While Elon indulges in political theater and self-aggrandizing quips, Tesla is experiencing an unprecedented slump in both sales and stock value.
He should list five things he’s done for TSLA this week.
Absentee CEO.
- Damage the brand by association.
- ???
- Get the president to advertise the brand
- ???
Get the president to advertise the brand
This is the same as “Damage the brand by association”
FR idk why they thought it would help them at all.
Basic economics for anybody with the initials E.M. and a net worth in the billions:
Unless you’re product is drama and intrigue, there is such a thing as bad publicity.
Exposure can only increase demand with diminishing returns up to a asymptotic threshhold. A brand that everyone already knows about won’t see increased sales from promotion.
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after he dies we should send his corpse to Mars and crucify it as a warning
Warning to who?
That’s why they invade all pissed, in any movies with Martians.
Way too cool of an ending for him. Flush the ashes.
You’re right. Let’s give his skeleton to Craig Ferguson so he can be more useful in death than he was in life
Best SpaceX can do it blow it to pieces over the ocean m.
shot into the fucking sun
That’s a lot of delta-v to waste on a billionaire.
As I’ve said before, sometimes you go the extra mile (or extra Δv in this case) to send a message.
David cross?
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Oh ill look it up then.
And Bob Odenkirk too!
Why wait until he is dead?
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He would like that idea too much.
Throw his remains in the middle of the ocean or just flush his ashes down the nearest toilet. Let every molecule that contributed to wannabe spaceman’s existence be forever bound to this planet he liked to fuck with.
That takes a lot of resources that he isn’t worth. Just dump him in a ditch.
Oh no, maybe he should’ve tried minding his own business instead of trying to destroy democracy in multiple countries at once!
Oh no! Fantasy business failing just like those fired engineers with safety concerns said it would!
Too bad the rare resources are already wasted!
Let me… finish writing out… this reality check for… 0 fucks.
Liquidate that shit into individual gardening grants and public train money.
Men will literally do anything instead of going to therapy
Still too big, but I appreciate the visual.
I used to have a picture of a tardigrade playing a violin but couldn’t find it, so this was the alternative.
I think somebody posted it in the thread, it’s magnificent
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Never would have happened if he’d stayed the fuck out of politics. Hope he has panic attacks every day.
The dumbest part is, he absolutely could have gotten involved in politics and still been fine. Zuckerberg and Bezos have both publicly supported fascism and not seen nearly as much backlash. All Musk had to avoid was making two brazen Nazi salutes on national television and then becoming the face of the most moronic, questionably legal, regularly reversed (by both the courts and DOGE itself) funding cuts in the history of our nation.
But billionaires are actually narcissistic and lucky, not smart and hardworking, so here we are. The richest man in the world, probably high most of the time, crying on TV. If someone had written a novel with this plot 20 years ago I would’ve dismissed it as too stupid.
becoming the face of the most
Exactly why he’s doing it. The details matters less to him than beating other billionaires you mentioned at something, even if that something is abhorrent.
I hope he feels worse soon
Well I wouldn’t mind if he felt nothing at all
So… stop? You have more money than anyone could ever spend. Just fuck off already. Stop being so fucking evil.
He can’t. He’s all in for fascism. There’s no going back to the shadows for him, he’ll always be known as a Nazi oligarch. He said he would be going to jail if Trump didn’t win. We know he’s got ties with Putin so he might be being blackmailed into being the bad guy [not that he was good before, but at least he l wasn’t toppling democracies before].
He supported the coup in Bolivia
For cheap lithium that he could have paid for anyway.
He can’t. He’s all in for fascism
Nah. He has no interest in fascism. Fascism would hurt his bottom line immensely. He just tries to use his government position to give his companies, and by extent himself, more money.
The dude is motivated by money, not morals or his political compass.
That poor, poor man … give him more paper money to wipe his tears
Awww widdle Nazi is all sad! :(
Maybe follow Daddy-Hitler’s example and eat a bullet - then you won’t be sad at all!!
Piece of shit.
Cry more.
Stupid shit like this does more damage to conservative shitheads than any amount of “intellectual dismantling” of their ideology. This is their level of petty attacks on appearances, this is all they really know.
The left needs to get a lot stupider and a lot more superficial a lot faster if we hope to beat them.
The problem is, being petty is against lefty values. Take King Charles and his fat fingers. When lefty’s were making of him, there were probably a few fat fingered innocents out there with the same condition who felt self conscious. And that’s unfair. Making fun of appearances is untargeted and hurts those in the crossfire. But the problem is IT’S SO EFFECTIVE FOR OPTICS AND MORALE.
So either we give up that effective campaign for ethical reasons, or we just collectively let some people take the L for the advancement of leftist morale and publicity. It’s a doozy!
I mean, at this point you get to choose between hurting the feelings of innocent bystanders or we get to be the smuggest people in the camps who feel great about ourselves for not “stooping to their level.”
Consideration and care is great when you have the stable society that allows you to take that time and care. It’s arguable if we ever really had that stability, but we definitely do not right now. This is just like the people who couldn’t vote for Harris because of her position about Israel. Yes, you’re ethically correct in the linear little world of your own feelings about doing the right thing, but would those people make the same decision now?
There’s a saying where I’m from “You can be the last righteous man or the last man standing” mind you this in context to killing Mormons but still I think the Left as a whole needs it etched in their fucken skulls. Is there really a point in holding punches if the other person has a knife, id say no since they aren’t holding back. Don’t hold your tongue when dealing with fascists just make sure it bites, throw a couple slurs around if ya have to.
I’m saddened but also unsurprised that so many of my countrymen would rather the nation fall in flames to fascism than “sink to their level.”
There are at least a couple slurs I readily fall back on when dealing with these… people, but I routinely am attacked by my so-called-allies for not being “civil.”
It’s a real testament to the effectiveness of KGB social disruption tactics that our whole nation is so afraid of being accused of being bigoted that we have allowed bigotry to not only flourish, but install itself in the highest seats of power.
Cry more you Nazi bitch
Behaving like a shithead has consequences. Hanging out with corrupt shitheads has consequences.
Welcome to the real world Elon. Now cry me a river and get the fuck over it.
I hope elon musk dies alone and unloved in tremendous pain. When he dies I will be throwing a party. Him and Trump.
And afraid. They should be full of fear, pain, and loneliness when they go into the dark.
While wearing uncomfortable underwear!
And wet socks!
And itchy buttholes!
And hangnails!
I mean, this is how everyone goes so at least we got that going for us.
Unfortunately, this is how everyone goes.
Not me! Crispr will save me and I’ll live forever actually SORRY
Not me, I have hedged all my bets on the tech sector making Artificial Super Intelligence any day now and that invention will allow me personally (and everyone else somehow) to make all the best financial and health decisions so I will be the richest, healthiest person in the world! (Along with everyone else)