• @Etterra@lemmy.world
    3754 months ago

    Dude never donate to SA. They’re profit driven religious wackadoos who have no idea how to run anything. The charity angle is just another religious scam.

    • yukichigaiOP
      4 months ago

      For religious people they’re sure eager to sell used “personal massagers” for $10.

      Also, frankly, here in the Reno area it’s basically impossible to find a thrift store that’s not run by incredibly religious wackadoos. Best you can do is Goodwill, which is far from irreligious. Salvation Army is one of the few that isn’t blasting Jesus Rock on the speakers when you’re in there.

      • @grue@lemmy.world
        634 months ago

        Also, frankly, here in the Reno area it’s basically impossible to find a thrift store that’s not run by incredibly religious wackadoos.

        Makes sense. Nevada’s got a certain reputation because of Vegas, but folks forget about how it’s also next to/inside the Mormon belt.

      • @Heliumfart@sh.itjust.works
        4 months ago

        Lol, my friend is always on the lookout for “pro-life” thrift stores, apparently they have the best deals. (BC)

        • yukichigaiOP
          564 months ago

          They often have no damn clue what they’re selling and clearly just make up prices on the spot. I’ve flipped a few things for a 500%+ profit from the super-ultra-Jesus-ey thrift stores. Computer hardware in particular is something they just don’t grasp the value of. If you ever need a managed switch or a spare monitor, check the thrift stores.

          • @Zedstrian@lemmy.dbzer0.com
            214 months ago

            Got Wii Sports for $1 at a thrift store like that, whereas their glassware was usually significantly above comparable eBay listings (despite the labels sometimes claiming otherwise). Unfortunately, at least where I live, the odds of computer stuff showing up are few and far between.

            • Helix 🧬
              84 months ago

              glassware was usually significantly above comparable eBay listings (despite the labels sometimes claiming otherwise)

              They have stickers which tell you they’re cheaper than eBay when that’s actually not the case? Isn’t that illegal?

              • @entropicdrift
                14 months ago

                It’s only false advertising if they can’t find a single ebay listing with a higher price.

                At least, if they worded it carefully like, “cheaper than ebay!”

      • Flax
        -194 months ago

        I love how when Christians aren’t charitable they are called hypocrites and when they are people complain that they are “religious wackadoos”, lol.

        • @maiskanzler@feddit.de
          394 months ago

          You can act according to your faith and still be a nice and accepting human being. Doing charity only as a promotional device would be a negative for conscience at least.

          • Flax
            -144 months ago

            It’s not “only as a promotional device”, though.

            • @owen@lemmy.ca
              194 months ago

              I mean I guess they’re using the “charity” to generate personal cash as well

    • Refurbished Refurbisher
      4 months ago

      Goodwill isn’t much better. They’re a non-profit that acts like a for profit.

      I wonder if there are any thrift shops that are actually good.

    • BlanketsWithSmallpox
      -24 months ago

      Theyre the only people to help during actual disasters though. Good luck getting the fucking Red Cross out short of anything but a federally declared disaster.

  • nickwitha_k (he/him)
    3284 months ago

    The Salvation Army is the shit tier of “charities”. Not only are they anti-LGBTQ but they have a long history of anti-union action and supporting strikebreakers. Ever wonder why so many US Labor Movement songs are to the tune of hymns? It’s not because of their familiar tune. It’s because the Salvation Army would send their band to labor actions and play as loud as possible to try to drown out organizers and make attendees uncomfortable.

    I try to be more positive on this platform but with these scumbags, I cannot. They’re in the company of the Pinkertons and other murderers and thugs for hire.

    • @PirateMike94@lemmy.world
      874 months ago

      I try to be more positive on this platform but with these scumbags, I cannot.

      Thank you for making this effort, by the way. The community on Lemmy versus the other platform we all know about is night and day because of people like you.

      And I absolutely agree. I went to read a bit about the Salvation Army and I had no idea about their stance. I’m glad I came across this post. Truly appalling.

      • nickwitha_k (he/him)
        34 months ago

        Thank you for making this effort, by the way. The community on Lemmy versus the other platform we all know about is night and day because of people like you.

        Thank you too for that bit of positivity. I found myself being negatively impacted, psychologically and emotionally on corporate social media. Life is just too short to engage in that sort of unhealthy behavior. And I know that I’m not the only one who has experienced such - it’s pretty well established in research data.

        So, while it certainly makes me feel a bit better, more important to me is the fact that engaging positively with people and encouraging them gives them more opportunities to feel better about themselves (we all need that sometimes, some more than others), grow, and, I hope, be more inclined to spread it about (and make quality shitposts and *nix porn). The world is fucked up enough as it is; lashing out, belittling, and the like only contributes the the problem.

        I’ve been through a lot in life so far and close to those which been through even more and know first-hand how dark the depths of despair can get. If I can manage to put even the idea of a smile into the mind of someone that needs one I’ve won more than is possible in getting someone to rage-quit a “debate” thread that’s 50 comments deep.

    • @madcaesar@lemmy.world
      434 months ago

      Damn it, it’s so hard to find reputable good charities. So many of them are are either religious freaks or straight up scams.

      Can we share lists of actual good charities?

      I usually give to doctors without borders… Fingers crossed somone doesn’t reply to me they kill puppies or something…

      • @isles@lemmy.world
        334 months ago

        There’s always Charity Navigator, they rate charities based on financial health and accountability, at least. I’ve not heard any controversy with it, for what it’s worth

      • @chetradley@lemmy.world
        214 months ago

        Another great charity evaluator is https://www.givewell.org/. Their mission is to find charities that save or improve lives the most per dollar spent, and their findings are research-backed and evidence-based. 100% of your donation goes to the charity you support. They also evaluate the lowest cost to save a human life, which is currently about $3k-$5k. Their top rated charities are involved in malaria prevention:

        1. Malaria Consortium
        2. Against Malaria Foundation
        3. Helen Keller International
        4. New Incentives
      • I Cast Fist
        174 months ago

        When charities are written in law as a way to get tax discounts, it’s no wonder the majority becomes scams. Charities are also a great example of the govt failing to do it’s own damn job

      • yukichigaiOP
        114 months ago

        Child’s Play is my go-to. They provide video games and consoles to hospitalized and often terminally ill children who literally can’t go out and play. It was founded by the creators of Penny Arcade back in the early 2000s and so far to my knowledge hasn’t had a single controversy or hint of anything nefarious. It’s just nerds helping other, young, sick nerds/would-be-nerds get their nerd on.

        I mean Doctors Without Borders definitely does more important work on the balance, but giving pediatric terminal cancer patients countless hours of joy isn’t a trivial thing either.

      • nickwitha_k (he/him)
        84 months ago

        That’s my go-to, personally. MSF (Doctors Without Borders) could nearly get away with puppy murder and still be “good”. The amount of risk that they take on to help those in need is remarkable.

        • @Baylahoo@lemmy.world
          24 months ago

          In college I had support to do something very similar to engineers without borders just under a different name but in conjunction with the program. They required a certain donation level to ensure that the work we did had the needed materials paid for and could compensate the local workers involved. That’s what I was told. I wasn’t auditing anything but it seemed above board. I was able to engage with doctors without borders members while there. All were committed to the cause. Many were from the same part of the world if not “state/province” and giving back after they were able to make more money elsewhere. Just about all were hardcore. We have 5000 to treat in 7 days type of hardcore. Bedside manner wasn’t what you’d expect in the US, but it was about helping as many people as you could as effectively as you could. Truly eye opening though. I can’t say anything about the organization, but the people who were first hand there either gathered the donations or donated themselves and went there to make a difference. I respect the hell out of those people.

    • AwkwardLookMonkeyPuppet
      194 months ago

      They are also the shit tier of thrift stores. They’re over-priced and their stuff isn’t as good. If you’re in King County, WA, Value Village is king. I’ve found so many great deals at Value Village. 90% of the stuff in my house is from VV.

      • nickwitha_k (he/him)
        54 months ago

        I miss Value Village. I got so many things there for super cheap when I was a kid.

        • @SoleInvictus@lemmy.world
          4 months ago

          So, I’m not trying to be the “ackshually” guy.

          Value Village isn’t owned by Walmart.

          Buuuut, you’re still right. They’re absolutely a shit company. I was an assistant supervisor at Value Village a couple of decades ago. First, they’re 100% for profit but advertise in such a way that consumers believe they’re a charity. What they do is buy donations from charities by the pound. Any donations accepted at the store on behalf of a charity are paid at a drastically reduced rate, so of course they push HARD for customers to bring donations directly to the store.

          The shit cherry on top was the stores lying to charities about the quality of received goods to avoid paying. If clothes, for example, were soiled, they’d refuse to pay for the entire batch. Stores would find a few dirty shirts, claim the entire cart was crap, claw the money back, and sell the rest of the cart.

          The company makes a HUGE profit but pays their employees peanuts. Our head cashier had worked for the company for eight years and capped out at $7.25/hour in 2003, about $14 today. One year, they announced no raises, no reason given. My then girlfriend and I discovered the owners had purchased a cabin in Northern California for use by the c-suite douches. The store manager was pulling in $60k a year, plus bonus, in a very low cost of living area. Me? $8.25 per hour.

          What else? They incentivize under staffing by making a supervisor’s paltry bonuses tied to their staffing budget. Staying at budget meant no bonus. They had to come in under budget for any bonus, and the more “savings” the higher the bonus. I got chewed out when I first started scheduling because I used all the hours allotted in the budget. The store went from a shit hole to being fairly respectable but it would eat into my boss’s bonus. Her maximum annual bonus? $2.5k.

          So they may not be owned by Walmart, but they’re the Walmart of thrift stores. Fuck those guys.

          • AwkwardLookMonkeyPuppet
            64 months ago

            Yikes! I’ve never thought they were a charity. It’s always been pretty clear to me that they’re a for-profit business, but I wasn’t aware of all those shitty policies. As a shopper, they have a lot of great stuff for dirt cheap. I got a $1000 amp there once for $45. Similar deals all over my house. Oh, we got a $4500 high quality 6 person dining table for 40 bucks, and four chairs worth $600 each for 12 bucks a pop.

            • @SoleInvictus@lemmy.world
              44 months ago

              That’s great, I’m glad you got some deals!

              The thing about them is their low wages and reluctance to train their employees meant high-end goods were often priced very low. Levi’s jeans were $10-15 a pair while designer jeans were priced at $5. I recall someone donating a batch of Hermés scarves. None of the pricers knew the brand, so they put them out for $1 each. I bought them all for 50% off (employee discount!) and hit eBay. This kind of thing happened weekly so the employees were always looking for things we could resell. We made less than $20k/year, that’s how we scraped by!

              I’m not sure how other stores are, but mine was a great example of being a penny wise and a pound foolish.

              • AwkwardLookMonkeyPuppet
                34 months ago

                Oh I forgot all about that. My wife got a Hermes leather wallet that cost $2,600 for like $5. It’s awesome when the employees don’t know what they’re pricing. Haha. We used to sell stuff from yard sales on eBay back when the 08 crash happened, and after we moved here we both noted how we could have been doing really well for ourselves if we had access to VV back then. We lived in a city where the thrift store was basically just a garbage dump though, so that didn’t happen.

                It’s unfortunate that they have such shitty employee policies, because we really love what the store itself has to offer. Heck, it’s so good that Macklemore wrote a hit song about it!

      • FNAF Desktop Fan
        194 months ago

        Greenway suggests that the Wobblies stumbled upon this modus operandi as a means of combating the street bands of the Salvation Army and the Volunteers of America, who frequently would drown out Wobbly speakers in a “cacophony of cornets and tamborines.” One enterprising IWW organizer, wishing to combat the forces of obscurantist “pie in the sky” theology, "retired long enough to organize a brass band of his own.

        Denisoff, R. S. (1970). The Religious Roots of the American Song of Persuasion. Western Folklore, 29(3), 175. doi:10.2307/1498356

      • @ulkesh@beehaw.org
        54 months ago

        Of course any article can be biased, but this one has cited sources, at least. It would take further digging to determine if those sources are credible.


        In my opinion and based on my past reading on the subject, the simple fact that it’s a religious organization is enough to dissuade me from giving them anything. It is no small statistic that religious organizations are corrupt, hypocritical, expect obedience over tolerance, anti-union, anti-LGBTQ, ultra-conservative, and generally support the notion that people must be submissive to their authority.

        I’ll continue to donate to secular organizations that do genuine good.

      • nickwitha_k (he/him)
        34 months ago

        Off the top of my head, I can only think of primary sources. Would need to dive into some academic tools to find sufficient sources for Wikipedia’s requirements. I’ll make a note to do so, when I get the time to do so.

      • nickwitha_k (he/him)
        24 months ago

        Yeah. It feels like bad actors at the top use the needy as human shields to deflect from their horrible behavior.

    • @Auzy@beehaw.org
      84 months ago

      Here in Australian even, tried to donate stuff, and was loading things up, then was told they only accepted clothing that weekend. So had to reload it all back into my car.

      Then they said they didn’t want my pots and such.

      At least here in Australia, they don’t care about any donations unless they can sell it (they don’t seem to care about actually giving anything less sellable to the poor for free).

      They’re not even selling the stuff for cheap either (so its bad for the poor too)

      Started giving away a lot of it on Facebook for free… Was extremely painless. And the savers nearby also had no issues accepting a lot of it too.

      Never going back there. They suck for donations, for buying they’re too expensive too.

  • @roofuskit@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    Why are you donating things you expect to be thrown out? You’re just costing a charitable organization money. But fuck the salvation army.

    • Ann Archy
      474 months ago

      Salvation army fed me when I was living on the streets, and they treated me with kindness and respect, that’s all I know.

    • @Moonrise2473@feddit.it
      144 months ago

      TBH it would be pretty fun to play Russian roulette with this stuff for just three dollars.

      This time is going to be some rare audio compilation, some interesting program or a ransomware that bricks my computer?

    • yukichigaiOP
      94 months ago

      I answered that elsewhere, so lemme just cut/paste:

      Fair question: I saw they already had a partial spindle of mixed disks for sale. Just the one though, so I couldn’t be sure it wasn’t a fluke. Turns out it wasn’t.

      The spindles weren’t the only thing I donated, just so we’re clear. I just mixed them in with the rest of boxes of stuff, some of it pretty good. Someone can now snag an OG release copy of Bioshock 2 or Doom 3 for a song. Oh, and the entire Half Life Collection.

      • @TheGrandNagus@lemmy.world
        524 months ago

        As a religious organisation, they are allowed to hire based on characteristics that you usually aren’t allowed to discriminate with. They’ve repeatedly supported legislation that would allow them to refuse to hire LGBT people.

        Across several countries, they’ve campaigned against the right for homosexual sex, marriages, inclusion in media.

        They refused a $3.5m contract from the San Francisco city gov because it would’ve included giving the same domestic benefits to same-sex couples.

        They said they’d leave New York if they were forced to offer the same domestic benefits to same-sex couples.

        They campaigned against UK local councils including gay people in media like leaflets and the like.

        High ups in The Salvation Army has said if you support gay rights you shouldn’t donate to them.

        They’re extremely transphobic too, of course.

        They did a bunch of child sexual abuse in Australia.

        In the UK they own a lot of property that poor people stay in, and the conditions have been so bad that it was unlawful.

        For the most part it’s just that they’re homophobic as fuck.

        • Ann Archy
          -104 months ago

          People can simultaneously entertain good and bad positions on things.

          • @JasonDJ@lemmy.zip
            184 months ago

            They refuse huge sums of money if some of it has to be spent to help gays.

            To me, that means they care more about hurting gays than helping people.

            • Ann Archy
              04 months ago

              I think they care more about helping people than hurting gays. I also think that they really like to hurt gays.

  • DessertStorms
    754 months ago

    I donated some spindles of burned media and programs to Salvation Army expecting they’d throw 'em out

    Good for them for not throwing them away, but if you assumed they would, why “donate” (more like dump) them to charity in the first place? They’re not there to provide guilt free disposal for your garbage…

    • yukichigaiOP
      4 months ago

      Fair question: I saw they already had a partial spindle of mixed disks for sale. Just the one though, so I couldn’t be sure it wasn’t a fluke. Turns out it wasn’t.

      The spindles weren’t the only thing I donated, just so we’re clear. I just mixed them in with the rest of boxes of stuff, some of it pretty good. Someone can now snag an OG release copy of Bioshock 2 or Doom 3 for a song. Oh, and the entire Half Life Collection.

      • @real_ted_yogurt@lemmy.world
        54 months ago

        I honestly thought you were meaning to give them trash. I never feel bad about dropping off old furniture and junk at chain thrift stores making profit run by wackadoos. Dropping off after hours saves me a trip to the dump. Much cheap for me too.

    • @lud@lemm.ee
      14 months ago

      Yeah, I interned at a second hand (can’t remember if charify or not but probably) store for 4 weeks or so when I was in primary school (internships are part of the curriculum), and fucking hell.

      People really like dumping a shit ton of clothes and random stuff. I recall testing like 10 pairs of in-ear headphones some of which were pretty disgusting and covered in makeup and often earwax. For some reason, they were apparently sellable. Some pairs looked brand new, but most didn’t. Somehow they even sold quite a few.

      And no, I didn’t stick the headphones in my ears, fuck no.

    • @Baylahoo@lemmy.world
      14 months ago

      I know that old media/tech platforms have a use that can be helpful. Where should I donate unused/functional tech that can be more than e-waste that isn’t something I want to make money from? If I’m sitting on floppy discs and know they are going to help someone, who do I give them to?

  • HurkieDrubman
    464 months ago

    okay correct me if I’m wrong but this is definitely illegal, right?

    • @n2burns@lemmy.ca
      514 months ago

      Yup. I’ve volunteered at a couple thrift stores, and we’d just toss stuff like this.

      • @db2@lemmy.world
        494 months ago

        SA isn’t a thrift store, it’s a for-profit corporation. Look at what the CEO was paid.

        • key
          214 months ago

          What thrift store isn’t nowadays.

          • nocturne
            34 months ago

            There are three in my town of <9,000 people. One benefits the homeless shelter, one helps fund things for people living in the old folks home, and the other is for disabled veterans. I know the employees make money (one of them is 100% volunteers) but no one is getting rich from them.

        • @n2burns@lemmy.ca
          194 months ago

          “Thrift” doesn’t mean it’s a charity either, take for example Value Village. There are also a ton of “consignment stores” that are for profit businesses and will get real mad if you call them a thrift store.

          • @PM_Your_Nudes_Please@lemmy.world
            4 months ago

            Well yeah, consignment stores and thrift stores are inherently different business models. A thrift store owns the donated items they’re selling. A consignment store offers a storefront for items that people want to sell. Sort of like Facebook marketplace or eBay. The consignment skims off the top for operating costs and service fees, and then sends the rest of the money to the actual seller.

            Say you have an item that you know is worth $250 on the market, but you don’t have an easy way of selling it yourself. You take it to a consignment store, and they add it to their shelf listed at $250. It sells. The consignment store takes $25 from the sale, and sends you the remaining $225. You made less than if you would have sold it yourself, but you were willing to pay $25 for the convenience and foot traffic of a storefront. Because again, you didn’t have the means to list it yourself, so you found a place that was willing to list it for you.

    • Cornpop
      244 months ago

      Pretty unenforceable/unlikely to ever even get caught though.

      • HurkieDrubman
        154 months ago

        I know, I just think it’s funny. if I set up a table and started selling them they’d shut me down pretty quick though

        • @squid_slime@lemmy.world
          4 months ago

          In the UK back in the earish DVD days I remember this dud would turn up at my uncles work and sell a fuck a ton of discs, he got arrested in a sting.

          police have way too much free time

          A pub owner near me also got arrested due to a sting where she was buying “stolen” meat from a police officer

          • @owen@lemmy.ca
            44 months ago

            Holy fuck🤣🤣🤣 I thought stings were reserved for violent criminals

            • @squid_slime@lemmy.world
              34 months ago

              Its due to increasing budgets and lazy policing.

              The stolen meat one really annoyed me as its targeting the working class while inflation is in full effect

              • AWildMimicAppears
                24 months ago

                i agree that it shouldn’t be a police priority; but i would still not visit a pub using black market meat… i like cheap food, but i love my intestines more lol

                • @squid_slime@lemmy.world
                  24 months ago

                  No I wouldn’t either and the place was a dive but the meat wasn’t being sold for the pub to serve, police went in there trying to sell to anyone that would buy, the land lady just happened to be the one interested in buying the stollen meat

              • @owen@lemmy.ca
                24 months ago

                Yeah. We’re just so far away from the point that cracking down on illegal food should be a priority that I find that idea completely insane

        • @WarmSoda@lemm.ee
          4 months ago

          Who would? You think reps from the music and film industries would shut you down for selling stacks of CDs from a table? Lol. Would they roll up in front of your table in black vans?

            • @WarmSoda@lemm.ee
              -124 months ago

              Ah yes the cops, always shutting down those pesky garage and yard sales. Bastards.

              • HurkieDrubman
                34 months ago

                I’m talking about those rappers who sell their CDs on the street corner.

                • Jolteon
                  34 months ago

                  Rapper on the street corner: hey man, you want to get some of this?

    • @Vendetta9076@sh.itjust.works
      4 months ago

      Maybe not? Libraries can lend out pirated media for reasons. Maybe charities can sell it.

      Edit: I’m getting downvoted and I’m not sure why. Maybe it was just my library that did this?

      • @cm0002@lemmy.world
        64 months ago

        I haven’t seen a library with software to lend since I was a kid, I used to go and get a ton of games n random software and rip them all lmao. But there was a lawsuit from software companies (ofc, can’t have any fun in this world) at some point in the mid 2000s against a library district and it all got pulled. The lawsuit was based on the fact they had to share non-transferable, non-shareable license keys to make it work, which is why we still have movies and console games at libraries, because there’s no license key involved.

        • Wren
          14 months ago

          Yep, loaning physical media with software isn’t a thing anymore for that exact reason. Any software or digital platform we offer (ancestry, language learning, ebooks, etc) we either have a ‘one copy one user’ licence which essentially functions like a physical copy, we’re directly paying for each time something is accessed, or we have a subscription specifically made for libraries. We can loan out things like Kindles loaded with ebooks that we’ve purchased, but there’s still a grey area with loaning out a tablet that has the major streaming services installed (with accounts paid for by the library), so we haven’t gone down that route yet

  • yukichigaiOP
    424 months ago

    Thrift stores are getting in on the piracy game I guess. Can’t say I’m disappointed.

    Look, I might have better copies now, but if someone wants to spend $3 and get the first 150+ episodes of Bleach and Naruto burned to KDVD I’d say they’re gonna walk away happy with the deal they got.

    • PP_GIRL_
      114 months ago

      This is hilarious. If I had some spare cash (and a lot of spare time), I’d absolutely love to do something like this. I’d love to do some modern blockbuster movies.

      • yukichigaiOP
        154 months ago

        My man.

        The thought of burning some BD5s filled with a bunch of new series and/or movies fills me with a joy that’s hard to describe. Getting stuff for myself is one thing. Making it easily accessible for others is just a different level entirely. I’d love to know that I’ve given someone down on their luck countless hours of entertainment for a $3 investment.

  • @cmnybo@discuss.tchncs.de
    394 months ago

    If you are donating stacks of discs to a thrift store, make sure there’s nothing on them you don’t want to give away first. I bought a pack of CDs from a thrift store a while ago. I checked a couple at the top of the stack before I bought them and they were blank. I used about half of them without issue and when I put the next one in the drive, it mounted and opened. Someone gave away a whole bunch of banking info and tax records. I used them for target practice, but someone certainly could have used that info for identity theft if they chose to.

    • yukichigaiOP
      354 months ago

      I went through every single disc before I donated them, yeah. Actually I did some organization so one spindle was all Anime, another was all SciFi, so on.

      …found a fair bit of porn. I kept the porn. TV series are ephemeral. Porn is eternal.

      • @XTL@sopuli.xyz
        84 months ago

        Not optical disks, though. Especially burnables. They have a shelf life. Make sure to replicate the data in time.

        • @theangryseal@lemmy.world
          84 months ago

          It is so depressing how much I lost as a kid.

          My backup method was almost entirely optical. Oh well. I’ve kept myself from feeling too bad by keeping in mind that I am waaaaay too lazy to ever go digging through it anyway.

        • yukichigaiOP
          54 months ago

          Good point. For all I know I’ve got the last viewable copy of “Sodomy Cream Pies” in existence.

        • yukichigaiOP
          14 months ago

          We’re not yet at the point where people are huffing drugs made from fermented cow poop, but I feel like that’s not as far away as polite society would like us to believe.

          • Ann Archy
            4 months ago

            Surely you mean Brahmin poop!

            Makes for the best jenkem.

    • yukichigaiOP
      64 months ago

      That’s me. Nevadan to the bone, even if it’s the opposite end of the state.

        • yukichigaiOP
          64 months ago

          Thanks, though I am honor-bound to point out that Sandbox6 has been maintaining YUP for the last several years now. Doing a great job, too.

          AFAIK they’re not on Lemmy or I’d tell you to thank them more directly. Still!

          • @Cowbee@lemmy.ml
            14 months ago

            Oh I know, but they’re not here right now, and I just got the chance to say thanks, so I did!

  • @some_guy
    64 months ago

    I bet the bit-rot on them is high enough to affect usability.

    • yukichigaiOP
      14 months ago

      I didn’t check literally every one, but I did a few spot checks and none of them had problems.

  • @JustUseMint@lemmy.world
    34 months ago

    Do you have any advice for burning media to discs? I’ve plenty of media, and have Linux based media servers it sits on. Servers even have disc drives. Not sure if burn capable but just looking for general advice and best practices here

    • @TimeNaan@lemmy.world
      54 months ago

      The slower the burn speed, the better. Less chances of error. Aside from that discs are kind of pointless in 2024 when you can have much cheaper, smaller and easier to use flash storage.

      Unless maybe you’re archiving something on special, heavy duty DVDs, otherwise why bother?

      • @AlligatorBlizzard@sh.itjust.works
        44 months ago

        Burning DVDs I’m not sure I get, CDs though? There’s still people driving cars that lack Bluetooth, and some people like listening to a whole album uninterrupted by phone distractions and there’s something nice about physical media - it makes sense for most of the reasons vinyl makes sense, it doesn’t, but it’s fun anyway.

        • @TimeNaan@lemmy.world
          14 months ago

          Most people with old car stereos these days use Bluetooth FM transcievers, I can’t imagine having to burn CDs and then fiddle with them while driving in 2024. It makes more sense to use physical media at home but in the car? I really don’t see the point.

          • yukichigaiOP
            4 months ago

            Almost all FM transceivers that aren’t put inline with the actual car antenna are crap. FCC rules limit their broadcast strength severely and even crosstalk from an adjacent FM frequency can be enough to overpower them, or at least seriously disrupt them. Inline transmitters don’t have that problem, but at that point you have to pull the radio anyway so you may as well replace it with something that has bluetooth or at least an aux input.

            The only time an FM transmitter is a good solution is when you’re dealing with things like early 2000s Chevy vehicles, where part of the cruise control module is in the stereo. The best practice for replacing one of those stereos is “add a long wiring harness so you can keep the original stereo hooked up and stashed in the back, then wire the new stereo in to the actual speakers and nothing else.”

    • ArxCyberwolf
      34 months ago

      They’re a religious organization that supports causes that hurt marginalized groups of people. Awareness should be spread about it.

      • Night Monkey
        -14 months ago

        I’d rather rally around the real enemy of this group. Greedy mega corps that have been screwing over people for decades with media.

    • nocturne
      24 months ago

      When religion is shitty it deserves the hate.