• SerLava [he/him]
      4 days ago

      Newsom fuckin pounced lmao, he was right on there after the debate closed, almost blatantly auditioning

      • Frank [he/him, he/him]
        234 days ago

        Right? Honestly sickening, like fucking Shia Lebouf licking blood off his face. The man was absolutely gleeful that the candidate that’s supposed to save us all just shit himself on stage. No fake concern, no fake compassion, just a vast shit eating grin. What the fuck?

        • JayTwo [any]
          204 days ago

          Newsom always gave me Patrick Bateman vibes and it’s not just because of a slight physical resemblance.

          • @Monument
            33 days ago

            Gotta fight psychopaths with psychopaths.
            Basic rule of wielding power in a country that no longer has a society, rule of law, or a functioning government.

            • SerLava [he/him]
              13 days ago

              Yeah I would swap in that slimy piece of shit to get Biden out any day of the week

  • Zuzak [fae/faer, she/her]
    194 days ago

    Ordinarily I’d say that having party elites just select someone would be damaging in the general, but in this case I get the impression there’s a lot of people going like, “please, anyone but these two,” and it’s not like Biden ever had organic support anyway. Honestly I could picture whatever ghoul they’d drag out winning.

    • Tunnelvision [they/them]
      44 days ago

      Anyone the Dems pick is objectively going to win the election I think. This is probably the most clear cut road to the presidency I think there has probably ever been in American history except for maybe 2016.

  • @ssj2marx@lemmy.ml
    33 days ago

    I want Hillary so bad. I’m imagining the scenario plays out similar to how Biden got elected but on fast forward, maybe over the course of a single night - Biden doesn’t get the support he needs at the Zoom convention, a bunch of candidates put their names into the hat, a Socdem takes an early lead, and then everyone gets behind the only other recognizable Democrat brand in consideration in order to beat them out.

    Biden throws a fit, but without the DNC there’s no way he can actually run an independent campaign, and he spends the remainder of his term wandering around the white house with only the secret service for company. Hilldog wins and there’s another Jan 6, but it’s like 1/3 the size of the original and the entire national guard of Maryland and Virginia are stationed around DC for the duration.

    She then gets into office and it’s basically a shot for shot repeat of Biden’s term. By 2028 Hillary is deep in Alzheimer’s and can’t be shown on TV because she keeps saying really racist shit and thinking white house staffers are prison inmates on work release. Gavin Newsom finally gets his shot but he loses in a landslide to someone who has been credibly charged with grooming a minor.

    • InevitableSwing [none/use name]OP
      94 days ago

      “Hunter, you’re my best bud.”

      “Baron, you’re my best bud.”

      “Best buds forever.”



      Cue theme music.

    • @Pandantic@midwest.social
      4 days ago

      I think if both Trump and Hunter go to jail, they should put them in the same cell and make it a reality show. At minimum, it would be funny, but maybe it will work to close the divide in the country. I mean, if Hunter saves his cell mate from getting shanked, it could cause the Trumpets to see the libs in a new light. Lol

      • InevitableSwing [none/use name]OP
        64 days ago

        I googled about the gif. I didn’t think I’d find anything funny but I quickly did. Emphasis mine.

        For the Love of God, Not Everything Is a Deepfake

        Donald Trump retweeted a gif of Joe Biden with his tongue out. No, it’s not a deepfake—or the end of democracy.


        This isn’t a deepfake. Deepfakes don’t stretch and drag facial features like that. As the watermark shows, this video was made using Muglife, which animates images according to how you distort them with a finger—kind of like stretching and pulling an image in Photoshop, but rendered in gif form.

        Frum didn’t just tweet about the video, he went and turned it into a blog post for the Atlantic, warning about the dangerous precedent set by Trump sharing a video that has been altered to show his competitor… with a cartoonish tongue.

    • Frank [he/him, he/him]
      74 days ago

      I think Butteregg could still lose this. He’s such a milqutoast weasely little shit he wouldn’t motivate anyone, and I could see him losing a bunch of the old racist bigots who liked Joe because Joe hated black people and women. Plus he’s gay, which would lose him even more people.

    • @Justice@lemmygrad.ml
      34 days ago

      Are you seeking a candidate to make me vote for Trump?

      Because Pete or Hillary might make me do it

      Holy fuck

    • @Monument
      23 days ago

      I think if the Democrats swapped him in, this whole thing could get way trashier.

      Hunter Biden appoints Stephanie Clifford as his running mate, then challenges Trump to a literal dick measuring contest.

      If we’re not going to have good governance and the whole world is going to laugh at the U.S., we might as well find a way to laugh with them.

  • AnarchoAnarchist [none/use name]
    23 days ago

    Kamala is the only reasonable choice to replace him.

    If she is smart, she runs a campaign that frames herself the cop and Trump as a criminal. Frame it as cleaning up Washington, “no nonsense black mom” schtick. She could promise to finally legalize pot and codify Roe, Play up the deficit and Trump’s tax cuts impact on it. Immediately turn the tables on Trump and his age. Point out that Trump is older than Biden was at the beginning of his first term.

    She would have an uphill battle, America is still very racist and very sexist. As I recall she is poling equal or worse than Biden is right now, but with enough money she could overcome some of that.

    No matter what this election is going to be close, I genuinely believe that Kamala has a better chance, but that’s predicated on getting started as soon as possible. Everyday Biden stays in the race kamala’s chances shrink.