Remember this struggle session?
You can’t just drop this and not explain what the deal was
Brazilian artist made brics as girl and a few users said this was porn and other that it was nazi propaganda for the russia girl to be blonde
nazi propaganda for the russia girl to be blonde
nazi propaganda for the russia girl to be blonde
This site is so goofy sometimes
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Well, that’s something.
I can’t believe I’m doing this, but it was me, and I’ve posted what I still think about this image in this thread, if you are at all intereated. And no, I don’t think it’s really porn.
You weren’t the one who thought the blonde hair was Nazi propaganda, though, right?
No, I went and found that one. It’s got a crater impact of deleted comments around it.
I sort of saw where they were trying to come from but it is a bit silly.
It’s got a crater impact of deleted comments around it.
you’ve got a poetic way with words. Good imagery
Are young cartoon women sexualized by being very attractive.
Wasn’t there a Bible quote about this sort of thing
I mean it wasn’t about cartoons but y’know
“It is easier for a camel to walk through the eye of a needle than it is for a gooner to enter the kingdom of heaven” -Jesus
What’s Jesus got against Arsenal?
nothing effective
What’s the deal with that character, anyways? It would appear she is the protagonist of a video game called CrossCode but I don’t know what the deal with that game is.
WhyEssEff, the mod who is de facto in charge of adding new emojis, really likes CrossCode. I think that’s all there is to it.
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I don’t know but HexBears Emojis lack finger gun emojis
he even plays for them now smh
The pluck our your own eye one?
That’s the one
“Bro, bro, Jesus, tell these women to wear head coverings so we can stop harassing them”
“Oh, is it your eyes causing you to sin? Then take them out, bro.”
“BRO. I can’t help my wandering hand.”
“Oh, your hands too? Better cut them off. Now fuck off you punk and leave these girls alone, I have a bunch of people to feed with a dozen loaves of bread and a couple fish.”
I should rewrite the Bible and just make Jesus extra sassy. And then nobody is going to know what to do with it and they’re going to have to bury it in the same hole as Saddams blood Quran
Don’t know off the top of my head
Oh god.
All my best j/o sessions revolve around international fiscal policy
Me too.
I regularly wear fewer clothes than this to the gym or going on walks on hot summer days. If guys are horny posting this then there’s nothing that’s safe from horny posting.
I’m sorry you had to find out this way but yes nothing is safe from horny posting
Tbh I knew nothing was safe from horny posting. I’m a reddit veteran and was a casual SRS lurker before it was banned. I miss how much its existence pissed off the man children of reddit.
casual SRS lurker
I really enjoyed when they set the automod to remove any comments that didn’t have “pbuf” (peace be upon the fempire) so the angry redditors who came in to screech had to grudgingly include it
We need a shit Lemmy says comm with that automod
Oh another good one was when SRSters took over r/punchablefaces (which was mostly used by redditors to fantasize about hitting women) and did a series of bits including only allowing the posting of people who had demonstrably consented to being punched, like boxers
Like I said, I was just a casual lurker, but I’d pay good money for someone who knows the lore and history to compile a best of SRS. They were the fucking best at punching resistors right in the superiority complex.
I wear fewer clothes than this to my conservative office job lol
Pretty sure I’ve worn almost the exact outfit as India to my job, minus the bracelets. Such a comfy and pretty outfit.
Lots of bracelets are fun totally recommend
I need to make some more bracelets, I keep breaking them and spilling beads/rocks everywhere
I keep breaking them and spilling beads/rocks everywhere
but it’s beads
Where’d you get that picture of me?
This was way too recent. Go further back.
Outdoor cats
Was 7 deadly fetishes before cha-cha or after cha-cha?
Post cha-cha, if you mean his ban
mmm time has flown.
I just remembered another bit of deep lore from the pre-cha-cha times; the downvote wars.
Oh yea, it ended in the great transphobe purge it was fun
watching people getting smited live was wild.
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this was a silly one
why the heck is it nsfw
Women are not safe for work.
Are women… Bourgeois?
apparently they’re pornography
Using it as a reveal rather than as an actual nsfw tag
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you need to calm the fuck down then
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Aren’t you on like your 20th ban evasion acc
check the account age, this is no ban evasion. I’ve been unbanned. I can’t speak to any posers and losers
All other problems with this response aside (there are many! You packed a lot into two sentences) do you think all drawings are anime because this drawing is not in an anime artstyle at all.
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Lmao I barely watch anime, been a couple years actually. Not that I should have to defend against your weird interest shaming as an autistic person anyway.
Point is. Its not an anime artstyle and its barely if at all horny, so “anime coomer” doesnt apply.
Okay how does pretty women equal porn to ya
how is women existing in media coomer, should they be represented as masculine in order to be not pornographic? Are feminine women just inherently pornographic or femininity itself?
Either way you gotta fuckin chill on that shit because its deeply unserious to be angry at people finding others attractive
The artist signed this as ML, meaning Marxist-Leninist. Pretty problematic, tankies.
Lol what was the struggle session about
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If good art of adult women wearing clothing that would be perfectly acceptable in most casual settings is horny posting and is wrong, then I don’t wanna be right. I’ve seen more scandalous poses and outfits in PG-rated movies.
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As Hexbear’s resident appointed joyless scold:
this phrasing implies there is only one appointed joyless scold. we have tons
We have many appointed scolds and many joyless scolds. But only UlyssesT embodies both qualities
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I have arrived.
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Everyone who thought this was hornyposting was just telling on themselves
Officer, arrest me
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There are people here who thought drawings of young women in spring attire is hornyposting.
I do think its hornyposting, but also my barometer for such things is way off, since I’m ace.
Mostly, I hate the trope of ‘lets just draw X, but all hot young (usually anime, though not here) women’
(but also, I usually don’t comment either way, just ignore and possibly block user)
I mean it is a little bit.
These women are in incredibly normal outfits lol. Theres no cleavage. You can tell the breasts are there but thats because women have breasts believe it or not.
I think there is just a base level of horniness that goes into drawing “thing/concept but young attractive woman”.
Yeah I would say the content itself isn’t horny but this particular art style gives off a lot of horny energy. I’m willing to bet this artist has drawn lewd stuff.
edit: Yep I was right lol. The artist is @loopsieart on twitter who has “NSFW Digital Artist” in her bio. CW lewd stuff if you look her up.
This is the artist fwiw: (CW: not NSFW exactly but some stuff is a little lewd-ish)
She also does cool stuff like this one lol:
New emote just dropped. Someone also needs to cut out the
bubble out separately too so much use in that lol.
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She does good work! The woman and bear in the woods sharing a meal of a man is darkly hilarious, a nice commentary on the “would you rather run into a bear or a man in the woods?” thing.
But then I’m a huge fan of both Oglaf and the even hornier I Roved Out In Search Of Truth And Love, so maybe I’m already primed to enjoy her work.
You are 100% right.
correct or not, every accusation of hornyposting is a confession
Purge all gooners.
Purge all prudes too.
Oh shit dialectics
people tryna reliigate it itt
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had to have high high hopes for a living
I started this one. I’ll stand by it, really. The original threads were full of people ‘ironic’ hornyposting. The artist draws lewd bowser images.
Yeah, alright, it’s not so horny coded that it should be banned - I came down too heavy on one side, probably because I was bored at the time. You would have to be. Clearly I still am.
But hear me out: if you were looking at this image on your phone, and an average woman peered over your shoulder, I think they would think ‘oh, it’s a gross little horny weaboo’. Perhaps take it a step further, what if it was your screensaver, or a poster in your room? People would assume the worst, because images like this are generally created and consumed in such a way.
I’m not just saying that either - I actually asked a bunch of my liberal women friends their general thoughts on the image. Most just said cringe, others said ‘this is absolutely drawn to cater to a male gaze’. I did not get one positive response.
At the end of the day, they are intended to be attractive. The artist has made a choice to give them all conventionally attractive features in the face and body, that particularly cater to a western male gaze. That is all that can be said for it. Alright, the creator was NB or lesbian or something… but they have something to gain from things going viral, and it is pretty clear what qualities of this post drive its engagement.
Regardless, my final thought last time was that making nation states into anime girls is, if nothing else, cringe.
and an average woman peered over your shoulder, I think they would think ‘oh, it’s a gross little horny weaboo’. Perhaps take it a step further, what if it was your screensaver, or a poster in your room? People would assume the worst, because images like this are generally created and consumed in such a way.
Speaking from a handful of personal experiences — not that I am an average woman — I reckon that my first thought would probably be, “…Sorry— Sorry, BRICS…? As in the intergovernmental organization…? That BRICS, personified in yonder picture perhaps a bit problematically, as women in an anime-esque style that evokes a non-binary lesbian who knows what they like yet also aims to cater to the virality-inducing gaze of terminally online cishet male weebs? My eyes do not deceive me, do they? What a peculiar thing! kininarimasu.mp4”
And thus — should the angels bestow upon me the strength to do so — I would ask that person, “Hey, your phone’s lock screen— that’s, that’s BRICS as in the intergovernmental organization, right?”
Should they respond, “Huh? Oh, uh, maybe.” or alternatively, “I don’t… I don’t know what that is, sorry?” or even, “No.”
—Then the conversation is terminated.
Should they respond, “Yup: Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa.”
—Then follow up with, “Do you have any particular thoughts on those countries, their governments, about BRICS or anything like that?”
Should they respond, “No, not really.” or alternatively, “Dae CCP 1984 and also Putler bad?” or even, “Brazilian chicks are soooo hot.”
—Then the conversation is terminated.
Should they respond instead, “I don’t like to talk about politics with strangers.”
—Then make a mental note that this might be an interesting person, or might be a nincompoop. Further investigation required.
And lastly, should they respond instead, “Hey BRICS is helping dedollarize the world isn’t it, and NATO provoked that war, too. Indeed, as the situation in Ukraine brings us closer to a Third World War, I am reminded of the wise words of Chairman Mao in his 1957 essay On the Correct Handling of Contradictions Among the Peo—”
—“Marry me.” would be my interruption.
You were never wrong that it’s horny tbh. It is. And the strong defence of it that some have is because they enjoy that it is a safe level of horny while not being willing to admit that.
trying to find a line between ‘hornyposting’ and ‘puritainism’ and its hard ogey
yeah that’s probably a more well rounded take
dialectics and shit
the only one of these characters seeming anything-slighly-less than totally rail-thin body type by proportion to height being South Africa definitely has some things going on tbh (and weirdly only in the torso down, the character’s neck is still rail thin). and even aside from that they’re still all pretty uniformly hyper-conventionally-beautified in the ways that has been being criticized in online art as uninspired if not problematic, for over a decade. There was a whole thing of that same goddamn face style and structure in every “young pretty female” portrait that was all anyone was drawing online for the longest time. I forget if it had a name.
and having pretty young women personified as nations in of itself has a whole lot of really messy history with nationalism and patriarchy’s relationship that it as a whole makes me uneasy. That said this is a profoundly unimportant thing, some random twitter sometimes-porn-sometimes-not-porn artist; I’m almost mad I spent the time and effort to type this.
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I’m gay
RARE EMOJI to be saving in my quickdraw rolodex
also the animation cycle looks like an fighting stance of the sickest character in a digitized-actor fighting game like mortal kombat
Full support from me
but also puritans