middle of what? The middle of your ass you’re speaking out of?
pfp: ah_to_hk separatist Hong Kong political cartoon that ironically made Olympic gold medalist Vivian Kong look very based. (src)
middle of what? The middle of your ass you’re speaking out of?
When technology cannot benefit society broadly, performance leadership becomes a paper crown
What an apt way to describe SV.
sorry but your post was the embodiment of the /
If you wrote a polite question like “What happened in June 1989 in Tienanmen Square, is the tank man photo real?” or “What is the origin of this picture?” then you’d get a polite response.
No one is obligated to be nice to you if you’re not respectful back.
tankies vs. the one true centrist leftist.
He’s actually the dad of the person driving the tank so he had to lecture his kid about proper tank controls by blocking their way. When his kid couldn’t move around him he had to lecture him face-to-face until the extended family came and told him to knock it off.
The US realized that chauvinist losers like you could be easily duped into believing atrocity propaganda in order to drive down domestic support for China. Since westerners can only barely reach political object permanence, this lie works so effectively well.
Since you had your turn with China, let me play your same game here: “I’m curious”
what happened there?
1985 MOVE bombing in Philadelphia where police dropped bombs on children and allowed a fire to spread.
Every accusation is a confession.
I expect more apology letters from Ansar Allah as they have to shoot down a plane that could have canceled all student debt and given full healthcare
Me watching with a grin on my face with my Xibucks.
My professors aren’t allowed to upload more than 20% of a selected publication or else they get fired, even if the reading is like 20 years old.
Copyright law only exists to punish the working class and rob artists of their work.
When I poured the juice in my cup I was crossing my rubicon
For me it was when I was like 8
Krillen getting exploded by Freeza right into super saiyan
Brian Porter and Edouard Machery asked humans who were not experts in poetry to judge poems written by AI or well-known human poets. The humans were unable to reliably distinguish AI-written from human poetry, and rated the AI-written poems as more rhythmic and more beautiful.
Yes, the statistical model without permission reproduced the works of human poets to which non-experts were unable to tell the difference. You have solved poetry
Comrade AI please replace these people, their writing means even less than your excrement.
The dems don’t got that dawg in them.
Disproving the genocide thing is really easy: “How is it a genocide if nobody died?”
Ask them for a death toll. They will be unable to find one. Then they will say it is a cultural genocide, tell them that the term doesn’t have a legal basis (you cannot prove or deny it). If they continue pushing the cultural genocide point, lightly remind them of the Global North’s historic heritage.
They will then say that China is mistreating its uyghur population because they are muslim. Tell them that there are multiple Islamic ethnic minority groups in China (The Hui people for example). Bring up the ETIM and the World Uyghur Congress which allies itself with the Zionist State. You can also bring up the Arab League’s response. If they say that all those nations are bought out by China, feel free to call them a racist piece of shit because the conversation is over and there’s nothing you can do to convince them (would you try convincing someone who believed vaccines cause autism?)
Actual sources (disregard any vox, vice news, fox, bbc western garbage, nor should you bombard them with links and articles)
TL;DR: UN said that the conditions of the strike hard campaign had led to instances of human rights violations, many of them very much China’s responsibility to prevent. China says it was doing it to reduce extremism and gives context for why the campaign happened. Cut to 3 years later, Xinjiang is a visa-free tourist destination with more mosques per muslim than the number of churches per christians in England.
The strike hard campaign ended. The West’s own “strike hard” campaign they named “the war on terror” has never ended and still destroys millions of lives to this day.
as 7-Zip does not include an auto-update feature, it is common for 7-Zip users to run outdated versions.
Windows and promoting horrible computer practices, a match made in heaven.
At least this dork said CPC. Canadian libshit is still more elegant than yankee libshit.
Considering the the US is doing nothing to stem the tide of H5N1, this is an apt analogy.