Is the carton of milk included?
Is the carton of milk included?
A noise complaint before 10pm? I’m more concerned with not harming people in the first place, than I am with placing blame. Have you ever been on a bike path, see a pedestrian, rung your bell. No response. Getting closer, start ringing bell more rapidly. Finally decide to call out, , “ on your left”. While slowing down to minimize consequences. Finally seeing a response from the pedestrian, as they turn and step to the left. As you notice the earbuds in their ears. That’s a common experience for me.
I commented on apples map, too. Organic Maps for me!
I decided to delete the app. smh.
That makes no sense, no car has two back ends.
Perhaps you have heard of people stepping out from behind a bush, unaware that there was an approaching cyclist because that cyclist didn’t realize that there was a need to ring the bell? Have you ever noticed when you phrase a question with a negative assumption it tends to affect how the person responds to that question? Communication takes practice, and with practice can improve over time. I believe in you, and think you have the ability to improve.
Are you concealing any damage or imperfections by using a single image in this perspective?
I haven’t looked into this so deeply in a while. Thanks for the post! I use VLC, precisely because it plays most anything I throw at it. Cell coverage is spotty, so it’s common to play from files rather than stream. We have a bike ride, doubtless like many cities, social ride meets on the regular. Since Bluetooth, and everyone has a speaker. When I’m riding solo it lets people know I’m coming. Safer that way. I’ve heard people complain they don’t care to hear that cyclists taste in music, which tells me you heard them and weren’t harmed. You’ll hear that music, for a moment, and safely continue on your way. On the group ride everyone plays their own music, call it The Cacophony, if you will. Sometimes the music to the left, to the right match up in interesting ways.
It doesn’t matter one’s rationale for doing the right thing, what matters is that one does the right thing. In this paper they show adverse cognitive effects via a Lung-Brain pathway, from PM exposure. If I put an HEPA filter in my office and only breathe clean air all day as a result, it should benefit my cognitive function. It doesn’t matter if I installed the filter due to COVID & respiratory illness concerns, or because Zeus said I should. I’ll still accrue the benefits to my cognitive health, AND prevent some number of respiratory infections. Of course in this study the right thing is obviously don’t irritate and inflame you lungs with PMs. Note: PMs in the article refers to Particulate Matter in 10nm and 2.5nm size. The smaller size gets deeper into the lungs and causes a chronic inflammatory response, which is believed to be the causal factor in the measured cognitive loss.
This is for trade, friend. Do not not be deceived by this interloper.
Is this like those dimples on golf balls, to make an air cushion layer to improve aerodynamics?
And by some people’s recollection made for Coleman Hawkins. ;-) Thanks good ness for both of them!
I appreciate this deeper analysis. As a physician, concerned about public health, it would be useful to know with greater specificity what these higher numbers are due to, be it actual days of milder infectious disease which prevent / slow spread of disease, ‘mental health’ days (mental health care is part of health care), changes / misalignment with countries data collection, etc. With COVID, and other potential sources of post viral syndromes, increasing overall morbidity, such research could be useful in guiding public health policy towards better outcomes.
Glad you made it. It’s a lovely community we’re creating. And we need everyone’s input to make it happen inclusively.
How much for the tree on the left?
Can I get a picture of it with a banana for scale?
Potential!?! It’s happening you dolt!
It’s only stupid if one wishes to see the US prosper. Clearly that’s not the plan they are operating from.
Are they still available? What is the condition of the can?