2020s smell like nothing because COVID
Before the 1990s, it was cigarettes all the way down.
1980s - cigarettes and hair spray.
70s - cigarettes and alternating body odor and heavy cologne/perfume.
60s - cigarettes and canned food.
50s - cigarettes and gasoline.
40s - cigarettes and either gunpowder or a machine shop.
30s - cigarettes and dust.
20s - cigarettes and bootleg whiskey
10s - cigarettes and bloody mud
1900-1909 - cigarettes and horse shit in the street.
The banning of cigarettes in bars and restaurants made a huge difference. It used to be when you’d get into the shower the morning after going out, you’d reek of cigarettes. It was mind-blowing when that went away.
I remember when our family would go bowling, my parents made us all change our clothes as soon as we got home because of the cigarette reek. I’m so glad those days are gone.
For real, the first time I went to a bar in a county that had banned smoking indoors was amazing. My clothes (and by extension, my dorm room) no longer reeked when I got home. Going out to dinner at any restaurant prior to that point just meant that all my food smelled like cigarettes, regardless of sitting in the non smoking area. I can’t believe it took so goddamn long to ban it indoors.
I hated going to bars. The fucking taste of cigarettes would permeate through the back of my throat. Is wake up the next day with a scratchy throat and dry mouth.
Was a kid in the late 1980s. I never realized how bad smoking was.
My mom hated going out to dinner, so we never ever went. And when I took her to dinner to celebrate in the 2000s, she pulled me aside and cried about not wanting to smell like cigarettes, because her dad smoked and the smell would remind her of him/his abuse. Smoking was already banned and I had to make so many promises that we won’t go anywhere with smoking.
Came here with the exact same idea
90s were still cigs like half the time. Bullshit smoking/non smoking sections in the same restaurant
Yeah, that stale cigarette smell permanently baked into things like hotels or cars or houses is the smell that immediately brings me right back to the late 80s/early 90s. But fondly to some degree.
Grew up in the 90s, parents loved going to casinos, didn’t miss out on the cigarettes experience.
Don’t forget lead
Can’t smell something that was so pervasive in the environment that an estimated 660 metric tons are frozen into Antarctic ice. Humans only smell changes in things, our brains are wired to grow to ignore a pervasive smell.
You don’t think the fact that lead just doesn’t smell all that much might be the better explanation?
Aerosolized lead likely would smell like something, which is ultimately what we’re taking about. A machine shop has a distinct smell because there’s aerosolized steel in the air.
I was born in the 80’s and all those gave me nostalgia.
Especially the horse shit. Mm. Rode a lot as a kid, and cleaned stables.
cigarettes and horse shit in the street.
In my memory that’s when I was about 7-9, rode horses. Dad smoked a lot.
cigarettes and bloody mud
That’s when I was in the army. We smoked a lot.
20s - cigarettes and bootleg whiskey
Dad also drank quite a bit.
cigarettes and dust.
15-16, driving mopeds and 125cc’s on dusty roads.
cigarettes and either gunpowder or a machine shop.
That’s the army again
cigarettes and gasoline.
Mopeds again
cigarettes and canned food.
Student times, lots of tuna and spaghetti and indoor smoking.
1980s - cigarettes and hair spray.
70s - cigarettes and alternating body odor and heavy cologne/perfume.
Mom used a ton of hairspray and dad had a really strong cologne.
Was a kid in the 80’s. I hated the smell of smoke and it irritated my eyes. That is a large part of why my grandparents quit. I’m probably why my parents didn’t smoke.
I associate the smell of tobacco with my grandparents. Yet for all the fact i hated it at the time because it overpowered everything? I opened up one of those tobacco smelling candles and… It’s stupid i suppose but I was crying for a little bit.
Also in the 1800’s you’d have tobacco smoke, but not the industrial scale of cigarettes.
My family smoked like chimneys, 1/2 died from cancer, 1/2 died from emphysema.
You only need to watch one person die from emphysema to decide to never smoke.
Bonus: One great great grandma died from emphysema and never smoked a day in her life… she was a fry cook for 40 years. :(
I’m totally with you on hating cigarettes but pure tobacco smoke doesn’t smell terrible IMO
Non-burning tobacco smells AMAZING.
What does canned food smell like, though? How about cigarettes and low-quality plastic products for the 60s.
Before 1900: Shit smell gradually replaces cigarette smell the further you go back, peaking in intensity sometime around the black death (in Europe). Actually, coal maybe needs to be in there somewhere.
Even though tobacco came from the Americas, cigarettes weren’t all that popular in the US until WWI when they were included in soldiers’ rations.
Interesting, I hadn’t heard that. Was it taking over from other forms of tobacco, maybe? Cigarettes definitely are easy to manufacture and smoke, compared to the other ones I can think of.
I forget where I read it - or it might have been in a documentary. In the US smoking was mainly a rural or cowboy thing until WWI. It saw another big surge after WWII.
Maybe related, marijuana use was also mostly a rural thing until the “reefer madness” ad campaign misrepresented it as a big-city evil, which backfired and popularized it.
Metal and stale.
And absolutely yes with the coal.
50s - Cigarettes and bourbon.
Bourbon or beer, depending on which side of the tracks you lived on.
Bourbon back then wasn’t as refined. Basically gasoline. /s
+1 well thought out
Everything everywhere before the 2000s smelt like cigarettes and old smoke, it was rancid a fuck.
I miss it so much.
Coming home from the pub and your clothes and hair reaking of cigarette smoke
Who’s saying they don’t still?
For starters, it’s been illegal to smoke indoors in my country for over 20 years
Okay… what about that stops someone coming home smelling of smoke?
You don’t get exposed to it in the pubs at all?? So unless you self inflict, chances are almost non existent to come home smelling of the cancers
So absolutely nothing then.
Good lord yes. It was glorious.
No, the 1990s didn’t smell of sex and candy. It smelled of a banking crisis and a box of 3.5" floppies.
Post 2020: Had covid, can’t smell shit.
Might as well unban smoking in public places again. 🤷♂️
That’s… on the Trump Bingo Card.
You could argue the 90s smelled like teen spirit too
I thought teen spirit was sex and candy?
Nope just deodorant
Specifically lots and lots of Axe, like way too much
The 2000s smelled like axe body spray and watermelon bubblegum
Because you were twelve
93 baby. So yeah pretty much haha.
Fuck, guys dousing themselves in an entire fucking can of axe, all throughout middle and high school. gag
I just wish more people were like my mom. She told us from a young age that women have a far better sense of smell. So when we think we smell good we have gone too far.
My brother and I learned a small amount of body spray or cologne goes a long way. If I can smell someone from 5 feet away I can only imagine how unbearable it must be for women and their heightened sense of smell.
I forgot who exactly it was, but a woman in my life when I was younger, probably a family friend, told me that less is more when it comes to fragrance. A quick spritz across the neck and right wrist was all you needed. I’m not sure why the right wrist though…
I would just put a drop directly into the part of my jacket or shirt closest to my neck and then sorta rub it into my neck.
Then I would usually rub another drop between my inner wrists and again rub them on my neck.
My theory is that you want to mix the pleasant scent of the cologne with your natural scent as well. That way even if someone else is wearing that same cologne you won’t smell exactly the same to women or something.
Idk it made sense to 8th grade me and it has served me well since haha
2010s: Axe body spray
That was more 2000s than 2010s.
LOL 2000s was what I typed first, then I remembered Leslie Knope remarking about Tommy Haverford being surrounded by “a dense cloud of Axe body spray” which was like in 2011 or 12. I figured he would be using whatever was trending.
It was just as pungent around 2006 and probably earlier.
I remember it being a thing when I was in highschool, but that was late 90s.
Late 90s, early 2000s was peak adolescent Axe usage. I entered high school in 2003, right when the fad was peaking. Which is good because it covered up the stench in the PE locker room.
PE locker rooms and axe are a terrible, terrible combo. Some kid inevitably empties a full can, then no one can breath.
The 2000s smelled like new tech plastic, the static from CRTs, microwave dinners, pump hand soap, and grass.
2010s smelled like hibiscus, then beach sand, then sickly sweet and rubbing alcohol.
ETA: Gas fumes were also part of the ‘00s
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Yes, but what about for those of us outside of the Oval Office?
Or burning.
The 90s smelled like sex and candy, but the smell was actually vintage clothes from the 70s and leaded-gas fumes.
The 80s smelled like hairspray and styling gel.
All I could smell was cocaine
2025: dumpster fire and Nazi taint.
Every decade before the late 2000’s smelled like indoor cigarette smoke
The 80s smelled like cocaine and wine coolers.
My late 90s smelled like wine coolers and weed.
My guess is if you’re smelling cocaine something going ok.