Someone forbade you to make music?
That’s my favorite song.
I mean, you did kinda leave yourself open for that one.
Way to dodge the point! Next lesson in mental gymnastics tutorial is blocking. Press X to continue.
Was this written by the cheapest, worst AI?
I’m certainly having trouble making sense of them.
I hear it’s amazing when the famous purple stuffed worm in flap-jaw space with the tuning fork does a raw blink on Hara-Kiri Rock. I need scissors! 61?
Nah, ugly ppl still make the music, behind the scenes :p
Just about to comment this. Singers these days are usually the “face.”
^ Uses 80s iconography to make fun of GenX’s parents.
Isn’t it ironic?
Depends if you ask a linguist or Alanis Morissette
Glad you caught the reference. Wouldn’t it technically be irony in both cases?
A little too ironic
Moreso than a traffic jam, when you’re already late for work?
Almost as much as 10,000 spoons when all you need is a knife.
Sorry for the delay. I won the lottery and died the next day. Ironic.
Ugly people make music all the time.
You really gonna tell me Ed Sheeran is good looking? Post Malone?
He looked better pre-Malone
Is that Ed!? Holy shite he’s really changed his look!
Tap for spoiler
Where’s his chin?
But the contention is about music being better, and that’s some bad music.
Did we read the same post?
Music was better when ugly people were allowed to make it
I guess your comment makes sense if you find those two attractive.
Like I get the boomer joke of music these days sucks but my comment was leaning into joke.
Yeah, and Jack White aint pretty either.
Imo, this post is better directed at hollywood
He looks good enough to me.
Your comment makes sense in the frame of “ugly people are allowed to make music,” my comment refers to the “music was better” part of the post.
The ugly people you mentioned don’t support your comment’s argument against the original assertion because their music is terrible, not “better.”
Some music sucked in the boomer’s days, made by ugly and pretty people alike.
He’s simply disputing the assertion that ugly people aren’t allowed to make music.
Yeah, that’s what the comment you replied to starts with.
Yeah so what’s your problem with what he said then?
Why did you reply to my comment to restate the first part of what I said?
Adele isn’t that good looking as well, but she is well loved as a singer.
You’ve got some warped standards for beauty.
But she used to be kinda fat tho…
I’ve never heard his music, but I think Post Malone is beautiful
Pop is just as manufactured and fake as it always was, with the exceptional trend setter or two doing their own thing, but what’s just below the surface is always just as good as it always was.
As a fan of hardcore, electronica, folk, metal, and all of the genres that fall under them, I still get new bands. I still get new releases. I get cheap as fuck concerts and still get cool merch and awesome vinyls. I have zero to complain about. Hell, Primus, A Perfect Circle and Puscifer just made an album together, in 2024.
Anyone who says music sucks now doesn’t really listen to that much music to start with. Music is just fine, man. Maybe look a little deeper than the pudding skin.
Those $10 dive bar bands are always the best
I have had a 50/50 success rates. The ones who are bad are REALLY bad. To make up for it, they crank the gain, volume, and distortion to 11 and just annihilate everyone’s eardrums.
An album called?
Following a tour they just kicked off.
Exactly. I wish these types of posts would change “music these days” to “pop these days” because that’s what they’re talking about.
It’s debatable when pop actually began but pop as we know it really codified in the 80s with dawn of MTV and acts like Madonna and Michael Jackson. The Beatles, Rolling Stones, Queen, etc were popular but I wouldn’t classify any of this as Pop. Pop has always been pretty people because it was by its nature tied to a visual medium.
People need to stop using Pop as a stand in for all music. We have more access to music than ever before and a lot of the music I listen to regularly, I have no idea what they look like.
I hear you and agree with much of that. I am a fan of multiple genres as well. But, as far as it goes for jazz, jazz is dead. Anyone still attempting to play it is often a sad version of what was once great in the 50s/60s/70s. So while there’s plenty of music in other genres I like, always more to find from those time periods, as well as still enjoying the classics, it’s a little upsetting good jazz is dead, modern jazz is trash, and people who think they know jazz these days actually refer to some other genre, like rock. Somewhat sad.
Have you checked out Live from Emmett’s Place?
Live jazz streamed every week.