My idea of Heaven would be, that it’d be a place where you get to spend as long as you want there before deciding to move on. Like whether you want to comeback as someone new or want to be an angel or want to do something on a cosmic or spiritual scale that contributes to the bigger picture. You’re free from all suffering, regret, torment and guilt.

The idea of Hell is, is you get planted into two potential places aside from the commonly registered idea of hell that’s depicted. One place is solitary confinement, for your spirit. No contact, nothing. Whatever you suffered with, still remains and nothing or nobody will bother with you.

Another place, is where you get to relive your better dreams and memories. But they’re going to be fucked with until they’re nightmares, robbing you of ever reliving the pleasantries that they once provided you. It’ll be like partaking in a bad sitcom and you’re its star. You’re here in this idea of hell for quite the eternity, you don’t get choice as to when you want to leave or what you do with your spirit.

    3 days ago

    Heaven: me chilling in my bedroom with all of the dogs I’ve ever owned, who can also talk to me, I have an endless supply of weed, Coca-Cola and the ability to make any of my favourite foods cooked in the way I remember with access to every single piece of entertainment at my fingertips.

    Hell: just me being forced to spend eternity listening to my asshole father scream about me not wanting to play sports and how it’s my mum’s fault his life sucks, obviously I’m also being tortured by demons but that’s my layer of personal hell they’d add.

  • lemmy689
    3 days ago

    They say that life’s a carousel

    Spinning fast, you gotta ride it well

    The world is full of Kings and Queens

    Who blind your eyes and steal your dreams

    It’s Heaven and Hell, oh well

    And they’ll tell you black is really white

    The moon is just the sun at night

    And when you walk in golden halls

    You get to keep the gold that falls

    It’s Heaven and Hell, oh no

    2 days ago

    Interesting ideas.

    My idea of Heaven: no place, but reincarnation. That way all the ‘good’ people will be inhabiting the earth. They have the opportunity to be evil in that life, and then they would go to hell. If they keep continuing to be good, they keep getting reincarnated.

    My idea of Hell: Nothing. Just pure death.

    What would the criteria of going to heaven or hell? No idea.

    3 days ago

    Heaven would be somewhere that you can just do all the things you ever wanted to, with no restrictions on time or capability.

    Want to know the answer to every mystery or conspiracy theory? Done.

    Want to watch and savour every and any great old movie, with the full cinema experience? Not a problem.

    Want to be a rock star, or a DJ, or a classical pianist? You are.

    Want to be able to relive great moments from your life, happy times with your kids or your friends or your parents? It’s all just there for you whenever.

    And there’s no boredom, and there’s no sadness, and there’s no rivalry. Just endless happy times.

    3 days ago

    Heaven and hell are individual: what the mind creates from the worldview it has built up until death, that one must experience as cells in the brain die and connections sever. One’s final dream, so to speak.

    So if you have built strong convictions of the existence of either, neither, or something else entirely - your brain will default to the imagery that you yourself have constructed up to that point in the brief moment that those connections still exist.

    3 days ago

    I don’t think there’s a benevolent all-powerful being, so I’m not even sure I believe that there’s a good vs. bad place.

    If there were a benevolent all-powerful being, the amount of injustice and brutality in the world that the truly innocent suffer would be spared from it.

    If there is an afterlife, suffering continues there. But not all face suffering. And in that same plane, peace continues there, but not all face peace.

    So, if heaven and hell exist, they’re the same place.

    3 days ago

    Hell: An eternity of the skin-peelingist, ball crushingst torture you can imagine. Eyeball needles. The works. Because everyone has a creative psychological hell that’s worse than actual torture-hell, but to those people I say- have you tried torture-hell? Humans can rationalize anything, but it’s hard to rationalize a good ball crushing.

    Heaven: The abandoned residential belt around Birmingham, Alabama on a hot Saturday afternoon. Immediately following two months of torture-hell.

    3 days ago

    First, about eternity:

    Your physical body ceases to exist. Eternity remains. That means, math and physics have no meaning for you anymore.

    Time will end for you. That’s the part that’s the most difficult to imagine. It is easier to think about how the first 3 dimensions have no meaning anymore, but then time will be gone as well, but you are still there.

    Now heaven and hell:

    Heaven is when you are forever on good terms with the God who has made you, and his whole bunch there. You will have all that you need for an excellent life there.

    Hell is when you aren’t - then you remain alone with your grumpy self, or maybe with the devil who makes his life good at your expense.