As shitty as it is, this country 1. Isn’t designed in such a way that would allow a third-party candidate a genuine chance of winning and 2. Has too many centrists that will vote for Biden regardless. Trump has repeatedly garnered heavy support in Republican polls, so they’re pretty much almost all in on him. Splitting the blue vote between Biden and whoever else will only lead to a Trump victory after which we might not even be ABLE to vote in 2028.

I’m legitimately having a panic attack. These airheaded anarcho-kiddies are genuinely going to land us all in camps.

biden’s doing literally nothing to stop states from criminalizing lgbt people’s existence emilie-pain

their fears about a trump presidency are valid but i wish these libs would stop putting their hopes in the DNC when its clear they have zero interest in running a candidate that isn’t complete dogshit

  • EmmaGoldman [she/her, comrade/them]M
    1186 months ago

    So what you’re telling me is that the only way to prevent trans genocide is for Democrats to win every election for every seat, forever? And then you just hope they don’t decide to compromise across the aisle out of fairness like they do constantly when in power or form a Democratic Anti-Trans caucus that pushes for it just like DFLA has done with abortion?

    Yeah, that all seems like a feasible and robust strategy with long-term stability.

      866 months ago

      This precise argument is what broke me forever from national level politics ie “voting the lesser evil” for president stuff. Matt Christman made this argument years ago on Chapo (I’m not saying he did it first but his way of explaining really stuck in my brain). Basically as you said something like “if the Trump and the Republicans are the fascists, and the only way to beat them is to vote for the Democrats every 2-4 years, and if we ever lose an election then it’s over, then we’ve already lost!” Something to that effect. Which obviously he’s 100% correct about.

      The other thing that convinced me, and it may have been Matt or the other boys, unsure, was the observation that if the democrats truly truly believe that Republicans are an existential threat to the Democratic Party, the country and the world they sure don’t act like it. Meaning that when they have power they never do actions necessary to reverse the harm of Republicans. So in that scenario, how is voting for the “lesser evil” who either is lying about their belief about Republicans or is too cowardly to act or doesn’t want to act, etc. actually any different, besides the timescale of [bad thing]? And the obvious conclusion is… if the Democrats are serious, if you believe their claims, yet they do not act when given full power, then it doesn’t actually matter which one is in power. The genocide that Biden decided to fully back has really driven a nail in the coffin of any semblance of “lesser evil”-ism.

      • JohnBrownNote [comrade/them, des/pair]
        606 months ago

        we need a strong republican party

        -biden, pelosi, several others

        you can’t fucking use “they’re fascists” rhetoric and then valorize reaching across the aisle. who the fuck are you reaching towards Neville?

        • Amerikan Pharaoh
          6 months ago

          My personal tinfoil is that they know exactly what the fuck they’re doing, and trying to normalize Americans identifying as fascists in casual parlance so the elites can start getting Italian-style neofascists into the White House. Would line up with that Freudian slip from one of the State Dept.'s talking heads a few weeks back about “tailoring values to policy” regarding Amerika’s multiple on-going genocides rather than the other way around.

            306 months ago

            It’s not really tinfoil if you do a fairly surface level materialist analysis of the situation. The republicans and democrats are both capitalist parties, no real debating that by anyone reasonable. With very little to no pressure from labor for democrats to move to the left on basically any economic issues (some pressure on social issues, but that’s minimal for the most part and pushed back on insanely hard by reactionaries who will always pretend dems also did leftist economic policies as well… which is obviously a joke in the US) they make basically what is the logical choice if you’re a capitalist… allow corporations to gain more strength, keep taxes low, never expand social programs, actually cut social programs, expand the DoD budget to keep US imperialism going full steam so the MIC keeps pumping out rockets at home and securing resources for capital elsewhere.

            These people are evil and ignorant on many issues… but I don’t think they’re as ignorant of the overall game plan as they let on. It’s sometimes hard to tell because they stay in their rhetoric so much, which is obviously BS they don’t even believe in. But I do have to imagine many of the most powerful actors know that in the end something will have to give and basically the US will be forced to either concede ground from all-powerful capital in the form of corporations or use government power to forcefully continue to control, with extreme violence if necessary, the population to keep working, keep consuming commodities, keep earning more profit for capitalists.

            Is there a shred of doubt in anyone’s mind who Pelosi or Schumer or Jeffries or Johnson or Biden or Harris, etc. will side with? You’d have to be deluded and reading some serious fanfic to believe Pelosi or Jeffries in the house or Schumer in the senate (and obviously the Rs are just evil, they don’t even pretend) or Biden, Harris, whoever, will even hesitate for a moment in ordering Nat Guard or just creating another police force if they feel it’s necessary to force people to work, to locate and jail or kill anyone who dissents in anyway, the list goes on. This is all sort of done now, but it’s more a passive, background thing. “Better work or you’ll be homeless! And die!” But if people begin to revolt, even on an individual or small level to form like little communities and sort of refuse to work anymore, that’s unacceptable to capital and the government both.

            Well, anyway, if people haven’t already read Capital Vol I, Marx talks at great length about the transition from feudalism and the way laborers were quite literally forced in the way I’m writing about to go to work in the factories. People never “chose” capitalism. It was forced upon populations and eventually it became so interwoven with simple existence that no one can really live outside its bounds and influence. If people finally try to break away again, as one would assume is natural for people to do, those same forces will move from the current implicit existence to a much more explicit existence. If seeing the hungry homeless guy on the street bench doesn’t scare you enough anymore, perhaps men with guns shoving you in the back will make you go work. None of this is tinfoil. It’s the inevitable ends of the system that our entire government upholds. You’ll only ever be as free as capitalists decide you can be until it’s a burden for them and a threat to their profits… then they’ll take it all away in an instant.

            This is the unfortunate irony of right wingers I suppose. They’re kinda right about government powers under liberal bourgeois western governments. Like yeah, they will come for your ass one day. Just not for the reasons they think. And they will only be spared in so far as they’re useful in such a system.

    • Nakoichi [they/them]
      376 months ago

      I see this sentiment a lot here and it seems like a no brainer that this is that place not just because it is explicitly trans positive, but explicitly revolutionary in its politics. Any space that is not sufficiently radical will always let the ladder pullers lib up the place and carry water for fascists and bigots.

  • happybadger [he/him]
    996 months ago

    I think the one thing I knew about Harris before the 2020 primaries was that she was particularly cruel to transwomen in her jails. Like she made a point to be, so much that it was a scandal in a country this transphobic.

    • citrussy_capybara [ze/hir]
      706 months ago

      The courts ordered her to provide trans health care, said it was ‘cruel and unusual punishment under the 8th amendment’ to deny services. She fought with every tool available, delaying and appealing to a higher court when told no. Using TERF language that trans healthcare causes irreversible damage and that inmates can wait until after they are no longer her problem. [2015]

      “There is no evidence that irreversible treatment is immediately necessary”
      “the record demonstrates that the Defendants will be irreparably injured if the district court’s order stands and surgery goes forward”

      Her explanations changed over time. From ‘no comment’, to ‘the law is forcing me to do this’, then ‘it is unfortunate my staff did all this, I was actually fighting this injustice and despite being in charge was powerless to stop them’.

      • happybadger [he/him]
        666 months ago

        (CW: transphobia)


        When Kamala Harris announced her run for president on Jan. 21, a reporter asked her about the 2015 case of Michelle-Lael Norsworthy, a trans woman incarcerated in California’s prison system who petitioned prison officials to grant her request for gender affirming surgery. In 2015, Harris was California’s attorney general and her office filed a request in federal court to halt a court ruling that ordered Norsworthy’s surgery, arguing that “there is no evidence that irreversible treatment is immediately necessary before this appeal can be heard.” Nearly four years later, Harris didn’t answer the question about Norsworthy. In response to the reporter, Harris replied “it was an office with a lot of people … and do I wish that sometimes they would have personally consulted me before they wrote the things that they wrote? Yes, I do.” Harris then added that she “worked behind the scenes to ensure that the Department of Corrections would allow transitioning inmates to receive the medical attention that they required, they needed and deserved.”

        • EllenKelly [comrade/them]
          46 months ago

          the comments talking about how she hadn’t persecuted all of them, and some are repeated one jumped out at me 27 times

          oh no, so just like, a lot of them then? phew

  • CyborgMarx [any, any]
    6 months ago

    Just spent 15 mins making 15 comments, a new record, what’s your excuse for not brigading? im-doing-my-part im-doing-my-part im-doing-my-part

    Edit: I got the thread locked, how you like them fuckin apples che-smile

      • CyborgMarx [any, any]
        676 months ago

        Don’t bother getting mad, judging by the responses I’m getting these people are political toddlers

        unfortunately you have to vote for him if you prefer to keep personal liberties we enjoy.

        I mean look at this goofy shit

          646 months ago

          Just off the top of my head, while Biden was in office we’ve seen porn essentially banned in some states, various types of vaping, consideration of a menthol cigarette ban, the House passed a TikTok ban and Biden has encouraged the senate to pass it so he can sign it, and we’ve seen ‘free speech’ completely eroded to whatever degree it existed with a clown show in congress of Nazis grilling libs over pro-Palestine protesters whom they both agree are “antisemitic.”

          Biden sure does love personal freedoms

                196 months ago

                People are short sighted generally. If something doesn’t effect them currently or the effects are said to be far off or only in specific circumstances it’s sort of normal to go “ok, that sounds not good… but if I don’t go to work right now I’ll miss rent. I’ll come back to that later.” And they never come back to it for whatever variety of reasons from exhaustion to some sort of mental block on wanting to read horrible shit.

                The solution for this short sightedness is having people whose entire job in life to bend society in a way to avoid things like climate change or to maintain rights like abortion. The problem with that in a capitalist system is avoiding negative effects of climate change might not be profitable. So that person, to whatever extent they exist, is ignored and undermined. We end up with this totally alienated population of people who broadly do want abortion to be legal, who do want to force corporations to reign in carbon emissions to avoid further catastrophic consequences in the climate but they lack power. Everyone is distracted by their own bullshit, all this abstract (to them) stuff about dying due to no access to abortion is driven to the fringe of the consciousness. The worse everything gets, the more it feels bad to think about climate change or starving homeless or whatever else. Simultaneously people are having their housing security threatened by raising rent, raising grocery prices, etc. It’s all just shoving people into shutting down, ignoring, and just letting hell wash over us all.

  • Owl [he/him]
    896 months ago

    I hope “anarkiddy” becomes the new “tankie” and all the MLs in the audience have to put up with being called it. It’s only fair that we swap once in a while.

      • GarbageShoot [he/him]
        116 months ago

        Hey, this is totally off-topic to the thread, but your mentioning being an ML reminded me that I’ve been meaning to ask you: Where did you get that imperialists need to actively under-develop the countries they exploit for it to be imperialism? My leftcom buddies insist that even if they are contributing to the development of a country’s MoP, they can still be doing imperialism. I broadly agree with you but don’t have the, uh, theoretical competence that you might have.

        • TreadOnMe [none/use name]
          116 months ago

          Not the person, but for a leftcom (and even more strictly applied ML theory) imperialism is when you have a different ‘economic zone’ that applies to another country. Essentially it is when you have ‘rules for thee but not for me’. The classical mercantile imperial model develops the extractive industries of a colony, while the actual processing industry exists at home. You use cheap labor in the colony to extract the materials, refine them back at home, and then sell them back to the colony, rather than developing the colonies ability to feed and educate itself, and then also develop it’s means of production. Instead, MoP is developed mostly for the benefit of the colonizer. This is also maintained through different labor laws applying to these different zones, which are then enforced with extreme prejudice, which is the hallmark of imperialism. This is laid out in Lenin’s ‘Imperialism’.

          Now, what leftcoms usually miss imo is the part where it is an outside force that is enforcing this through violence. For example, many leftcoms believe that what China is doing is ‘imperialism’ especially since it often relies on creating differently taxes economic zones within areas of Africa (or more pedantically saying that the communist party elites have sold out the proletariat of China to the highest bidder on the international market). While there is an argument to be made there, I think the important thing to note is that China does not (or at least hasn’t yet) enforced their deals in Africa with military force, but instead through long term structural development deals where they develop the infrastructure of country on the cheap (because excess construction labor is something they have in abundance) in exchange for these economic zones where their population can immigrate to and work. It ultimately a win-win imo, and looks fundamentally different than previous versions of imperialism. Additionally, despite ‘selling out their proletariat’ the Chinese Communist Party has demonstratively not given up their control over the means of production and it’s development. Wether you agree with it or not, what is happening to them is not ‘imperialism’, it’s something else.

        • queermunist she/her
          106 months ago

          Capitalist development (i.e. investment in equipment and materials) is where the tendency for the rate of profit to fall comes from; as the amount of fixed capital increases in the system (machines, infrastructure, education, etc) the less labor is needed to produce the same quantity of commodities. As labor is the source of all value, reducing the labor inputs actually reduces the value of the physical output of the system.

          Underdevelopment is a tactic whereby this process is undercut by deploying counteracting factors to reduce the rate at which profit falls, chiefly superexploitation of the workers and immiseration of the population. Instead of investing in fixed capital to extract resources and reduce the need for human labor (i.e. development), imperialism sidesteps the problem by using military and police instead.

          Within the imperial core the tendency of the rate of profit to fall is also counteracted because the resource colony cheapens the elements of constant capital, industrial inputs, and consumer goods. Even better, underdevelopment increases migration away from imperialized nations towards the core, increasing the surplus army of labor and allowing for the creation of internal colonies of superexploited workers within the imperial core itself! This allows for further capitalist development within the imperial core without reducing the rate of profit because, while labor inputs decrease for the core workers, they remain constant or increase for imperialized workers.

          … at least, that’s as much as I understand. Still need to read more theory.

      • EllenKelly [comrade/them]
        56 months ago

        I get very frustrated in community spaces when i’m called an anarchist for just being there, it’d be so much worse from a lib 🤢

    • 🎀 Seryph (She/Her)
      476 months ago

      Wouldn’t be the first time an ML would be called an anarchist considering State and Revolution was derided as too anarchist by other bolsheviks when it was made

          • M68040 [they/them]
            126 months ago

            Some sort of system where there’s a “guerilla vanguard” that uses the appearance of a power vacuum to draw reactionary elements into a vulnerable position where they can be picked off?

  • Infamousblt [any]
    856 months ago

    I’m legitimately having a panic attack. These airheaded anarcho-kiddies are genuinely going to land us all in camps.

    Meanwhile the guy you support is literally putting people in the largest concentration camp in the world. How fucking selfish can you be. Oh no don’t put me in a camp, I’m fine with you putting all those people in a camp but not meeeee!

  • robinn_IV [he/him]
    796 months ago

    This is a real comment:

    Shouldn’t these numbers be seen as a major victory, especially with Biden being blamed by pro-Russian and Chinese bots on social media and by billionaire-owned news agencies for things outside of his control? - As for Palestine, he’s been pushing for a ceasefire for a long time now, he’s been admonishing Israel, and he’s been dropping aid to Gaza. The countries that have stonewalled the ceasefire are the same ones that have smeared him on social media - Russia and China. - In terms of his successes/effectiveness, what are your thoughts on… his masterful handling of the Ukraine war

    I feel like I’m losing my mind. I can’t do this any more. These people live in a fucking fantasy world.

    • jackmarxist [any]
      676 months ago

      Bidens “ceasefire” was literally telling Palestinians to stop fighting so that Israel can come in and Massacare them. Props to Russia and China for vetoing this shit.

      • very_poggers_gay [they/them]
        366 months ago

        They talk about Biden “admonishing” Netanyahu, but it was always just Biden getting sassy with Netanyahu on the phone, and then immediately sending him billions of dollars worth of weapons after they hang up. Like Biden hasn’t been instrumental in manufacturing Western consent and support for the genocide of Palestinians for the last 6 months peppino-angry

        • ElChapoDeChapo [he/him, comrade/them]
          186 months ago

          They talk about Biden “admonishing” Netanyahu, but it was always just Biden getting sassy with Netanyahu on the phone

          biden-point Listen Jack, please stop calling Obama the n word

          maybe-later-honey he’s being so tough on Netanyahu!

    • emizeko [they/them]
      416 months ago

      In terms of his successes/effectiveness, what are your thoughts on… his masterful handling of the Ukraine war


    • Awoo [she/her]
      6 months ago

      The countries that have stonewalled the ceasefire are the same ones that have smeared him on social media - Russia and China

      What the actual fuck jesse-wtf

      6 months ago

      This person lives in a mind palace of their own design, but instead of imagining something cool they just imagine that Joe Biden is doing ineffectual posturing.

    • TechnoUnionTypeBeat [he/him, they/them]
      346 months ago

      These people live in a fucking fantasy world


      They live in a fantasy world and accuse everyone who dares question even the slightest part of the fantasy of being some sort of evil foreign actor, or else the ones truly in a fantasy world

      It’s disgusting and insidious

    • Sephitard9001 [he/him]
      6 months ago

      Lying by omission by saying he admonished Israel and dropped aid to Gaza. He didn’t admonish Israel, he vocally expressed displeasure with Netanyahu while shipping infinite aid to him. He literally dropped a pittance of aid on Gaza and killed people with it.

      • Thordros [he/him, comrade/them]
        206 months ago

        Just so we’re clear here: Zionist astroturfing is a real, actual thing on Reddit.

        I’ve posted things mildly critical of Israel on an unrelated, non-political, extremely niche and tiny subreddit. Then I wake up the next morning to a tidal wave of ACTUALLY ISRAEL HAS THE RIGHT TO DEFEND ITSELF YOU ANTISEMITE replies, that outnumber the tiny community’s actual subscriber count.

        • Frogmanfromlake [none/use name]
          146 months ago

          Same. They’re all over Reddit and are pretty easy to spot. These liberals ignore that and instead accuse every leftist of being a Russian or Chinese bot.

  • Amerikan Pharaoh
    6 months ago
    1. Isn’t designed in such a way that would allow a third-party candidate a genuine chance of winning

    Then it can die.

    1. Has too many centrists that will vote for Biden regardless.

    Then it (and all of the centrists still setting time tables on our liberation, while we’re at it) can die too.

    Death to anyone who votes for EITHER tribe of capital. Death to the Presidency. Death to the settler empire. Till all are fed and all have beds, my skin is Black, my star is Red.

    First of all, Israel is only committing genocide in the same sense that we did immediately post 9/11.

    Oooh, the self-snitching is peak today. I love watching people admit Amerika’s just as genocidal as the monsters they’ve claimed to fight.

    Again, in three years when Trump’s god gestapo throw us all into camps because he decided being queer is against god’s will, I hope you look fondly on this moralizing.

    Someone tell these cancerous ladder-pullin crackers that skinfolk (or in this case, supposedly-ideological skinfolk, 'cause I don’t believe these genocidaires bonafides) is most certainly not kinfolk; and that we have no interest in washing our hands in their trough of blood. I don’t think they’re internalizing it.

    When I die, I’ll be able to look the divine I worship in the eye and account for, stand on everything I’ve done and said like it’s my business; and ‘opposing the genocidal and monstrous’ will be one of them. These crackers will not be able to say the same.

    • ashinadash [she/her]
      536 months ago

      First of all, Israel is only committing genocide in the same sense that we did immediately post 9/11.

      My fuckin eyes popped out of my head when I saw that. That’s not a defense…

      • queermunist she/her
        426 months ago

        It’s incredible how close they were to realizing something really important, but then just serve into genocide apologia.

      • SacredExcrement [any, comrade/them]
        6 months ago

        True liberalism, pretending that the genocide we committed and that Israel is now committing (and the US is complicit in) are ‘complicated’

        This is what you do when you have the political literacy of a 10 year old and you have already committed to the fallacious premise of ‘lesser evilism’, you handwave away atrocities as ‘inevitable’, while stating that your opponent, who does not currently have power, would doubtlessly commit ‘more genocide’.


    • autismdragon [he/him, they/them]
      16 months ago

      I really wish you would stop with the hyperbolic calls for mass death because as an autistic person I cant read them and just get upset at all the killing I think you want to do. Killing everyone who has EVER voted Democrat is a looot of people, especially since most of this site are ex-libs lol (demographic surveys bare this out).

      To me its an accesabiltiy issue. I technically understand you’re being hyperbolic but my auitsm just sees calls for mass death that I find absurd, unhelpful, and redioculous and I want to respond in that way. I wrote up a massive rant that I deleted off advice from a friend but I still want to express this.

      • Amerikan Pharaoh
        6 months ago

        Then block me, but don’t you ever police my goddamn tone again. I have to live in a bullshit world of crackers that exterminates people like me on a daily goddamn basis ALREADY, never goddamn mind the hypothetical camps people like Those redditors anticipate. Now, I don’t know who tf you think you are; but it sure as shit isn’t kin enough to me for me to NOT see this as the same liberal optics shell games crackers have been trying to make me play for 15 years.

        • autismdragon [he/him, they/them]
          36 months ago

          Is an autistic person asking for accessibility really tone policing to you? Like are we just going to throw intersection out the window here? I can make an effort to understand that you’re being hyperbolic and will. But like, I dont like that the concerns that I have as an autistic person are being treated as just the usual “liberal optics” or whatever.

          Trying to my best to talk to you like a human here. But when historically any time autistic advocacy and other forms of oppression have a difficult intersection (which they do frequently) the autism side gets thrown in the garbage as irrelevant whining it gets a little frustrating.

          Like I mean, at the end of the day, I’m used to ableism not mattering even in leftist circles the moment it becomes difficult and its not just simple stuff like dont say the r word. And I’ve already had a close friend tell me that my concerns here don’t matter because I’m white and somehow that just makes my autism irrelevant to the equation lmao. Like people fucking HATE actually hashing out difficult intersection and since autism makes intersection difficult on a daily basis its always well just fuck the autistic side of the problem lmao. I’ve seen it happen with feminism, and now here it is happening with race. Whatever.

  • jackmarxist [any]
    666 months ago

    America is literally in the same state as late 1920s Germany except that there are no Communists fighting fascism. Democrats will keep bringing politics rightwards and eventually you’ll have someone as bad as trump in power because Muh election of the Century will be fought between Mega Hitler and Omega Hitler and you’ll have to choose which one is the lesser of two evils.

    • Kestrel [comrade/them]
      6 months ago

      I see waaaaay too many center left pieces that are like “Weimar Republic now??” that completely ignore the fact that there is no The Left in the U.S.A. much less any kind of real SPD equivalent.

      • AutomatedPossum [she/her]
        296 months ago

        The Democrats are very much an SPD in the sense of “national-chauvinist warmonger party that deliberately alienates anybody to the left of them while hoping that the worst centrist reactionaries are willing and able to hold back fascism with them when they are actually neither”, but you can admittedly argue that they are very unlike the Weimar era SPD when it comes to healthcare or having functional infrastructure or all the other things that got permanently declared impossible utopianism under Reagan.

        • Kestrel [comrade/them]
          86 months ago

          Yeah that’s what I meant. Their positions on what workers deserve and what society at large should be like was still far left of American Dems.

  • roux [he/him, comrade/them]
    646 months ago

    Has Genocide Joe done anything in the last 3 years to even remotely suggest he cares about protecting the lives of trans people?

    • Adkml [he/him]
      356 months ago

      As with most things there’s a pretty convincing argument to be made that having a democratic president stifles all progressive movements.

      The only difference I’ve seen between the Trump and Biden residencies is when Trump was president every liberal had BLM in their profile and theybwere mad about discrimination, treatment of immigrants and fascism.

      Now there’s a dem president those same people are lecturing everybody to stop complaining because it’s making them look bad, even though 4 years ago theyw ere complaining about the same stuff and nothing changed.

      If Trump had won a second term every lib in congress would have “free palestine” and “the first pride was a riot” in their bios.

      Instead we get the same libs posting Biden with laser eyes talking shit about unions and not understanding that “dark brandon” is funny because it plays on the absurdist notion that Biden would ever do something good.

    • amber (she/her)
      166 months ago

      he says nice sounding things about us sometimes, which kinda seems like doing something if you don’t let yourself think about it

  • somename [she/her]
    636 months ago

    Smh at these tankies whining about minor issues like genocide. We gotta stop with these insane purity tests. They should focus on what really matters instead, passing that border bill and getting more machine gun turrets built.

    • Swoosegoose [he/him]
      516 months ago

      Ahhh! It is literally an endorsement! Voting for Biden tells him and the Democrats that genocide is acceptable to their voter base. It doesn’t matter what polls say if people vote for the Dems they will keep supporting genocide because that’s what a vote is, it’s an endorsement of that candidate and their policies.

      • autismdragon [he/him, they/them]
        16 months ago

        For a long time I was of the mindset that its not an endorsement, because internally an endorsement of all of their policies was not why I was voting for Democrats. I had a similar mindset to this person, I wanted to elect Democrats because I felt like less people get hurt that way. Trolley problem shit. And I had a terrible time getting over that mindset.

        I still have a bit of trouble getting over that mindset, and the sentence “a vote is an endorsement” still gives me a bit of a ??? reaction.

        But I think it was the realization that they see it as an endorsement that did it for me though. Like it doesnt matter what I think my vote is about really.

    • silent_water [she/her]
      406 months ago

      a chess move is when you keep playing the same move like it’s checkers and going shocked-pikachu when it has the same results.

    • HumanBehaviorByBjork [any, undecided]
      86 months ago

      they just can’t stop talking out of both sides of their mouth. voting for the “lesser of two evils” is just pragmatism in a broken system, but also if you imply that we could win any concessions from power by withholding our votes you’re delusional and if you question the necessity of preserving such a fundamentally broken system you’re selfish and if so much as mention the possibility of breaking the law in this moment of total crisis, you’re a radical terrorist.

        156 months ago

        Over half of Reddit is American, with English and Candians being the next to largest groups at about 10% each. Unless you are in a country specific sub, or a hibby sub for something not common in the us, chances are that you are talking to an American.

        • Saeculum [he/him, comrade/them]
          156 months ago

          According to reddit’s own statistics, 40% of Reddit users total are from the US, and 49% of active daily users.

          Unless you are in a country specific sub, or a hibby sub for something not common in the us, chances are that you are talking to an American.

          Your odds are about 50/50 US to rest-of-world.

  • came_apart_at_Kmart [he/him, comrade/them]
    596 months ago

    i don’t see how these bozos imagine–after witnessing the biden administration enthusiastically sell out the muslim / arab sympathizing portion of the dem coalition to watch their families and friends be slaughtered by organized genocide–they can expect any protection from it going forward. that is the lesson here: if they can do it to any of us this easily and eagerly, they can and will do it to all of us as soon as some ghoulish and inhumane calculation of imperial preservation triggers it. unless, of course these specific bozos imagine themselves different / better / more worthy of protection than “those people”. which is very possible.


    as someone here once quipped, “We gotta do genocide over there, so we don’t have genocide over here!”

      • came_apart_at_Kmart [he/him, comrade/them]
        246 months ago

        indeed, though those are all things that the media has been able to obscure for many americans using some managed narratives. the palestinian genocide has pierced the veil of the spectacle by virtue of its sustained and incredible violence for so many months. the hasbara campaign has been firing on all cylinders, but it’s not enough. too much footage is getting out. and the administration’s only move is to insist that we all deny what we are seeing and try to ban the most visible and accessible technology that is delivering it to people’s screens.

        its hard to overstate how much less control US empire has today over what people are seeing compared to 2003 and the iraq war.

    • kristina [she/her]
      206 months ago

      if we dont vote all trans people will be genocided! what do you mean theyre currently doing that in florida, obviously itd be way more genocide if biden wasnt in charge!

  • lapis [fae/faer, comrade/them]
    6 months ago

    I’m seeing a lot of “we just have to do this for this election, guys! then we can vote against the genocidal democrat!” in there, and like… are people legitimately not aware that Trump will absolutely run in every presidential election until he’s elected or dies?

    they’re literally holding the carrot of “Trump magically won’t run after this election, guys!” in front of their own noses, and it’s disgusting.

    at least if Trump wins this election, and doesn’t move insanely fast to dismantle constitutional government structure (which sure doesn’t seem like a mere four-year task to me), he’ll have hit his term limit and we won’t have to worry about him anymore. I’m sure the republicans will run somebody equally evil after Trump hits his term limit, but like, come on, libs, use your fucking brains.

    • Egon [they/them]
      466 months ago

      Yeah and before trump it was “binders full of women” Romney and before that it was “insane and old” McCain and before that it was Dubya and before… It’s been “we just this one election” for some decades now

      • BobDole [none/use name]
        496 months ago

        How many more of these stinking, double-downer sideshows will we have to go through before we can get ourselves straight enough to put together some kind of national election that will give me and the at least 20 million people I tend to agree with a chance to vote FOR something, instead of always being faced with that old familiar choice between the lesser of two evils?

        • Hunter S. Thompson, Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trail '72

        Over fifty years

        • Egon [they/them]
          156 months ago

          Fifty years is also some decades nerd

          (Love that quote and thank you for sharing it)

      • JayTwo [any]
        66 months ago

        Bro just one more election bro.
        Bro I swear just one more act of lesser evilism and it’ll fix the entire political landscape bro.

      • DyingOfDeBordom [none/use name]
        346 months ago

        T> Democrats will elevate the next crazy Republican

        It continues to blow my mind that to this day we have incontrovertible evidence that Hillary Clinton’s campaign worked to boost Trump, directlyt helping him win, and none of these “the anarcho kiddies will land us in camps” liberals even give a shit

          • ElChapoDeChapo [he/him, comrade/them]
            156 months ago

            Media just had to rename and reframe pied piper and the whole podesta email fiasco as “Russian hacks” and i guess that’s a magic button in people’s minds to just… not investigate the content of those emails.

            maybe-later-honey “Investigating or reading the emails would be falling for Russian propaganda!” maybe-later-kiddo

          146 months ago

          You get down oted like crazy elsewhere for even bringing it up. I am currently in a conversation where I brought it up. Can’t wait to see what their rebuttal is

    • Adkml [he/him]
      6 months ago

      Heard that shit for 2 decades at this point. As soon as the dem wins the lectures and excuses come out.

        6 months ago

        I was on r/anarchism for a while, anyone serious left reddit long ago, that sub was fairly active over a year ago but is dead last I saw

          6 months ago

          As a former anarchist, the western anarchist movement had a bit of a weird liberal undercurrent for a while. I knew people who were pretty solid comrades in most regards, did really good local activism, but whenever discussion left the US borders things got… weird. There was always weird takes on AES states and US foreign policy. I never knew an anarchist back then who was straight up PRO-Iraq War but I knew a few who were gun-shy about coming out fully anti-war cuz they didn’t want to come of as “Saddam apologists”. Hence the rise of NATO-anrchists didn’t really surprise me as much as some people.

          • You think if it originated more in the context of the Global South, that Anarchism would be less ‘libby’ and more better on political views

            I mean, it’s still prbly gonna ultra-left but come on…

            • Frogmanfromlake [none/use name]
              46 months ago

              The ones in the global south are more or less the same. Find leftists in AES countries doing CIA work and you’ll find Anarchists. Didn’t Pussy Riot claim to be Anarchists?

        • combat_brandonism [they/them]
          6 months ago

          over a year ago

          lol. lmao. reddit anarchists have always been shitty.

          a former reddit anarchist who hasn’t logged into the site in four years

        136 months ago

        those aren’t real anarchists.

        Hot take: I don’t really like this whole “they aren’t REAL [insert ideology]”, it’s a game anyone can play, and win, and feels like a bit of a cop out. The definition of a political ideology is malleable and changes all the time, anyone can come up with their own interpretation and the only thing really determining it’s validity is it’s popularity. If Vaush became as popular as Kropotkin was in his day and remained that way long enough his interpretation would be as valid.

        I think it’s better to attack them on more solid grounds than whether it’s a real/not real interpretation, you can say it’s ridiculous, contradictory, in contrast to pretty much every other earlier interpretation, but it’s not really “fake”, no more or less so than any idea floating in the human collective consciousness.

        • EelBolshevikism [none/use name]
          6 months ago

          If Vaush became as popular as Kropotkin was in his day and remained that way long enough his interpretation would be as valid.

          ??? “If Racist Pedophile Marx became more popular than Regular Marx his interpretation would be as valid.” This doesn’t work, this isn’t some “no true Scotsman” fallacy, these people are genuinely just not anarchists by definition. Like, yeah, they call themselves as such, but I’m not saying they don’t exist, I’m saying they’re wrong about anarchism

            86 months ago

            “If Racist Pedophile Marx became more popular than Regular Marx his interpretation would be as valid.”

            Not “valid” in the moral sense, but it would be a “valid” in the sense that people would consider it an interpretation, a horrible, awful one, but it would exist. We don’t really pull this with anyone to our Right politically, nobody really gives a fuck that modern MAGA doesn’t seem to have anything to do with Thomas Sowell or William F Buckley Jr.

            these people are genuinely just not anarchists by definition.

            But who sets the definition? With Marxism you do have the fact the ideology is named after a specific guy so you can argue people who claim to be “Marxist” but who’s conceptualization of Marxism is too far from Marx’s original ideas are operating in error, but even early anarchism had a lot of internal divisions and wildly different interpretation.

            66 months ago

            So if we have a concept defined by opposition to hierarchy

            Here’s the thing, people have different conceptualizations of what a “hierarchy” is. Plus a lot of anarchists say they’re only opposed to “unjustified hierarchy”. I think how the AnCaps conceptualize it is that me declaring myself feudal baron over the parcel of land I acquired by being such a brilliant entrepreneur is a justified hierarchy, cuz I actually earned that unlike the evil guberment. That completely falls apart in practice, which is what we should be attacking them on.

            With NATO-Anarchists I think their logic is “lesser-of-two-hierarchy-ism”, they see NATO and the West as hierarchical, but Russian Nationalism and Chinese Dengism are WORSE hierarchies, so unless full anarchism is on the table you should support NATO in the short term.

            See the thing is these bull-crap pseudo-left ideologies usually have a kernel of logic to them, unlike the far right which is just willfully incoherent mind palace shit. We should be attacking them on the logic of it, not having semantic debates about what is and isn’t an actual anarchist.