Trying to figure out if this is supposed to be a slight towards the “woke” implying they’re okay with sexual objectification of women as long as it’s in an LGBT context, or if it’s a slight towards the gamergaters implying that they’ll deny that something is blatant fan service for cishet men just because of the most superficial level of queer-coding.
Trying to figure out if this is supposed to be a slight towards the “woke” implying they’re okay with sexual objectification of women as long as it’s in an LGBT context, or if it’s a slight towards the gamergaters implying that they’ll deny that something is blatant fan service for cishet men just because of the most superficial level of queer-coding.
The first one:
and the layer on top of ‘signalis’ which i had to look up but the characters are like, fully dressed so idfk
Signalis is not goon bait at all. It’s classic tortured sapphic stuff. This person needs help.