post titled “Barack Obama Says George W. Bush ‘Just Barely’ Behaved During Donald Trump’s Inauguration”
yeah real #####resistance leader george “a million dead iraqis” bush
i fucking hate liberals
do these people not realize that anything trump is doing right now, the bedrock to do so was laid by people like bush and obama?
Meh, is that much worse than people on here saying things like, “Ya, Trump is a fascist, but he’s funny.”
EDIT: Alright, to all the responses, fair, I get where you’re coming from. But I’m used to hearing “he’s funny” as a compliment and I think to most people it is.
‘Funny’ isn’t an ethical value judgement in the same way as ‘someone I could grab a beer with’ is.
Trump is objectively funny, but he’s still scum and I’d never want anything to do with him.
…I mean, laughing at the fascist has a slightly different connotation to having a friendly conversation with the fascist, yes.
it’s quite different. trump just is funny, acting like you’re not allowed admit that is lib shit. he’s a comedian. acting like you’d be happy to hang out and be pals with W because he’s such a nice guy is running defense for his image and is a tried and tested propaganda line. “funny” isn’t a moral value judgement, “friendly” kinda is. plus obviously says a lot about the people still saying this shit that they’d be happy to put aside the one million dead Iraqis and hang out with the white american war criminal because they feel they have something in common. that’s a far cry from just admitting trump says funny things sometimes.