Racist. It’s always dogwhistle racism.
I think they’re a goddamn idiot. I like it more when people tell me that they don’t have enough time to think about this shit and so they don’t have an opinion.
“I believe good things but don’t want to actually sacrifice anything or be responsible for any of my actions that my prevent good things from happening”
I prefer to use the term fiscally responsible.
It’s fiscally irresponsible to cut taxes for the billionaires and corporations when we have record deficits.
It’s fiscally irresponsible to cut the IRS budget when that results in less revenue.
Republican voters have been brainwashed into thinking that Republicans are somehow more responsible with the economy and budget, when history shows that Republicans drive up the deficit with irresponsible tax cuts.
It’s irresponsible to cut taxes and not cut spending.
Edit: spending more than yu take in creates debt and that is not responsible
Not related. It’s not a zero sum game. Spending on certain things can save money and allow for tax cuts, tax cuts can create business growth or income in other ways and allow more spending. Defering tax cuts to a certain time or spending to a certain time can lead to better results, ect ect ect.
Anyone who thinks it’s linked and must be Tax up=Spending up or Tax down=Spending down should probably not even be in charge of their own homes finances. Even children are taught how to save their allowance over time and then spend it, and I had occasion as a child to “borrow” my allowance to purchase a toy that was on sale.
Nothing about my statement is even slightly controversial from a finance or economic standpoint. If you know you are taking in less money from a tax cut then you should not spend more as you will increase your debt.
Unless spending more upfront reduces the debt overall in the medium or longer term.
Someone who is a conservative who has a gay friend or a gay kid that they love and accept.
Barely even that. Someone who likes marijuana is more likely.
I’ll agree with this too.
“I dont mind the gays, but I keep voting for Fascists because right wing talking points about how Unions make the prices of eggs go up.”
I don’t want to be included with the rest of the domestic terrorists in my political party.
“Socially liberal” right up until the point that we start talking about worker’s rights, the dignity of poor people, and the exploitation of cheap slave labor on the other side of the world
As someone who said this when they were younger
“Uninformed idiot”
now that I’m older I’m fully liberal since i am more informed.
But don’t you know? YoU’Ll gEt mOrE cOnSeRvAtIvE aS yOu AgE! Biggest fucking lie of my life.
Same here.
Usually they are lying. It means they hate poor people.
“I pay lip service to minorities, but don’t want to allocate resources to their needs”
Every discussion I’ve had with someone who said this has led me to expect ignorance. I think its something people who don’t know much like to say because they think it sounds good.
“I’m simple and don’t bother to look deeper into anything”
“I vote Republican, but I’m self-aware enough to know that I should be embarrassed about it.” (In the US)
I’ve heard it more the exact opposite way. “I vote Democrat but I am really tired liberals doing nothing to curb government corruption or tax the rich more.”
Eliminating corruption is not “fiscally conservative,” it’s just fiscally responsible. Same with taxing the rich.
“We should run the government like a business!”
Then why cut revenue as soon as you take power?
Yeah. A lot of folks I’ve met view it as fiscally conservative though.
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If they’re American I would point out that they have no representation for their conservative views because there is no fiscally conservative party in the United States.
I always just reference this article:
And say the modern Republican party started with Nixon.