This is what they do, they co-opt fascist language and use it iRoNiCaLlY to deride conservatives (who have never cared)
Some leftist
This is what they do, they co-opt fascist language and use it iRoNiCaLlY to deride conservatives (who have never cared)
deleted by creator
Lesser evilism is still voting for, and by extension explicitly endorsing, evil.
Evil that deliberately helped lay some groundwork for Trump by creating the law shutting down the border when crossings exceed a certain amount, and by sending Israel whatever it wanted among many other things. You cannot just vote for part of what they do.
My sincerest apologies for not voting for team ‘We feel bad about killing babies but will keep doing it’.
That’s the clownish thing, the Parliamentarian is appointed by the Senate Majority leader and serves entirely at their discretion
Wanna guess who was Senate Majority leader when that all came up lol? It wasn’t a Republican
“More of you should have died”
I seriously doubt someone like this even knows who tf Pol Pot was
Plenty of them do believe this
American conservatives are some of the dumbest motherfuckers you’ll ever meet
What happens when you lower competition for those alphabet agency jobs
I’ve gotten spam emails with more effort put into their composition and the underlying subtlety than this metaphorical bat to the face
“Hello would you like to be black bagged y/n?”
And liberals wonder why they’re so detested
Jeez guy you don’t have to sell us so hard on closing it, we’re all about it
That sub tends (well, the last time I looked at it 5 years ago) to be pretty lib, so my guess would be for some sort of ‘joke’ that was deeply homophobic/transphobic related to Trump and Putin
5 bucks says that responder got banned here for using some deeply offensive language
I don’t see anything wrong with it as long as you test properly
Decades of scientific advancement aside, do you really think this country of all places is going to commit the funds for that when it’s busy trying to dismember every regulatory body
Lotta quality streaming sites out there that you can use at leisure with just uBlock Origin (don’t use without an adblocker unless you really like adult themed pop up ads)
The US thinks it has won a number of wars because it killed more people
Something stupid happens to the MIC or the MIC loses money or somebody in this admin gets shot
Good things do still happen