: “May Allah awaken the people and help them see the evil doings of Israel and the United States.”
“Many people are saying this, they come up to me and they say “President Trump, we must destroy the Zionist entity.” It’s true folks, it’s true.”
Crybully Zionazis when the dude that’s the most Israel friendly president in the history of the world tells them they’ve genocided enough for one decade.
Given that the Israeli right has gone so far as to assassinate their own President, this could be potentially be seen as a threat if the SS decides to.
Funniest outcome is Israeli fascists assassinating Trump
and the media will still push the idea that Palestinians push Israel to do it
Rogue Mossad agent tries to kill Orange man, but fails because he is that lucky. Trump makes a comment on twitter about it and Bibi dies of cringe.
Catering to Israel is so counterproductive, You have to offer them the moon or they’ll consider you the second coming of Adolph Hitler
Israelis don’t care about hitler
Khomeini or Saddam would be a bitter fit
and Ben from Philly just cancelled his trip to the inauguration, hmm