Looks like President Musk is still in charge.
Are we not slamming anymore? We’re now stabbing?
For a brief irrational second, this headline gave me actual hope.
Yeah, the headline sucks, but I still thought it was worth pasting for the info.
Legitimately, I’d argue that it makes more sense than “slammed” since it likely alludes to backstabbing. I don’t think I was ready for that sharp of imagery this morning, but I won’t argue with the wording.
Anyway, what’s with your obsession with US politics, you damn foreigner?? (Congratulations again)
Hey, I’m still a U.S. citizen too! Actually, I didn’t qualify for a “communications officer” job at the Royal Mint because I have dual nationalities.
Because, you know, they might tell me something secret that they want the public to hear, what with it being a communications officer position.
And thanks again.
I get their concern. It may not be the “what” so much as the “when” of the information.
edit: I’m still crossing my fingers for you finding a UK job, though. I’m sure you’re looking at the same places I am for you. I see there was a position for video editor open on the Isle of Mann just 4 months ago, so I have high hope for your prospects!
I have sent out you have no idea how many CVs. Literally hundreds for every open job, plus cold to anyone I can think of. But unfortunately I have been looking at a bad time because almost everyone’s going to be gone through the new year. I’m betting I will get a bunch of interviews in the first couple of weeks of January. I still plan to be over there by the end of the month if at all possible, but I can’t until I get work. My family can’t even get a family visa if I live there earn less than £22,000 a year, so I have to have a job before I go.
Thanks for the help!
Anyway, what’s with your obsession with US politics, you damn foreigner??
Damn. I waiting for a good chance to make the same joke. Nicely done.
At least stabbing has the whole Brutus thing and depicts additional information; “Knifes”: betrays as well as attacks. But why not just say “betrays”? If there’s one thing Americans seem to universally hate, it’s syllables.
It’s an affectation left over from the days when the editor had to find a compromise between the size of the type he wanted for the big headline and the number of letters that would fit on the page. Betrays has one more letter than Knifes. As you mentioned, “knifes” is also better because of everyone who will get the reference to Julius Cæsar.
Oooo! Ooooo! Oooooooooo!!! Now’s my time to shine with useless information I learned in a college class that I dropped!
When using a printing press, there are multiple metal stamps of each letter. WHEN YOU WERE USING THE BIG LETTERS, YOU’D REACH FOR THE ONES ON THE “UPPER CASE”, while the smaller more frequently used letters were kept on the “lower case”.
And when you needed more s p a c e between letters, you’d use more of the blank metal blocks, which were made from lead, which is why that spacing us called leading.
Finally, some printing press operators discovered that if you made letters too small, they’d become hard to read, but that you could take advantage of the blank space inside the letter blocks by designing the letters from corner to corner diagonally instead of straight up and down to fit more condensed letters on a single page—this space-saving leaning style was pioneered in Italy. To lean your letters like this was to do like the Italians did, hence your printing style was italicized.
Oooh, I didn’t realize italics made it possible to put bigger letters in smaller spaces! Thanks, Professor!
Yeah! It would buy you an extra couple lines per page, reducing the page count while maintaining readability. When fonts start exploring surface area, you know shit’s about to go off.
That’s certainly part of it. But it’s also a nation trend in communication. Trump has done a brilliant job at weaponizing and popularizing clipped, terse, sparse, blunt, chunky, speaking. He’s basically made headlines into a kind of vernacular, where everything is at once overly explicit and yet open to interpretation. Like, tone over content, and difficulty to ignore over clarity. It’s less that he has invented it, and more like he identified it, but has used it as a form of lexical gamesmanship. Set the narrative by being the one that’s remembered, fidelity to truth be damned. And giving his black-hole-like ability to bend discourse to be on his terms, everyone is falling in line and speaking in big dumb wooden blocks in order to remain competitive.
it’s syllables
Ow, my ears! So big sound for so little letters! Make read out loud bad!!!
Knifing, dude.
Stabbing implies there was a puncture and knives can be used to slash or puncture.
Good point! They can also be used to spread butter, but context clues make me think this is unlikely what they meant.
For sure. I’m just being sassy. 😋
Getting sassy with a knife? Now you’re just describing me telling my wife to get out of the kitchen while I’m cooking dinner
Donwvoted because no fascists were actually stabbed
In due time
Thoughts and prayers
Tots and pears
Don’t worry, it has just begun. Blood will flow in time.
Vice President Trump has to get on board with President Musk’s policy platform in public even if they disagree in private.
That should be, First Lady Trump. Vance is Vice President.
Vance is the presidential dog that humps the furniture.
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Might have something to do with the tractor trailers full of Peter Thiel’s money that follows him around everywhere
Please correct me if I’m wrong, but wasn’t Trump trying to tighten H1-B visas in his first term to make it harder to import foreign workers?
You’re looking for consistency where there is none.
Good point.
“I don’t stand by anything.” Donald Trump, 2017
His supporters generally have a memory span of about 3 days
The flexibility of the rights platform is actually one of their greatest strengths.
They are happy to flip-flop on things that they kinda care about in order to keep people onside and get what they really care about.
We on the left should learn from this. Less purity tests and trying to die on every hill or we’re fucked.
The core problem is that right wing ideology is inherently authoritarian, right wing voters find their figurehead and toe the line. Left wing ideology is inherently individualistic, left wing voters find their personal ideologies and seldom compromise. The Right huddles into their big tent while the Left endlessly splinters into feuding sub-factions.
You see, that was before Musk bought him.
It seems donvict is quite flexible on his positions. Kinda like his view on TikTok…
And lo, America realized the foreign Nazi techbro had control of the whole country once he had the leader chosen by the neophytes and bigots cucking for him.
… America realized …
lol no
People such as those here on Lemmy probably did long ago. Meanwhile, most of the right is totally asleep on matters of labor rights and the class war (being conducted ON them).
This administrations alliances are easy to figure out
Who has the most money? … that’s who they’ll support
I’m betting that President Elect Musk pulled some election BS and is holding it over Taint Maid Trump’s head for leverage.
South African apartheid, coming soon to a state near you
I mean, he literally did. Are you forgetting the part where Musk was straight up buying votes in swing states? It was all public corruption, the U.S. just isn’t doing shit about it.
Pretty neat little conspiracy. Musk tells Don, I can rig it, Don takes the deal, monkey paw outcome: Musk blackmails Don with proof of cheating. I don’t know how plausible it actually is, but it’s interesting as a story.
Aside from buying votes, he also gave Trump millions of Dollars.
I’m betting that President Elect Musk pulled some election BS and is holding it over Taint Maid Trump’s head for leverage.
This might have been a believable conspiracy theory eight years ago during Trump’s first term, but we live in 2024, where twice-impeached and convicted felon Donald Trump won reelection. I can’t imagine there’s any dirt that can actually harm him at this point. He doesn’t need to seek anybody’s approval, and nothing he ever does can come back to hurt him. He’s a king now and people need to come to grips with that new reality. Approval ratings mean nothing. Censures mean nothing. Impeachments mean nothing.
If I were Trump and somebody had dirt on me, I’d say “Go ahead and tell them. I’ll come out and tell them that it’s true and that I was smart to do it. And then they’ll love me even more for it and they’ll make you public enemy number one for going against me.”
First, Acting President-Elect Musk kicking the Maga-Brains in the balls with his H-1B dreams, now Good Little Boy Trump biting at Bannon. I love them coming apart like that. Let the fight begin!
It’s going to come down to moneyed interests, I think. How they keep the racist interests happy is the real question.
They are going to need some major distraction for the people that will not benefit by and/or be actively harmed by H-1Bs taking American jobs…I just wonder what it will be. It was a pretty big mistake for Musk/Bannon to give away the job-stealing game so publicly. It’s like they are rubbing magabrainz noses right in it by this public slapfight. The magabrainz are not really known for their long-term memory, but this is really close to home for a lot of jobs and it was in the headlines for days…I bet more than a few remember and so MurdochCo is going to need one helluva distraction to keep their minds off of this, most especially if they do lose their jobs and/or have a hard time getting a new job with similar compensation due to the H-1B scam.
The ultra-rich in his base, whether they are racist or not, are most likely delighted by the prospect of destroying American jobs.
Elon Musk manages to make some pretty cool sunglasses look not cool.
And Bannon is why Trump is where he is.
May the MAGA civil war completely halt their ability to get anything done.
There is one thing I’d like to see them accomplish in the MAGA civil war, and that is the absolute and utter destruction of the MAGA klans.
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His newest wife was one of those illegal immigrants he hates.
But yes, eventually she did get an EB-1, aka an “Einstein Visa.” Helps to be fucking a rich guy I guess.
Trump just can’t get enough of that Musk teet.
Balls deep in Trump e is!
How the turntables
“Had me in the first half, not gonna lie.”
Trump: Musk’s bitch