I thought the reason for trashing trade agreements and taking a wrecking ball to the Canadian economy with extreme tariffs was because of fentanyl coming from Canada at the border?
Apparently not, says Trump, from his speech at Congress tonight: “… Tariffs are about making America rich again and making America great again”.
By his own words, he has just shown his big lie.
The words of a weak, pathetic man.
I listened to it with my dad. Horrible. This guy is mentally ill and doesn’t comprehend what tariffs do. It will crash America’s economy and squeeze even harder the middle class there. Unless that’s what he wants…
I didn’t watch it. I just can’t listen to him speak for more than about 30 seconds. The gibberish and gish-gallops are just too much for me to handle. I usually try to find a transcript after the fact.
Transcripts are a better use of one’s time.
I purposely didn’t watch it knowing I would get better results from a summary. Like this quote from him that tariffs was about making America rich again (not about fentanyl) was all I needed to hear tonight. The rest is screaming noise.
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It would be underestimating Trump to think he doesn’t understand what tariffs do.
He’s backed by the richest men in the world, and he’s going scorched earth to make them richer.
He’s not stupid; he’s greedy, nefarious and will stop at nothing to achieve his goals of making America’s richest folks even richer at the expense of everything else.
Trump by himself is just a rambling old man. What is scary is the army of like-minded people worshipping him.
This. We cannot underestimate how sinister he is. He talks like he’s dumb but it’s a tactic to broaden his appeal. He’s a smart narcissist and he loves to be worshipped.
He is being played like a violin by Russia. I don’t know if he’s too dumb to realize it, or he thinks playing with Russia will get him his own Putin like stature. Which it might!
…trump’s an imbecile, but some clever folks are spoon-feeding their asset…
No no, it’ll make AMERICA (Trump’s America, the billionaire and multimillionaire class) wealthier. That’s what they want. The entire idea is to effectively crush whatever little middle class is left, and make the lower class dependent upon the whims of the aristocrats like him.
Basically, we’re rapidly sliding back towards feudalism, with us as the serfs.
Just like how noone was punished for the great recession as corporations grabbed people’s homes. They are salivating over the idea of doing that at a massive scale.
I don’t know of any other word to use for him than evil. Who deliberately destroys millions of lives intentionally purely for their own monetary gain?
The problem is, many many Americans support this kind of leadership style of USA. The world needs to stop supporting America. Stop buying American products and services. America’s only goal is destroy everyone and everything else for it’s own gain.
It is out of compassion for others that I can only recommend the rest of the world seeks to protect itself from the madness that has spawned here.
We can’t protect ourselves. We have to fully engage. We have to be mad as hell, and voice ourselves loud and clear. We have to engage. With social media, friends, family, but most importantly local officials in government.
translation for the masses: it’s about “making america’s rich, richer”. he don’t give a fk about you or me or anyone else. just those very few at the top (and even then, he don’t care about them, either, unless they’re giving him a cut or are a pathway to power)
Oh man exactly. Why do people buy his bs and lies so hard?
hate. he sells hate and hurt, and the maga nuts want to see certain people hurt, even at their own expense.
It’s true isn’t it. MAGAts just want to see other people suffer and be miserable. That’s how they feel better about their own shitty lives.
He’s not hurting the people he needs to be hurting.
And they were already saying that in 2019
There’s many that do, yes. My mother and stepfather are two such people. They’re willing to burn their own country down around them if it means that a few of “them” die first.
We all know that the maga nuts will be hurt in all of this, it is common knowledge for all of us, but they can’t envision it until it literally knocks on their door. Only then, you’ll hear them crying about it, “it was supposed to affect my neighbor, not me”.
Mass hysteria, also, there is a more boring reason. Most people aren’t really paying attention. I was at the gun store yesterday talking to one of the clerks about one of the AKs behind the counter. Mentions “ammo used to be dirt cheap but you can’t get it anymore” (steel case ammo used to come from Russia), I joke with him “well maybe not for much longer”. He responds with “I doubt it, it comes from Russia”. In my head I was like, yeah, that’s what I mean. Have you not been paying attention to Trump?
Keep an eye out for that. As soon as you start getting that ammo you’ll know you’re under Russian rule.
No better way to bribe Americans than with cheap ammo I tell ya
“We have the bestly miltary in the whole world. The most hugley forces. But the radicals are keeping america weak with their woke M16 and their M4 rifles. But not anymore I have the best people working on it. And they are bringing us the greatest thing I tell you. The AK107 will be issued to ever able body man so we can rid of the woke mob invading our great country!”
Nothing would surprise me at this stage
But at some point these rich people will have enough and all the extra wealth will trickle down, right? Right?
America’s rich richer. 100%. Just eat these lies, hate people that are different from you, and then someday your life will be better. As long as you like the Russian lifestyle, that is.
There ain’t no you in United States
But there’s “dees tits”
So they’re illegal then?
Trump was only able to enact these tariffs without sign off from Congress (which he would absolutely not get) because they were enacted under the International Emergency Economic Powers Act. The act allows the president to apply certain controls over the economy so long as they’re in response to a national emergency. At some point a while back either Trump or Biden, I forget which, declared a state of emergency over fentanyl. Trump is now using the tiny trickle of fentanyl coming from Canada as his justification for these tariffs because has to connect them to a state of emergency to enforce them.
If they’re actually about making America richer (no matter how wrong he is about how that works) then they need approval by congress to go into force. Every single affected business in America should have standing to sue over that.
Oh no, their convicted felon president who faced zero repercussions is committing another crime! I’m sure the US legal system will provide justice.
I agree that people should be made aware, but replace “sue” with “riot”.
Trust me bro. One more lawsuit and it’s over trust me bro. Just one more.
A man can only stand so many finger wags!
It’s when they furrow their brows that you know they’re really serious!
The walls are closing in on Trump!
Who’s gonna do anything about it anyway ? They’re all in on it.
Who is they? American business owners? Because while you might see the big public players on a stage with Trump, the private sector of business is a an extremely diverse group. They don’t support Trump by virtue of their existence, just because they’re businesses.
And they’re definitely not a fan of his obsession with tariffs. Just look what’s happening to the stock market.
They == Congress
Absolutely right. He knows what he’s doing. He’s messing with the law expertly for years.
Well he went through his normally fentanyl crisis bs, then let this slip out about tariffs would make America rich.
Americans aren’t pushing back yet because they believe his lies AND believes it will make his country rich.
He’s missing an “e” there. It’s about making America Reich.
Everyone knows a Reichsbürger beats a regular burger.
The fun part about Trump’s voter base is that when you point to this, they’ll still say it was about fentanyl. That’s the beauty of presenting contradictory facts: idiots will cherry-pick whichever one they think makes themselves correct and everyone else wrong.
They’re not just idiots. They’re indoctrinated to the point of extreme mental illness; they’re a danger to society, and themselves.
They think they’re in on the game. When they finally find out they’re not, it’s going to be a rude awakening and too late.
You underestimate the cognitive dissonance of the average Trumper, there will be no awakening
In fairness to MAGAts, the only info they are getting is Russian propaganda through Trumps mouth.
We still have free access to information in the USA. Anyone who remains misinformed is making an active choice.
Until you hear GOP/Trump renounce “misinformation”, assume that wherever it is coming from, it is sponsored by GOP. It is counterproductive to blame Russia for Trump actions, because you are deluding yourself/fediverse into war on Russia will change Trump’s mind.
As an American I feel like I need to apologize to the regular people of the world. I don’t support anything this moron is doing. Fuck Donald Trump, the ultra rich and our spineless representatives.
Thank you. Whenever I watch the American news, the only comments being made are about how Americans will survive the tariff war and be fine. And then how Trudeau should watch his words because canada “has no cards”. No consideration is given to the destruction of the Canadian people and its economy, or any ownership taken for the fact that they just trashed the trade agreements under false pretences. I know there are good Americans out there, but why aren’t more speaking up loudly?
It’s so clearly a pressure tactic to strangle the canadian economy in an effort to annex it for USA and Russia.
As an American I hope that Canada will stay strong and stand up to him. Someone needs to- there is no one in the US willing so do so except Bernie and he’s 84. Godspeed and good luck
We ALL have to make an effort to push back on Trump, or we’re ALL sailing off this flat earth on a burning Russian ship.
Canada is now also under attack with misinformation. Report false information. Share fact-based information widely. Write to your congress. Have difficult conversations with friends. Use your voice.
Ok, now stop apologizing and do something about it.
Momentum is building but like I said our spineless reps are not helping and the same half can protest all we want but it’s much harder to educate the right or get them to see past the bullshit. It’s definitely not as simple as running them off. Maybe last time he was elected but this time he somehow won the popular vote. I could talk all day about why I think that is but at this point it doesn’t matter.
There needs to be protests in the streets EVERY WEEKEND. The people of North America have forgotten their power.
Protests don’t do shit.
Lol say that to Québec and France.
Apologize all you want. Don’t care.
Stop apologizing and go yell at your government officials. Run your republican magat governors out of your state government. Run your magat state rep or congress person out of office. Organize and go protest and get shit done.
Until then apologies are meaningless.
It’s very sad. We have a mad king, and he’s hurting not just ourselves but others too. It makes me so sad to know that so many Americans voted for him. It says that something about us is deeply sick.
Are you doing something about it? Are you outside protesting?
If not, fuck your apologies. If you’re not doing something to stop this then you are a part of this and you are my enemy. Your so-called President pulled the biggest and most infamous betrayal in modern history. Your country has pulled a 180 and stabbed their allies in the back and soon they WILL attack us militarily.
I repeat, if you’re not doing something to stop this then you are a part of this. At this point, apologies are insulting. Pick your side.
This feels a bit extreme. I have been to the protests since he took office but they require that I take off work and I have a wife and 2 children to provide for so until war breaks out I can’t drop everything to fight these assholes. I understand your anger but it’s not fair to say I’m on his side just because I’m not protesting in the streets 24/7. The problem isn’t just this president or the backstabbing of our allies because despite all of that the billionaires and mega corps are doing just fine while we fight amongst ourselves. The world as a whole has allowed this concentration of power that is the driving force behind all of this.
Dude, this guy is calling Trudeau “governor” and blatantly rejecting Canada’s independence. He’s openly declaring that he WILL take European territory. He’s openly taking the side of a dictator and ripping of your own constitution and international law not to mention calling for a genocide. He WILL start WW3 with Putin holding his leash and you WILL fight for him!
And here you are acting like he just raised your taxes or took an opposing political choice. Protesting? You should be burning the house down. But, ok…you have other priorities. I understand that. But by doing nothing you are taking his side. You are making a choice even if you don’t like that choice. But that choice makes you our enemy.
Remember, back in the 30s and 40s many Germans talked just like you. Many had nothing against Jews and Poles. But ALL of them contributed to the genocide one way or another. But they, at least, had the shame to not apologize like they had just spilled a glass of milk.
I’m sure at every chance you have “burned the house down”. You know where I would be if I tried to burn the house down? Jail or dead while my family remains to see my story not even make the news. You talk real tough but that’s the easy part. Maybe if a war breaks out you can show everyone how it’s done. Also you’re crazy if you think anyone on my side is going to fight for Donald or Vlad. Like I said I understand your anger and trust me when I say I feel it too.
I hear you. You are in a difficult position, yes. You prefer to live comfortably in a dictatorship rather than risking your future. It doesn’t make you a bad person. Most of us are afraid and I’m not arrogant enough to affirm without any doubt that I’d do differently. But you must realize the fact that you make that choice allows you to be part of the wrong side. If (or when) the US invades Canada, your work will make it possible. Your taxes will finance it. Your work may even directly contribute to the logistics of an invasion. And, as unfair as it may be, it does make you the enemy. After you digested that fact you will probably realize how utterly insulting it is for you to just apologize.
Unlike you (or maybe even me) there were thousands, even millions of people who were put in that same position and made the other choice. In my own country we fought against a dictatorship. My own grandfather was in jail for being part of the opposition. These people had everything to lose. They were fired, arrested, tortured and even killed. They had jobs, family and dreams and risked it all for what is right. But they were exceptional men. Most of us are just normal and we don’t have it in us to fight so we become a clog in the machine. But, please, at least have the decency to not apologize and thinking it somewhat absolves you of being part of it.
Okay, so it absolutely was market manipulation. A dump and pump. Cue the tariffs to be rescinded this afternoon.
If it was intended to be a dump and pump, it’s not going to work. Companies aren’t going to reestablish supply chains just to get rugpulled later. More important than price and quality is consistency. Just the uncertainty alone will have an effect for years.
Yep look at the soy export market. After Trump’s last fiasco on 2018 and Biden not reversing the idiot, Brazil has replaced the U.S. as the top exporter in the world.
In addition to huge costs of new plants, and finding replacements for skilled Canadian workers, there would be loss of Canadian market for those vehicles. China has better value cars, and US made cars would go way up in price to recoup those investments.
He lost the 2020 election for screwing up the US over Covid. A bigger recession won’t help the midterms or 2028 “president for life decree”.
Holy gawd you’re right. Ultimate evil.
More like creating the conditions of a fire sale to allow the oligarchs to buy up large swaths of whatever they fancy.
By america he means the rich folks.
It’s about making America Reich.
For the non-german speakers, this is smart and funny because “Reich” (as in “third-reich”) means something like “empire”, but also “rich”.
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It’s already rich. The wealth is just held by like 6 guys.
Oligarchy is the new black.
This guy is trying to bring back mercantilism.
In america the rich eat the poor
In Mother Russia, the rich eat the poor.
That’s what he said, america…
Very disturbing.
US has an auto surplus with Canada. Vast overall trade, with exports 2% of GDP.
Tariffs are a sales tax that is somewhat regressive. What he’s saying is more tax cuts for the rich can be financed by taxes on the non rich, but with a cost to production/output/employment too. Canada should be acting now, but sooner or later, if auto and other industry is destroyed, there are much higher value options than what’s made in US, (and we subsidize auto industry heavily) and blacklisting US goods in Canada is not going to make the US richer, even if the oligarchs get lower taxes.
But the supremacist attitude to destroy Canada, whether or not “it pays off”, is a betrayal that needs counter actions/diplomacy with others now instead of waiting/hoping that supremacist domination will be rationalized away.
Alright. I guess they’ll keep them for a while then. Let’s see if they manage to pop some asset market, stock, housing, etc.
Also @useyourvoice thanks for your first post!
Yay! Thank you. I’m motivated to get more people using this platform as well.
It’s as close as Buy Canadian Reddit as it gets!
Facebook in Canada is now getting hammered with Russian/MAGAt fake news hard. And it’s only going to get worse. Canadians NEED to get over here. We don’t need Facebook OR reddit.