• Flying Squid
      183 months ago

      That’s part of their nonsense SovCit beliefs. Really. Since language is magic, they’re avoiding using the wrong magic words so that the evil government will get them.

      • @whereisk@lemmy.world
        93 months ago

        Kinda works because I bet most government employees would go very much out of their way to look the other way to avoid dealing with these people.

        • Flying Squid
          43 months ago

          I imagine there’s a lot of, “oh god, not these people again…”

  • @pjwestin@lemmy.world
    503 months ago

    I never understood how this Sovcit stuff keeps spreading. These loopholes they come up with have a 0% success rate. Every Sovcit post is, “I stopped paying my utilities because they didn’t capitalize my entire name, but they still shut off my water!”

    Like, Flat Earthers can keep going because they can ignore science and logic for as long as they like. This guy can ignore U.S. law until the first time a cop sees these plates. So why hasn’t this stuff died out yet? Are there a bunch of people spreading this nonsense even though they know it’s fake? Are they constantly losing members because they realize it’s nonsense? Do they start shifting the goal posts after they get arrested? I just don’t understand.

    • SSTF
      3 months ago

      I never understood how this Sovcit stuff keeps spreading.

      I’ve listened to an unhealthy amount of sovcits in court. The majority of them seem like people who picked up on it after being in a bad place in life, where- often by their own bad choices- they’ve ended up with very limited options. They are looking at loss of driver’s license, some jail time, and/or fees they can’t easily pay. They have used up all of their chances, and now are staring down some real consequences. They can either internalize responsibility, or they can try out this sovcit thing which tells them that actually none it is their own fault. Rarely have I heard sovcits on court streams who haven’t had a long list of prior police interactions.

      You also have the kind of person who just loves to argue. I’m sure you’ve met them. The person who makes tortured troll logic arguments against every rule, simply for the sake of wanting a win. They want to feel smart, and they take baffling other people to shocked silence as a win. Sovcit stuff plays into their desire to argue hypertechnically (in a way that’s ultimately incredibly stupid). Combine that with the above, and boy you got a stew goin’.

    • @BlueMagma@sh.itjust.works
      283 months ago

      This is also a scam, some people who I assume know it’s fake, are enrolling and selling fake sovcit ID, and they probably send documentation about the whole thing.

      • @pjwestin@lemmy.world
        73 months ago

        Do you think they’re the ones who help perpetuate it, or are they just making a quick buck off them? It seems like pumping out enough disinformation to indoctrinate these people only to sell a few fake license plates would have a pretty low return on investment, but maybe I’m wrong.

        • SSTF
          123 months ago

          Sovcit “gurus” sell lesson plans and scripts for “beating charges” (if it doesn’t work it’s because you did it wrong and need to buy more lessons) for thousands of dollars.

        • @BlueMagma@sh.itjust.works
          23 months ago

          Maybe both, they may have not starting it, but maybe now they are adding more content to the lore of sovcit. I have no idea, this whole thing makes so little senses.

    • Echo Dot
      3 months ago

      You deport people to the country in which they were born. They are your guys problem, we don’t want them.

      Just make them all go live in Nebraska or something, build a wall and refuse to give them any support, it’s what they want right, self reliance?

      Set up a few cameras and live stream the results, that’ll pay for the wall cost.

      • @Pat_Riot@lemmy.today
        333 months ago

        They want self reliance about the same way a housecat does. They feel they should get to use all the lovely modern things such as roads and electricity without contributing or paying in any way. They take out loans and then try to discharge them with bogus forms that others of their kind post on the internet.

        They’re kinda what happens when libertarians drink too much of the Kool aid.

      • @NotBillMurray@lemmy.world
        113 months ago

        I’m telling you, wall off Florida and turn it into a free fire zone. Would take care of a good 30 percent of our issues in the us.

        • Cossacks
          83 months ago

          I don’t want more lunatics down here, please, and thank you. Driving anywhere is a war zone, the removal of the Civilian Police Review board, and trying to take away our rights to record first responders within 30 feet. Shit is wild to see what is happening down here.

          Hoping to turn the state purple, it’s an uphill battle, but you never know.

      • @some_guy
        53 months ago

        Put them on a raft and set them out to sea.

  • The Snark Urge
    273 months ago

    It’s the newest craze: literal self-imposed outlawry! Now you can enjoy the smug satisfaction of a legally untouchable billionaire from the comfort of your clapped-out Nissan Altima!

  • Shocking that the only car they can afford is an old beater. Dollar General won’t hire you to wipe down toilet seats without a social security number and state issued photo id on your i-9. It’s hard out there for people who make everything unnecessarily hard for themselves.