The Umayyad Dynasty (661-750 CE), was established in 661 CE by Muawiya (l. c. 602-680 CE), who had served as the governor of Syria under the Rashidun Caliphate, after the death of the fourth caliph, Ali in 661 CE.

They ruled over a large empire, to which they added vast newly conquered areas such as that of North Africa (beyond Egypt), Spain, Transoxiana, parts of the Indian subcontinent, and multiple islands in the Mediterranean (but most of these were lost). Although the empire was at its ever largest size during their reign, internal divisions and civil wars weakened their hold over it, and in 750 CE, they were overthrown by the Abbasids.

The Umayyads continued the Muslim conquests, conquering Ifriqiya, Transoxiana, Sind, the Maghreb and Hispania (al-Andalus). At its greatest extent (661–750), the Umayyad Caliphate covered 11,100,000 km2 (4,300,000 sq mi),[1] making it one of the largest empires in history in terms of area.

Survivors of the dynasty established themselves in Córdoba which, in the form of an emirate and then a caliphate, became a world centre of science, medicine, philosophy and invention during the Islamic Golden Age.

Muawiya I

Muawiyya’s (r. 661-680 CE) lineage is referred to as the Sufyanids (after his father Abu Sufyan), or sometimes as Harbites (after his grandfather Harb). He was a shrewd politician and a strong diplomat who preferred bribery to warfare. He convinced Hasan (l. 624-670 CE), the son of Ali, who had succeeded him in Kufa, to abdicate in his favor in exchange for a high pension. However, when he felt that someone posed a threat to his rule, he would take no risk and have them killed.

His 20-year reign, from his capital at Damascus, was indeed the most stable one that the Arabs had seen since the death of Umar, and his administrative reforms were just as excellent, such as the use of a police network (Shurta), personal bodyguards for his safety, diwans (for local administration, just as Umar had established) among others. He initiated campaigns in parts of modern-day Pakistan and Afghanistan and, in the west, all the way to the Atlantic coast of Morocco. He managed to regain territories lost to the Byzantines, but most of his gains were reversed after his death, owing to internal unrest.

Yazid I & the Second Fitna

Problems started when Muawiya appointed his son Yazid (r. 680-683 CE) as his successor. The Arabs were not accustomed to dynastic rule and so Yazid’s accession was met with much resentment, most notably from Husayn ibn Ali (l. 626-680 CE), Hasan’s younger brother, and Abdullah ibn Zubayr (l. 624-692 CE), who was the son of a close companion of Prophet Muhammad.

In 680 CE, Husayn, convinced by the people of Kufa, marched to Iraq, intending to gather his forces and then attack Damascus. Yazid, however, put a lockdown on Kufa and sent his army, under the command of his cousin: Ubaidullah ibn Ziyad (d. 686 CE) to intercept Husayn’s force. The two parties met in Karbala, near the Euphrates, where Husayn’s army – some 70 combatants (mostly family members and close associates) made a heroic stand and were all brutally massacred and Husayn beheaded. This sparked the second civil war of Islamic history – the Second Fitna (680-692 CE).

Yazid then ordered another army to attack the Medinans, who had rebelled due to their disgust over Yazid’s character and actions; this culminated in the Battle of al-Harra (683 CE), where opposition was crushed.

The city was besieged for several weeks, during which the cover of the Ka’aba (Islamic holy site) caught on fire. Though Yazid’s army retreated to Syria after their leader’s sudden death (683 CE), the damage done by Yazid’s army left an indelible mark in the hearts of the Muslims. Today Yazid is remembered as perhaps the most negative figure in Islamic history.

The Marwanids

Marwan ibn Hakam (r. 684-685 CE), a senior member of the Umayyad clan and a cousin of Muawiya, took over, with the promise that the throne would pass on to Khalid (Yazid’s younger son) upon his death. He had no intention of keeping this promise.

Marwan recaptured Egypt – which had revolted and joined the Zubayrid faction. But he could not contain Abdullah’s revolt, as he died just nine months after assuming the office (685 CE). This task now fell upon the shoulders of his brilliant son, Abd al-Malik (r. 685-705 CE).

In 685 CE, Al Mukhtar (l. c. 622-687 CE), started a revolt in Kufa and joined hands with Abdullah against the Umayyads. He then declared his wish to establish an Alid Caliphate, using one of Ali’s sons (although not from Fatima), Muhammad ibn al-Hanaffiya (l. 637-700 CE). This led to his parting ways with Abdullah who had claimed the Caliphate for himself from Mecca. Abd al-Malik then waited as his rivals weakened each other. In 687 CE Al Mukhtar was killed by Zubayrid forces during the siege of Kufa. Although Al Mukhtar died there and then, his revolt ultimately led to the evolution of Shi’ism from a political group to a religious sect.

With the threat in Kufa neutralized, Abd al-Malik shifted his attention towards Mecca: he sent his most loyal and ruthless general, the governor of rebellious Iraq, Hajjaj ibn Yusuf (l. 661-714 CE) to subjugate his rival. Although Abdullah stood no chance against Hajjaj’s mighty army, he refused to surrender and died sword in hand in 692 CE; the war was over.

Although he has not escaped the criticism for Hajjaj’s cruel deeds, Abd al-Malik is credited for bringing stability and centralization to the empire, Most notably he Arabized the whole of his dominion, which in time helped the propagation of Islam; he also established official coins for his empire.

The construction of the Dome of Rock in Jerusalem took place under his canopy (691-692 CE); it is conceivable that this was to balance his position against Abdullah, who at that time was in control of the Ka’aba. It was also during his reign that all of North Africa, including Tunis, was conquered (by 693 CE) for good. The local Berbers, who accepted Islam, would become vital in carrying it all the way to Spain during the reign of his son.

Al Walid & Conquest of Spain

After Abd al-Malik’s death, his son Al Walid I (r. 705-715 CE) assumed the office who pushed the boundaries of his empire even farther. Hajjaj continued to extend his influence over his sovereign; two of his protégés – Muhammad ibn Qasim (l. c. 695-715 CE) and Qutayba ibn Muslim (l. c. 669-715 CE) were successful in subjugating parts of modern-day Pakistan and Transoxiana, respectively.

Muslim conquest of Spain started in 711 CE when a Berber named Tariq ibn Ziyad landed on the Iberian Peninsula on a mount that bears his name today: Gibral-Tar. He defeated a numerically superior army led by Gothic king Roderic (r. 710-712 CE) at the battle of Guadalete (711 CE), after which, the land simply lay still for him to take.

Musa ibn Nusayr (l. 640-716 CE), the governor of Ifriqiya (North Africa beyond Egypt) reinforced Tariq with more men and the duo had conquered most of Al Andalus (Arabic for Spain – the land of the Vandals) by 714 CE. Musa was on the verge of invading Europe through the Pyrenees, but at that fateful moment, for reasons not clear to historians, the Caliph ordered both of them to return to Damascus.

Expansion Halted

Walid had tried to nominate his own son as his successor, instead of his brother Sulayman, who was his successor by their father’s covenant; naturally, Sulayman refused to let go of his claim. Walid died before he could force his brother into submission, and Sulayman (r. 715-717 CE) assumed the office; his brief reign was an abject failure. Sulayman had nothing but contempt for the late Hajjaj and released many people who had been held captive in Hajjaj’s prisons.

However, the dead governor’s subordinates faced the full wrath of the new Caliph; Sulayman had many of the empire’s dauntless generals and talented governors killed, as most of them had been handpicked by the aforementioned. Sulayman then turned his attention towards Constantinople and sent a massive force to conquer the Byzantine capital in 717 CE. This venture was a costly and humiliating defeat, the damage was permanent and irreversible, halted expansion, moreover, it was the first major setback against the Byzantines. Nearing his death, Sulayman realized that his own sons were too young to succeed him, he nominated his pious cousin Umar ibn Abd al-Aziz.

Umar II (r. 717-720 CE) managed to rule for only three years as he was poisoned by his own family because of his unwavering stance on justice and on Islamic principles. Umar’s successor, Yazid II (r. 720-724 CE), another son of Abd al-Malik, proved to be no better a ruler than the first one to bear his name. Fortunately for the Umayyads, he died just four years after assuming control.

Restoration of Order

Yazid’s brother and successor, Hisham (r. 724-743 CE) had inherited an empire torn apart by civil wars and he would use all of his energies and resources to bring the kingdom out of this tumult. A strong and inflexible ruler, Hisham reinstated many reforms that had been introduced by Umar II but discontinued by Yazid II.

Some of his military expeditions were successful, others not so much: a Hindu revolt in Sindh (a province in modern-day Pakistan) was crushed, but a Berber revolt broke out in the western parts of North Africa (modern-day Morocco) in 739 CE. Attempts to crush the rebellion did not even come close to complete the objective, but the disunited Berbers soon disintegrated (743 CE) after they failed to take the core of Ifriqiya, the capital city of Qairouwan, but Morocco was lost for the Umayyads.

Al Andalus had also descended to anarchy, but Hisham was successful there. Under an able general named Abd al-Rahman al-Ghafiqi, the province was restored to order but further expansion into Europe was checked after the defeat at the Battle of Tours (732 CE) against the Franks under Charles Martel (r. 718-741 CE).

Third Fitna

After Hisham’s death in 743 CE, the empire was brought to a civil war. Walid II – a son of Yazid II ruled from 743-744 CE, before being overthrown and killed by Yazid III (d. 744 CE) – a son of Walid I. This sparked the Third Fitna (743-747 CE), the third civil war in Islamic history as many tribes had also started revolting against the establishment amidst the chaos. Yazid III died just six months later and was succeeded by his brother Ibrahim who only managed to rule for two months before being overthrown by the elderly Marwan II (r. 744-750 CE) – a grandson of Marwan I.

Marwan II was a strong military commander but lacked diplomatic skills, instead he crushed the uprisings with brute force and brought an end to the Third Fitna in 747 CE. However, the Abbasids (an Arabian faction that claimed to be descendants of the Prophet’s uncle: Abbas), had gained the support of the people of Khurasan (in Iran). His empire was not in a state to face a large scale uprising; his army was exhausted after years of warfare, the failing economy did not allow him to recruit more troops, and ineffective governors failed to realize the gravity of the Abbasid threat until it was simply too late.

By the end of 749 CE, most of the eastern states had displayed the black standards of the Abbasids and the resentful tribes that he had subjugated with force were also allying with them. He faced the bulk of the Abbasid army near the Zab River (750 CE), where his army was routed and he was forced to flee. He escaped to Egypt, intending to muster up his forces from western provinces, but the Abbasids caught up with him and killed him. Umayyad rule was over, and the first Abbasid ruler Abu Abbas (r. 750-754 CE) was declared the new Caliph in Kufa.

End of the Umayyads

The Abbasids showed no mercy to the Umayyads; all male members were slain, a surviving few retreated to their hideouts. Then the Abbasids invited all of the surviving members to dinner on the pretext of reconciliation but, when they were seated at the table, at the signal of the new Caliph, assassins entered the room and clubbed them to death. Abd al-Rahman I, a grandson of the able Hisham, survived the horrible fate of his kinsmen, he managed to escape the Abbasids and made a perilous journey across the empire and landed in Al Andalus, where he formed the Emirate of Cordoba in 756 CE, which rivaled the Abbasid realm in elegance and grandeur.

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  • DeathToBritain [she/her, they/them]
    2 months ago

    you know if I found out somebody used AI to sumarise the messages I sent them, I’d just not talk to them anymore. like na, if you can’t put the respect in to read what I wrote, I don’t have the respect to write it for you

    • Grownbravy [they/them]
      2 months ago

      The only time i would like an AI summary is when I dont respect who’s sent it to me, so I get it.

      but we’re quickly approaching the zizekian reality of two people using AIs to surrogate intimate interaction.

      • blunder [he/him]
        2 months ago

        nerd In his example the intelligence was the natural part and the awkward physicality was artificial

        I guess there are only so many people you’d click with anyway, so idk if it’s actually a narrowing of the pool of cool people out there, but yeah it’s weird when people out themselves as… I don’t know, not knowing the difference between genuine human connection and a computer. (I say into my phone screen lol)

        I hate the blanket criticism of “normies” but the huge swathes of people who seem to be totally neutral on AI and tech pervading our lives really weird me out

        • Grownbravy [they/them]
          2 months ago

          I meant like work emails, honestly.

          It’s very weird to me to see people excited over artifice like this. But i can see why people are permissive of AI, mostly because in truth they’ll never use it. They made it this weird, soft, thing that they can interact with for an hour and never use again. But it creeps closer and closer to the kind of thing that should be worrying people. And its integration is a nightmare. Microsoft pushing it in with it’s latest Office update had gotten law firms livid that they cant get a straight answer to if whether or not it’s training off sensitive documents they use every day.

  • hexaflexagonbear [he/him]
    2 months ago

    This may be my new favourite smug Bill Maher moment.

    Trying to summarize the Old Testament: you see the Jews always stayed in a single location, never moving.

    • InevitableSwing [none/use name]
      2 months ago

      He’s stupendously wrong on everything. Yet despite that in the US if a pundit or talking head lies and appears confident and smug - that attitude is far more important for their popularity.

    • turmoil [any]
      2 months ago

      he made a whole career talking about how the bible is dumb and wrong. but I guess that goes out the window now that he needs it to justify genocide

  • DragonBallZinn [he/him]
    2 months ago

    There needs to be more rhetoric on the left that it’s capital that’s lazy and entitled. Not workers.

    It is bullshit that millennials and gen Z are one of the most educated generations but also stereotypically underemployed or unemployed all because lazy capitalists just don’t feel like making some jobs. What does he think we’re subsidizing him for?

    Any business that’s downsizing is a useless eater that’s forcing people into unemployment. People want to work and want to contribute to the economy, any business with a lazy ceo that wants to keep people from working is a useless eater that needs to get out of the way.

    • Rojo27 [he/him]
      2 months ago

      Any business that’s downsizing is a useless eater that’s forcing people into unemployment. People want to work and want to contribute to the economy, any business with a lazy ceo that wants to keep people from working is a useless eater that needs to get out of the way.

      This. I’ve only ever worked two jobs, but at each one I’ve seen staff numbers dwindle over time as the remaining staff is asked to do more and more. When I was promoted at my first job I went to a position where there were typically 3-4 people working. When I left after working that position for 8 years, I had been working solo for close to two years. My current job doesn’t want to rehire an extra person even though the budget is there for it and our work volume clearly suggests we need them.

    • Carl [he/him]
      2 months ago

      I forget who I first heard it from but the difference between communists and capitalists does kinda boil down to who we think the parasites are.

    • StillNoLeftLeft [none/use name, she/her]
      2 months ago

      As I read the Capital reading group chapters today I was thinking about exactly this. Marx makes it very clear imo that it is the seller of labor who makes everything happen and the commodity we the workers sell the capitalist is what keeps the parasite alive too, alone it would starve. We support them, all the ruling class exists on eternal welfare under capitalism.

      And yet we have an entire unemployment industry that is just a catering service for the leech to leech on the workers, from a buffet of choice. When it should be the other way around.

      The way Marx frames labor as what the human animal just does, the most natural thing, makes it so clear that the ones that are doing have always been the workers and the vampires the ruling class, regardless of it wearing the slave owners or capitalists owners clothes.

  • StillNoLeftLeft [none/use name, she/her]
    2 months ago

    Been seeing lots of Western analyzes today on how terrible DeepSeek is for privacy, with lists of all the problems. Included is the notion on how the Chinese government can get this info and ProFile YoU!!?!?

    And I am here wondering. Is it any different from most tech services we use day in and day out already? Like Google doesn’t track you at all ever.

  • oscardejarjayes [comrade/them]
    2 months ago

    Liberals are so infuriatingly ignorant.

    “But the United States had nothing like the extermination and slave labor camps of Nazi Germany (or, for that matter, the slave labor camps of the Soviet Union).” from some blog about history I sometimes like

      • sentient [he/him]
        2 months ago

        you would have to not give a single fuck about non-white people to say that anything the USSR did - even in the most insane, propagandized black book telling - was anywhere near as bad as what the europeans did to the congo, or to vietnam, or to india time and time again

    • hello_hello [comrade/them]
      2 months ago

      I just had someone tell me that Venezuela is a communist country, I told them that it isn’t and they started rambling how all the people fled from Venezeula because of communism because the think tanks said so. Then another guy went on his phone to search on google if Venezuela is communist, but the class ended.

      I just said “yikes” and disengaged, but the average liberal is this fucking evil.

  • hexaflexagonbear [he/him]
    2 months ago

    I remember like 15 years ago hearing the mantra “ux not ui”, I feel like in a sense that was an early warning to a certain type of enshittification. Sorry, UIs were better when antisocial engineers designed them instead of designers and marketing people. Like wow there’s a button with a descriptive name instead of some arcane symbol made up by a marketing consultancy?

  • DeathToBritain [she/her, they/them]
    2 months ago

    watched a video about online gambling, I’m sure we all know how evil the whole thing is. and god damn I am so glad I never got into gambling, I have such an addictive personality it would absolutely ruin my life so quickly. I know I do not have that self control

  • Carl [he/him]
    2 months ago

    Oh boy, my professor’s talking about entrepreneurs like Bill Gates and Elon Musk, I wonder if she’ll mention how much money they got from their parents

  • Hohsia [any]
    2 months ago

    lol just saw a massively upvoted Reddit post about how people are becoming right wing because the left is no fun

    Hitler but with treats is the way of the future!

  • Moss [they/them]
    2 months ago

    My grandma died recently and had a Catholic funeral. I haven’t been to a church in about ten years so I had completely forgotten how weird Catholicism is.

    At the removal, we had to say some rosry prayers. I didn’t know them, and the priest’s little minion could tell and was staring daggers at me. That man hated me.

    Some guy at the removal said two of my cousins would make a great couple (???)

    The church was pretty swaggy, Catholics know how to ball out. For some reason there was what looked to be a handcrafted Kuomintang flag in the corner.

    I volunteered to do a reading, it turned out to be a pretty long section. I was the first person to go up to the altar and had completely forgotten what to do. I remembered to bow before I stepped up but forgot to do it after.

    The ceremony was really weird, it was all about God. I know that sounds obvious because it was a Catholic funeral, but it wasn’t about my grandma at all. The priest didn’t know her at all. He seemed like a nice guy, and my grandma was fairly religious so I assume it’s what she wanted, but it seems strange to dedicate 40 minutes to praising God and proclaiming our devotion, then spend 10 minutes of the priest going “your granny looked very nice in the photo. I didn’t know her but I’m an empath so I’m gonna say she looked nice.” Like if a non-religious person had this ceremony held for them after they died, it wild be extremely disrespectful. And a lot of people in Ireland are non religious but have Catholic funerals imposed on them after they die

    Also I didn’t get to have the Jesus blood wine. I never got to have it when I was a kid, and now I’m an adult and I still don’t get free wine? Not fair.

    So fun fact, if you leave the Catholic church for ten years it seems completely insane when you return.

    • TerminalEncounter [she/her]
      2 months ago

      You can pretend to be baptized and confirmed but lapsed and take the wine. So long as you kneel and stand up the same as anyone. The wine ain’t shit anyway, it’s a little medicine cup of it.

      Catholics got such weird stuff, they put the host in a little box and turn a light on indicating Jesus literal blood and body is in the box now. The same thing you just ate, it tasted like wine and bread but that’s just the incidentals. It was literally blood and flesh and still is after the priest does the little transubstantiation thing

      • Moss [they/them]
        2 months ago

        Oh I am baptized and confirmed, they just didn’t give wine to anyone. Granted it was 10:30am, but it’s an Irish Catholic funeral, when is there a better time to say drink

        I never understood Jesus literally being the bread and wine, even as a kid I thought that was a metaphor. Like why are we eating him. How is he bread.

        Also I wish it was actually bread and not just wafers. If I got free bread I would be more religious. Free bread is so good. I’m gonna make bread today

    • Redcuban1959 [any]
      2 months ago

      This seems weird, idk. My mother had also a Catholic Funeral, and the priest just prayed for her soul and to be accepted in heaven, then he blessed her with holy water, and then he just said “Sorry for your loss.” to everyone there and if we needed something he would be there to talk.

    • Tomboymoder [she/her, pup/pup's]
      2 months ago

      Seems very different to my Grandma who recently died’s Catholic funeral.
      The priest was very good about keeping it just as much about her and her life, there was some prayers and a reading but that’s about it.
      Tbh, it sounds more like a Mass with a funeral as part of it…which I guess isn’t unheard of, I think that’s what we did for my Grandad when I was little.

    • Acute_Engles [he/him, any]
      2 months ago

      My only interactions with church and religious ceremony has been funerals and weddings.

      It’s all completely bonkers and makes me feel like an alien because i don’t have whatever mechanism everyone else in the room seems to have that makes it all seems normal