Like trumps nice new pager blowering up? Or something else.
Like trumps nice new pager blowering up? Or something else.
Haha caught you! So thats why you’re everywhere all the time!
There’s always russia and Isreal.
Fuck you, you grammer nazi.
No no… we thought president musk and first lady trump would get at them. But we now go first lady musk and flaunt trumps ego and it’ll cause some issues.
Life’s more complicated then that, try not to alienate the people that need convincing.
No no, see i just heard at work that it was bidens last fuck you to our country.
So like the one from 2 months ago?
You could probably start a tiktok trend if you make it cool enough.
Well all Americans are now female so a name had to be chosen for all the vagina peoples.
Sir that is Mr Flying Squid. Hes kinda notorious around these parts.
I wont comment on Pratchett since i dont really know much about him. But i do seriously want to get into discworld, ive only read the first guards guards book and i liked most of the characters. But the story seemed to bounce around and just came off as nonsensical. By the end i found i liked parts of the book but coulent feel connected nor cared about the story. Did i pick the wrong storyline to start with? I read guards guards was one of the better storylines
Pratchett wasnt an asshole too was he? Ive tried discworld but havent managed to get into it but i still want too.
Things can get better. Theres a saying; third time’s the charm.
Picture is incorrect. The bottom glass on the right should be cracking.
So battleship but with chess. Sounds frustratingly funny. You’d never know when a piece would get randomly assassinated. Oh you just moved yourself little horsey over and pow he just jumped over 2 pawns and ran over the king! Oops my bad.
So do you like share a bed with your dad?
We want ‘change’ and Obama didnt scratch that itch, so people tried trump. Oh a lot changed. But not in a good way, so lets go with Joe. Nothing. Well we’re back wanting change so lets try trump again, oops rolled a 1 on a d20.