The List
- Danny Devito
- Danny Devito
- Danny Devito
Oops. I dropped my monster condom that I use for my magnum dong.
Apparently, some women are making comprehensive “sex lists” on their phones, i.e. writing down everyone they’ve ever slept with.
Also here’s my list:
As a gay man, most of my list doesn’t have names. Why would I remember their names? Some I didn’t even ask.
Good for you
Jokes on you, they lied, they’re actually a woman!
Now it’s sad and creepy!
I don’t understand why gay men get a pass for sleeping around but hetero men and especially women get slut shamed.
The kind of people who slut-shame are probably not that progressive towards gay men either
They totally are. It’s this weird neo-prudishness among young people.
…hetro men get slut shamed??? When did THIS start???
Circa 2012ish
It’s a zoomer thing. Very recent phenomenon.
Is it a pass, that comment didnt sound appealing to me regardless of who wrote it.
I’d go the opposite direction and say we should stop being so prudish, personally.
But at least you’re consistent.
I said it doesnt appeal to me, I didnt say I judge it one way or the other. Being a prude doesnt come into it. For me the gender or orientation of that statement wouldnt change my view of the person making the comment.
I’m a straight man, but I used to work for a shitty hotel. One year they had a gay leather convention. So the hotel was sold out from out of state gay men wearing leather.
Well, I saw the greatest moment in hookup history. I was checking some guy into his room. Another guy says “Hi, I’m Tom. Are you single, and ready to play?”
And the other guy said “No. I have many boyfriends, but we’re all ready to play. Come up to room 215, and bring friends. We’ll make it the best room in the whole hotel!”
Which quite frankly is absurd. Room 215 is generic on it’s BEST day! It’s no room 321, that’s for sure!
Still though. I watched a guy go from “Hi, my name is…” to “…and thats the orgy we’re hosting!” All in 2 sentences. And it was SMOOTH!!! Even I was like “Damn…I should check out this orgy…oh, right…it’s all guys.”
When you see how efficent that orgy proposal was, even the Germans are impressed.
gay man
Is that an evangelion reference?
I have a list like that. It’s important to keep track. because I want to remember things for the sake of remembering them. If I don’t write them down I will forget. also when someone asks you how many people you’ve slept with, you will have the number readily available.
I just keep an integer and update it each time.
Sometimes I have to decrement it. Those aren’t the best days.
How are you decrementing it? Time Travel
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Exactly, if you don’t remember their non-unique identifier string then did it even count?
Or maybe it’s fun!
Yeah at least write their name down so you can remember them
My best friend is my tracker. If someone asks me my number, I have to check with her because I can never be sure.
“How many people have you slept with?”
“Funny you should ask…”
pulls out rollodex
“And Zane had a pet bunny rabbit named Britney. Wait, no, Britney had the pet bunny named Zane…ah dammit, now we gotta start at the begining!”
Oh wow I have the same list.
You say there is a data literacy problem underlying data security?
My previous roommate keeps a spreadsheet with notes.
People keep sex lists? The hell?
I had a friend at university who was in quite a long relationship who kept a list of people she wanted to sleep with in case they broke up. So when they eventually had a break up, she postponed getting back together until she had cleared the list, which took her about two months. I was not on the list, in case you’re wondering, nor did I want to.
For real? That’s both sad and creepy.
I hope the other person in the relationship bailed for their own sake.
That’s both sad and creepy.
How is it either of those things? Let people fuck who they want to fuck as long as it is consentual, who cares?
“Hey babe. I made a mistake. I want to get back together.”
“Sure no problem! Me too! I just need to plow through this list of dudes I’m gonna fuck first.”
Seems like an awfully shitty thing to do to someone that’s genuinely interested in you.
You cheat on someone: you’re a worthless piece of shit.
You don’t get back together with someone because you want to have sex with other people first: you’re sad and creepy.
One can never win when it comes to sex in a puritanical society, unless they very faithfully only have sex with one person.
Sounds kinda hot to me. To spice things up, I’d want to hear all about it when we get back together.
E: Kink shamers, the lot of you! I’d rather be with an experienced lady over someone who’s only been with me.
Exactly, how else will they know they are with the best? In all aspects of a relationship
Right and clearly women sleeping with more men devalues them? Or what is your problem?
My point is if I’m interested in someone (man or women) I’m going to have zero interest in waiting for them to fuck a bunch of people first.
Why would I? I clearly don’t mean anything to you if you need to fuck a bunch of people first.
You just be young or have never been in a loving relationship before.
If I told my girlfriend right before I started dating her that before we start I need to go bang 15 women, should have told me to get lost. And rightfully so.
I can’t help but find this to be a sad reality.
Lol I am not young and have been in several decade-long relationships but sure go ahead assuming.
I clearly don’t mean anything to you if you need to fuck a bunch of people first.
Thats the real sad mindset I think. You are clearly tying value to number of sexual partners.
Making a list of people to fuck can be a bit creepy for exactly the reason you mentioned: consent—or the absence of it.
What? You need consent to find someone attractive now? Jesus fucking christ, go touch grass
No, you don’t need consent to find someone attractive - that’s a personal thing.
That said, imagine you’re in a fat neckbeards house that smells slightly of wet socks and you find a piece of paper that lists out twenty women he wants to bang. Creepy, right?
Flip the script and you’re in an attractive woman’s house that smells of sandalwood and you find a list of guys names that she plans to have sex with. That’s… Still creepy, right?
In the above listed story, which is probably fake anyway, the woman kept a running tab of people in her life, not celebrities and such, who she would sleep with if they went on a break for any reason. That alone would’ve been a deal breaker for me and I’d have given her the freedom to go do her list. That’s like me saying to my partner “Here’s a list of possibles. Make me mad and I’ll go seal the deal with them before we make up.”
Now, the woman in the story apparently had to sleep with the whole list, ala My Name Is Earl, for them to get back together. The men, obviously, would sleep with her is the implication. For all we know though, this woman propositioned the men and respected any who turned her down and removed them from the list.
I actually don’t care about any of this, just needed something to ponder on the toilet.
The former example is creepy because the guy is creepy, in both examples the list itself is not creepy. Wanting to have sex is not a bad thing.
You know that’s not the same thing.
It’s just putting it on paper instead of in your head. What’s the difference?
I think it’s sad, but I don’t get the creepy part?
I’m more curious if it’s a to-do or have-done list.
You know, you could just read the article.
Bah. Hogwash.
I read the auto-summary, which didn’t mention it. Guess the bot isn’t perfect.
I try not to visit websites that have 100+ trackers installed. Naturally I block them, but I don’t even want to give them the traffic.
So weird
Yeah, but not on fucking paper like an idiot!
You keep that list stored in your mind palace’s secret vault.Secret? Mandy Moore and Ann Kendrick. There, you have my list.
Gotta make sure I don’t bang the same hoor, Chaalie!
Oh course, but you’re coming off mine with that attitude, buddy!
All I know is I’ve never been on anyone’s.
For all you know, you could be, but they haven’t broken up yet
I’ll let my wife know if I’m on Drew Barrymore’s list, she doesn’t have a say in the matter.
That’s the spirit
deleted by creator
Mean. :(
The B.A.R.R.Y.M.O.R.E. System
The D.R.E.W. system
be D.irected by D.anny D.eVito
wR.ite your sex list on the back of your script
E.ntice your host
W.in the dick out of his pants.
That one sucks, let me try another
D.emand you can stay at his place
R.evise your previous lovers on a list
E.licit sexual actions from your host
W.rite his name on your list
That would’ve been the best opportunity for Danny DeVito to update her list with some pretty funny companions…
Just review the list.
A good match up we can all enjoy.
The dangers of drinking.
Any port in a storm I guess.
I just want to know if Danny Devito was on the list.
Why do you think she was at his house?
At his house, with her list. Hope he didn’t get get an STD 🤞
At his age, he probably wears then like a badge of honor.
His was the only name.
It was the only name on there.
Of course he is. I would.
I highly recommend the Kill James Bond episodes on Charlie’s Angels which break down just how much of each movie is basically just (executive producer) Drew Barrymore perving on her co-stars.
I wonder if she crept on the boy without balloon played by Rich Evans
I want Drew Barrymore to perv on me
I listened to the first one and that wasn’t in there at all, except one scene that was talked about for 30 seconds
How many people would you have to sleep with to need a list to keep track? Like I’ve had a lot of partners but I don’t need them writen down
Sometimes it’s the other way around. You keep a list until it gets long enough (or you get old enough) that you don’t care anymore.
Hahaha…or you get Old enough to forget
If your list is too long you should care even more in the event that something bad happens.
I went to college in Daytona Beach in the late 70’s so I have no idea how many I’ve been with. Maybe I should have kept a list. /s The last 40 years has been easy though as I’ve been married for that long.
Why would you want to keep track if they’re otherwise forgettable? You’ve probably forgotten some and that’s fine.
It’s like trying to remember every town you visited or every type of cola you ever drank. What are you going to do with that knowledge?
Five. But I don’t have a great memory.
Ouch. “The 50 first dated actress.”
Low blow
Precluding the instance of STI after having unprotected sex with several partners in a relative applicable time frame, just why?
Here is a picture of my list of all the people I’ve ever had sex with. Enjoy.