Nevermind that AOC is a shit choice too, but who in their right-mind would prefer a Biden or Shapiro over even a nominally progressive option?
I honestly thought they’d read the sarcasm
When I’m in a bad situation, my first instinct is to backtrack and get back to the exact place I was seconds before the bad situation started.
This is the weird thing to me. I don’t understand how pure idealists get themselves into that position to begin with. It’s so baby brained. Even young children learn materialism when they learn object permanence. Daddy isn’t gone because he walked around that corner, he was there before he went around the corner and so he must just be around the corner. Oh see now he’s back I was right! He didn’t stop existing! And they learn.
Libs just like…forget about this. Wow Trump disappeared around the corner, guess he ceased to exist. Omg Trump came back from around the corner how is that possible I thought he stopped existing!
Their solution to the Trump problem is “let’s push him around the corner again.” It’s a completely nonsense position and yet idealism at that level is an absolute requirement for neoliberalism to function. It’s ridiculous
Anyway here’s why we need obama 2
My theory is that, since there largely hasn’t been an influx of new users to Lemmy in a while, each instance is taking on more solidified and cohesive views. makes this especially obvious. Over time, people jump ship to instances they align with more, and the various methods of social control like defederation and comment removal accelerate this in certain directions, kinda like a sorting algorithm but for political stances.
Essentially, with the passing of time, .world becomes more obviously “Blue MAGA.”
I can totally see that.
Maybe it’s how lemmy mixes posts from many instances by default, but sometimes I wander into a thread that I expect to be more stereotypically ‘progressive’, and it ends up being shockingly establishment.
Maybe that’s a strength of federation: that even if your instance is locked-in to a particular perspective, you’ll still get exposed to a wide range from other instances.
There haven’t been any popular defed protests lately, maybe things are settling
I normally browse locally, I don’t have the energy nor the patience to wade into threads I know have people that already made up their mind, usually liberals wading into more progressive instances will be more open for conversation and that’s more productive.
However, the anticommunists are getting more desparate, they started tankiejerk back up again and a MeanwhileOnGrad regular has been stalking my account (see my comment here for more on that).
I wonder if it’s because you are one of the only users here that goes out of their way to try and explain things to libs without being confrontational. Don’t be deterred by the haters, that’s what they want
That’s part of it, they said as much and described my, and I quote, “so-called niceness” as essentially manipulation. I think it’s more of a post-hoc justification to internally justify hating me so much. Like, if I am actually being genuine, then they look like a huge asshole, and because they are extremely anticommunist yet think of themselves as a Leftist, they need to keep that internal facade up to justify themselves as a leftist.
That’s all psychonalysis bullshit though, I have no idea who they are or how they actually feel, but it’s the most logical explanation for their actions IMO.
Yes, you could be correct about that. It is a very common way liberals backwards solve for their preconceived opinions. This is the danger of idealism, if I assume the idea I already believe in has to be true, any evidence to the contrary must be fake and evil and therefore the easiest to reject without investigation. You must be a sociopathic con artist to believe in “authoritarianism” but also be nice and have reasonable takes. Certainly can’t be me, I believe in the good idea
Yep, my thoughts to a T. It’s kinda sad, but whatever.
also related, I notice there’s a circle of unhealthily obsessed power users that have a Zenz-like dedication to making “the tankie triad” a thing. They’re very evangelical about their cause of “growing the fediverse” which involves making a bogeyman out of the 3 of the oldest Lemmy instances, and pushing new users to join servers that explicitly block us.
Yea, ironically the anticommunism seems to be losing mass and gaining volume, and I’m not convinced that those processes aren’t related.
Don’t forget, lemmy is filled with stem nerdy nerds who very often have one of the worst understandings of the world.
I suspect half of the stem nerds are DoD contractors. Next biggest group is euro chauvanists.
Yep, it does go both ways — people sometimes come here and delete their other instance accounts
Exactly, it all settles towards equilibrium.
Liberals consistently think the next election is the most important election of our lifetime, and are incapable of considering the importance of any election after the next one.
They also can consider no political action beyond choosing news provider even though they’re all owned by the same corporations anyway
Or the unimportance of higher level elections in bourgeois politics for that matter
That’s kind of the point; if the constant, frantic election cycle rhetoric from TPTB keeps them eternally focused on the next election, then they never stop to see that it’s not going anywhere. There’s no progress, only empty platitudes based in ideological assumptions and not what’s actually happening. They’re hamsters so focused on the next tine, they don’t notice the wheel isn’t taking them somewhere.
As things are looking out, the democrat faction can win next time by simply not being Donald Trump. All they have to do is to run someone who is bland and boring enough for people not to hate them immediately.
They could also run someone good who actually wants to improve things for people but they would rather die than let that happen.
Sooo… American Keir Starmer? There was literally nothing Labour could do to lose the last election, entire country wanted Tories out and all Starmer had to do was be boring and not do something to make himself lose.
Except Trump won’t be on the ticket again (barring a literal fucking coup that re-writes the constitution without state ratification), so both parties would be running a ‘not Trump’ candidate.
If Trump was 40 I could see them trying to do that but like, dudes like 80 years old, that’s a lot of effort to put in for someone that’s likely to die this term anyway
If he survives enough of his term, Trump could be the oldest president we’ve ever had…
Yea, it’s definitely not gonna happen, but the libs love pretending it’s the end of democracy and take that possibility very seriously
democrats must not be permitted to win another election
They’re doing their very best to prevent that from happening
unfortunatly it won’t be enough. they will win the election because amerikans are trying to fix their ever worsening economic problems by switching parties
“I don’t like what was on the news last term, surely the complete opposite end of the political spectrum, the other party, will finally fix things going forwards! I’m going to uncritically repeat this behavior for the rest of my life btw”
They are doing a very good job of not ever being voted considering their “actions” right now.
Last election broke my liberal wife. She is radicalizing. Soon she will be calling these fools “libs” with venom.
I’m not even joking between this election and being on XHS she has moved so far left. Every time her baser liberal tendencies start to surface I just gently nudge back on course. I’ve never previously tried to change her ideology, just accepted who she was but at the same time if she starts doing that liberal thing like, “I guess those Muslims in Deerborn shouldn’t have voted 3rd party,” nope, I’m not going to abide that. We have to address it patiently and she is changing her mind on it fast.
Earlier she was on the phone with one of her friends and was extolling the virtues of socialism with Chinese characteristics. “We’ve been told they are free but how free are we with our rent and our insurance companies bleeding us dry?!? … Yes, I would totally move there!” I never thought I’d hear her say something like that about a “commie” country.
There are actually people arguing Kamala Harris wasn’t moderate enough. “We need someone more male, more white, more centrist, more moderate, more conservative.”
They will never learn.
lmao liberals just becoming more fucking fascist over time
its inevitable
The joker explaining the definition of insanity to a trapped batman, and batman saying “yeah actually that sounds pretty good”
Never interrupt your enemy when he’s making a mistake…for the fourth time in a row
Let’s confront racism and sexism by completely caving into it. Once our white moderate is in, let’s not do anything to address racism or sexism. If anything, let’s make it worse by alienating our non-white base and putting all the women in charge of shit causes that people hate. Then the next time there’s an election, we can point to how only white moderate men are the key.
i cant describe my feelings seeing them do the exact same thing every 4 years. like cmon is that a game to them?