/European/Judeo-Christian/[nation_adjective] values”
Having a football-related Twitter profile pic.
Supporting zionism.
That neighbourhood is dangerous!
“We have to look out for our own first!” (Proceeds to do fuckall to look out for “their own”)
“We can’t save the entire world”
“There has to be a consequence!” (When talking about how some racialised form of crime is not punished enough)
All forms of flag-shagging
“We can’t save the entire world”
While then going hard about how we “must” keep our troops everywhere in the world at all times.
‘kek’ is a major red flag, but isn’t definite proof. Sometimes idiot liberals add the wrong words to their vocabulary.
Knowing too much and at the same time not enough about Romans is also a big red flag.
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Guarantee this idiot was standing dead centre of a karate pit and got bashed or he did something that made people kick the shit out of him. You don’t generally get your ass kicked at hardcore shows unless you’ve done something to earn it, this isn’t the 80s
Similarly, “fren” and “fella” is enough for me to
“Fren” is the big one to watch out for.
The optimist in me says a lot of “fellas” are misguided liberals who’s hearts are in the right place and just need to be talked to.
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I think it started with NAFO weirdos so yeah a bit more recent, only 2022.
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In fairness that’s still pretty much accurate.
Might as well
Yeah, Fellas was made in response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.
Unfortunately the creator of the meme is a hog, but it should be noted that many well-meaning liberals also adopted the meme and I’ve seen pro-LGBT fellas on more than one occasion.
Kek could just mean they played World of Warcraft. Which is worse.
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when a white guy complains about taxes
Or inflation, any time someone talks about economics like it’s a kind of magic that (((certain people))) can control for some reason is a bad sign.
ascribing everything to George Soros and ‘the globalists’, complaining about ‘the lgbt agenda’, warning about the ‘impending fall of western civilization’, complaining about there being too many immigrants and talking about civilizational incompatibility, suggesting shooting at boats with migrants in the Mediterranean, calling liberal politicians communists, trying to redeem Francisco Franco
Guys who refer to women as “females” but never refer to men as “males.” 95% of the time they are reactionary af.
they use seasons like they’re verbs. ie: we summered in switzerland or we wintered in mexico.
they like to imply that a majority hold their views: eg: “we’re they’re the silent majority” or identifying freedom fighters as “terrorists”.
expensive hobbies are also a dead give away. eg hunting, 3d printing, photography, etc.
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Except for the middle, that’s all stuff a normal rich liberal would do.
And those aren’t even great examples of expensive hobbies, nowadays it’s possible to find decent 3d printers for less than $100 if there’s a sale (my 3d printer + phone + desktop + laptop are all only $20 above a new iPhone 16 from Apple), and rural hicks with relatively little income will hunt too.
Yeah, now polo or sailing, those are rich people hobbies
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”Mass immigration”, ”open borders” (obviously depending on tone) and ”unskilled migrants”.
Talking about Bill Gates, now obviously he’s terrible on all levels, but Gates bashing is a reliable fash tell. Same goes for the Clintons.
All of these come from the same guy:
“I don’t think our black coworkers are people, they don’t have souls.”
“I’m eastern orthodox but only online, I can’t go to the orthodox churches here because they’re full of slavs.”
“I’m not voting for either party because neither one is going to protect our people.”
“I’m collecting these guns so i can protect myself and my family from all the minorities in the city when society collapses.”
“You should read Hitler, he has good ideas and was censored for being right.”
But this guy is also just weirdly open about being a fascist.
For most people it’s stuff like suddenly becoming very religious but only for Orthodoxy or Catholicism, if they were raised evangelical or irreligious.
Being vocally uncomfortable with cities as a concept.
Talking about how bad crime is these days.
Making remarks about how you “can’t do that anymore” or “you never see that anymore.”
I don’t think any of those are foolproof but they get the
“I’m eastern orthodox but only online, I can’t go to the orthodox churches here because they’re full of slavs.”
How did he even end up like that? Eastern Orthodox, but hates the people of the east?
Online I guess? I think he likes that it subdivides by ethnicity (Greek Orthodox, Russian Orthodox etc.) but he considers himself a German/Aryan.