I learned rhetoric on the streets.
“Hi, Yes, I have a doctorate in talking.”
I replied to that video that my favorite fallacy was the fallacy fallacy, the assumption that just because someone was using a logical fallacy means they are wrong, which of course, is wrong.
The Chinese on that app have some real poetic shit. Someone asked how if they don’t say “I love you” a lot then how do you express love to your partner?
“In this life there are three things I cherish most: the sun, the moon, and you. The sun for the dawn, the moon for dusk, and you for every moment in-between.”
I have never had rizz on this level, goddamn.
as always death to amerikkka
wasn’t “choose love” the slogan for gay marriage and gay rights? … from like the 90s and early 00s
edit: lol its also a big charity for donating to palestine and accepting palestinian refugees especially children
i was just about to type this
they can never be dirtbag left because the moment it gets a little too “dark” the hood will go back on - shit a good portion of the dirtbag left can handle that
For a few years I lived in a “room” that was a sort of entrance/porch that we used a curtain to block off. It was because we didn’t have enough rooms in the house. Not as punishment or a form of control.
I had a friend who’s 4 bedroom house had 13 children in it. His parents were Italian Catholics. So I don’t think anyone had their own room. He slept on a sofa for years and had almost no property but his clothes and guitar and emancipated himself legally at the age of 16. He’s a chef in Hawaii now.
The wood it’s on is native to Lebanon as well. I do admit there is a really dark, and I mean bottom of the abyss dark humor in this. Fucked up beyond anything, though.
He knew how enraging this is. That’s why he did it. The cruelty is always the point.
Article is not on the politics or news frontpage of
I’m not even joking between this election and being on XHS she has moved so far left. Every time her baser liberal tendencies start to surface I just gently nudge back on course. I’ve never previously tried to change her ideology, just accepted who she was but at the same time if she starts doing that liberal thing like, “I guess those Muslims in Deerborn shouldn’t have voted 3rd party,” nope, I’m not going to abide that. We have to address it patiently and she is changing her mind on it fast.
Earlier she was on the phone with one of her friends and was extolling the virtues of socialism with Chinese characteristics. “We’ve been told they are free but how free are we with our rent and our insurance companies bleeding us dry?!? … Yes, I would totally move there!” I never thought I’d hear her say something like that about a “commie” country.
Last election broke my liberal wife. She is radicalizing. Soon she will be calling these fools “libs” with venom.
ah, death to amerikkka, of course
China has expressed no interest in displacement.
One thing I’ve noticed from this discussion is how we could “rebuild Gaza but it would take 20 years.” And that’s from the hopeful right. China could do it in 5 without displacing the people. No cap.
Why was the article removed?
We couldn’t accomplish this if we tried. Would be horrific to try. Awful enough just to spitball the idea. But I mean this, America is incapable of accomplishing this task.
now my 40 hour campaign can become a 400 hour campaign
good thing he is against war and conquest
I’ve noticed the exact OPPOSITE. Every single ethnic groups is CHINESE. Han are Han. Wa are Wa. Hezhe are Hezhe. Yi are Yi. And so on. Everyone is in the “Chinese” club, though. This also includes newer members like Tibetans. They are Chinese now.
There is also no shame in a Han person dressing in the full traditional Yi garb, though. There seems to be no concept of cultural appropriation if someone does it because they love it and don’t claim it as theirs.
Additionally a lot of policies protect the minority ethnic groups. For instance the One Child policy in the days of old only applied to the Han.