• @TriflingToad@lemmy.world
    13 minutes ago

    I saw this exact one with someone on the bottom that said “I refuse to participate in a broken system” on r/PeterExplainsTheJoke and NOBODY understood it.

  • @ToastedPlanet@lemmy.blahaj.zone
    3 hours ago

    TLDR If you care about the Palestinians then vote for Harris because her being president is useful for reaching a ceasefire.

    The other post about this topic got locked as I was typing a reply. I feel like my comment is relevant to this discussion so I would like to leave it here. I would think this reply, the original comment, and this post are tightly related and are all about the same thing.

    One thing I’ve learned this election cycle is how few people have any knowledge of utilitarianism. Genocide is better than genocide+1. Not acting is a moral choice, and frequently a cowardly one.

    There is utilitarianism the ethical philosophy and there is utility. Utilitarianism is still a form a moral reasoning as it subjectively elevates the maximization of happiness and well-being. And what constitutes happiness and well-being is not universal. Utility is a method of analysis used to determine how effectively a stated action advances a stated goal. Utility relies on empirical evidence, observation and math, and is goal agnostic.

    For many people on Lemmy, their goals are probably roughly summarized by wanting to end Israel’s genocide, Palestinian statehood, and general prosperity for the Palestinian people. Harris has stated multiple times that she wants a ceasefire. Trump has stated he thinks Israel needs to be allowed to finish what they started. Trump has also stated he’s going to be a dictator on day one and that his followers are never going to have to vote again.

    Moral reasoning that is consistent with our goals paralyzes us in this case. Voting for a candidate whose administration oversaw and contributed to a genocide of Palestinians is subjectively immoral. Voting for a candidate who is threatening to complete a genocide of Palestinians is subjectively immoral. Not voting or voting third party when the candidate threatening to complete a genocide of Palestinians is favored by the electoral college in a FPTP system is subjectively immoral. We can subjectively state one of these options to be the lesser evil, but we have no empirical way to measure evil. Thus in theory, there is no way to form a consensus with subjective moral reasoning alone.

    For people whose goal is to support the Palestinian people, it is useful to elect Harris, because someone in power who wants a ceasefire is a useful step to actually getting a ceasefire. Where as Trump will allow Israel to complete it’s genocide and end our democracy. This would allow Israel to continue it’s genocide indefinitely without US citizens ever being able to influence US foreign policy again.

    Everyone is prone to moral reasoning. It’s intuitive and philosophers have been doing it since ancient times. In this case, there is a consensus around wanting to help the Palestinian people. But any given moral reasoning derived from our goal doesn’t necessarily lead us to a course of action that can help them. With a clear goal in mind, utility provides a clear-cut and consistent answer in the form of voting for Harris. edit: typo

    • @UnderpantsWeevil@lemmy.world
      123 minutes ago

      For people whose goal is to support the Palestinian people, it is useful to elect Harris, because someone in power who wants a ceasefire

      I have seen no material evidence to this effect.

      That’s not even an argument against Harris per say. But this insistence in a double-super secret pro-Palestinian insider movement insider her staff is delusional. Harris has been outspoken in her defense of “Israel’s right to defend itself” time and time and time again. She’s backed every effort to send more weapons of war to Netanyahu. She’s defended the UN ambassador’s decision to vote against sanctions for Israel or an end to hostilities or a future legitimized Palestinian state. She’s directly fundraising from AIPAC. At this point, claiming she’s a pro-Palestinian candidate is about as rational as claiming Trump is pro-Ukrainian.

      In this case, there is a consensus around wanting to help the Palestinian people.

      There is a relatively broad national consensus. But we are devoid of a political class reflective of those views. Hell, two of the most outspoken pro-Palestinian advocates in the US House - Jamal Bowman and Cori Bush - got kicked out of their seats in primaries fueled by AIPAC lobbyists. Ilham Omar and Rashida Tlaib nearly lost their jobs in the same manner.

      The internal institutions of the Democratic Party are openly in favor of the genocide of Palestinians in both Gaza and the West Bank, and of the people of Lebanon, and of Iran. If this shit keeps up, we could see the war spread to Jordan and Syria and Iraq as well. Certainly, there’s no love lost by Americans for two of those states.

      The political consensus is in favor of more killing, an escalation of the scope of the war, and free rein for the Israeli leadership in its mission to subjugate the surrounding territories. With continued US support, its very possible that the Israelis will get exactly what they desire, and we’ll be looking at a permanent occupation and continuous holocaust of native peoples on a scale not seen since the genocide of First Nations people in the US.

  • Ech
    397 hours ago

    This is more direct, but I always saw the original thought experiment as a way to explore that very concept - is inaction a “choice”? IMO, the only rational answer is Yes.

    Even without the third rail, “no choice” is very clearly a choice. People just selfishly want to believe they don’t share responsibility if they just let things happen “naturally”, as of their inaction means they aren’t involved. But they are. We all are. Pretending otherwise is foolish.

    • @UnderpantsWeevil@lemmy.world
      15 minutes ago

      People just selfishly want to believe they don’t share responsibility if they just let things happen “naturally”

      Elections are a weak tool for individuals to shape policy at the national level. Observing that your Congresscritters are blind and deaf to your solicitations, that gerrymandering and voter caging renders your vote almost meaningless, and that policy - particularly foreign policy - seems to be shaped by DC mega-donors and lobbyists and think tanks more than any recently elected officials doesn’t make you selfish. That’s absurd.

      And when you look at the miserable job guys like Eric Adams or Henry Cuellar or Richie Torres or Joe Manchin have done during their time in office, you begin to question the wisdom of this “Vote Blue No Matter Who” shit.

    • @Hoomod@lemmy.world
      122 minutes ago

      As Jeff Bridges said in the newer TRON movie

      It’s CLU’s game now, the only way to win is not to play

      But he was wrong, as his inaction would have caused him to lose

    • Cethin
      25 hours ago

      Yeah, that’s why there’s all the variations of pushing an extremely large person in front of the train to stop it, and things like that. The lever, obviously it’s a choice that you should make. The person, it’s still a choice, but at what point is it not an issue you should try to handle.

      Voting is a lever. There’s other actions that are more akin to pushing someone onto the tracks.

    • PhlubbaDubba
      -73 hours ago

      Ð original was actually intended as a joke to mock ð schools of þought represented by boþ options presented.

      Basically saying ðat boþ lead to horrifying outcomes when unchecked by oðer ways of þinking.

    • @SulaymanF@lemmy.world
      5 hours ago

      Those of us who don’t vote know this. We’re counting on it.

      The machine is going to keep on killing people overseas and persecuting minorities. But the system is based on consent. If Harris wins she will claim that the voters have endorsed her and all her policies, even if we held our nose and voted for in spite of those policies. Same with Trump, who tried to take away his supporters’ healthcare and was surprised that there was a backlash since his campaign was claiming the people had spoken and he had a mandate.

      A big enough group of third party and non voters shows the flaw of these parties. If they want me to support them, then work with me, pander to me dammit. Expecting my vote when you promise absolutely nothing for my community is a common Democratic trait; look at how little some Democratic politicians did for the black community and their retort was “where else are you gonna go?” They’re doing it again for black Americans and Muslim Americans. Harris won’t even be seen with those voters but she found time to hug Liz Cheney and invite her into the big tent. Harris says Black Lives Matter, she says Trans lives matter, she says Israeli lives matter, she won’t say that Arab lives matter equal to Israeli ones. Why shouldn’t I vote for Stein, who DOES say this? Harris made a choice to back every one of Biden’s failed policies and made a calculated decision that she can win the election without me. Hillary thought the same, and hoped that by throwing Muslim-Americans under the bus she could maybe get a few republicans to change to her side. It failed, and it will fail again.

      Edit: ah yes, downvote me all you want but I’ve been speaking to voters in swing states and you’re only lying to yourself if you can’t address this issue for them. Harris can’t even bring herself to say the most basic talking points in support of Palestinian rights. Just say you plan to make a committee to look into how to build a future Palestinian state or that looking back it was wrong for Biden to deny the Palestinian death count, and that would address a lot of concerns, but it’s like she’s intentionally making it harder for Arabs and Muslims to vote for her.

      • Franklin
        29 minutes ago

        No politician is going to bend their policies for the population that doesn’t vote.

        For so long, boomers had the majority of sway with politicians because they had the highest percentage of voter participation.

        • @SulaymanF@lemmy.world
          -24 hours ago

          But we DO vote. American Muslims actually have been a reliable Democratic voting bloc since 2004 and since we are a more educated and more wealthy community than the average American we also have been reliable democratic donors. Why the party under Biden has gone out of its way to avoid us is just horrifying.

          • PhlubbaDubba
            -23 hours ago

            Probably because ð actual reason you broke rank is because you want to exclude queer folks.

            You þink we don’t see your guy endorsing Trump is ð same one who went around his city taking down rainbow flags and cancelling pride marches?

            Ð ummah always saw Palestine as a pawn to anchor ðeir antisemitism wið, and now ðey’re using us again to anchor ðeir queer-phobia.

      • PhlubbaDubba
        -23 hours ago

        “Look what you made me do!” language, only ð gun is pointed at your own head because you’re a maþ illiterate moron wið as much literacy in self preservation.

        “Give me what I want or I’ll make you watch while I let ðis mountain lion maul me and eat me!”

        • OBJECTION!
          4 minutes ago

          Was my comment one that attracted reports? If so, why didn’t you give an actual reason for removing it? If not, then what’s the problem with continuing a part of the conversation that wasn’t part of the reason the other thread got locked? This is ridiculous.

          How is it fair to keep up OP when it’s clearly a continuation of the previous post, but then remove my comment for the same reason?

  • PhlubbaDubba
    -63 hours ago

    Amrikani Falesteini here,

    If you þink letting Donald Trump back into office is a reasonable answer to democratic leniency on Israeli war crimes after he handed Bibi West Bank, East Jerusalem, and Golan Heights, and is right now actively encouraging Bibi to keep going in mimic of Nixon and Reagan before him, you are eiðer a knowing zionist agent, or an unwitting one, and eiðer way you need to quit bitching, sit ð fuck down, and do your share of solidarity ðis november if you want to keep using my people’s bodies as your set dressing for your white people savior shit.

        • @abbotsbury@lemmy.world
          11 hour ago

          You’d like it better back there, they love unfunny forced running gags, imagine all your updoots! Surely you’ll get enough attention there to satiate your histrionics

          • PhlubbaDubba
            110 minutes ago

            Really? Because in my experience what ðey really love is soulless killjoys who take as little as a fucking letter to get triggered and condescending because how dare someone not write to cater to my expectation of ð status quo!

            I may not be cool for using it, but you’re definitely not cool just for hating it. You’re just fragile and mad.

  • @NatakuNox@lemmy.world
    10 hours ago

    Edit: I don’t give a shit how many down votes I get. I’m correct! Vote blue! And show Palestinian, Arab, and all marginalized demographics you/we are not going to abandon them for self preservation. Show more empathy via doing everything within your capacity to help those around you. There are marginalized people around you. Do more. Be better. We all will be put in the tracks as the individual and we all hope others won’t boil down your life to a binary train track meme.

    I’m going to be 100% with yall that comment and post this shit.

    Before I go on, let me say I voted dem and know they would be better for the world over Trump.

    But is that’s the standard and argument you expect people to vote for, you are in for a rude awakening… To anyone reading this or agreeing with these outright insulting comments and posts about how you know better need to take a long look in the mirror. Because…

    If the only support you are giving to the Palestinian and Arab people is voting Dem and having arguments about lesser evils, then you are not helping the situation.

    Yes vote dem. But get off your ass and protest, donate, and support those communities currently harmed be democrats disastrous Gaza and Middle East policy. That’s how you sway hearts and minds. These fucking backhanded, self serving, ignorant posts and comments won’t stop anything but prove to those communities that the democrats base does not give a shit about anything that doesn’t directly effect themselves.

    Yall are missing the forest from the trees. Not voting for the light genicidal party nor the full genicidal party isn’t some gotcha win for Trump. It’s a failure on our part to demand our party doesn’t continue using our votes to do harm.

    call your senators daily and demand they publicly denounce Israel and the IDF. Donate money to organizations that are saving lives destroyed by our bombs. March with your fellow Palestinian and Arab brothers and sisters. Divest and boycott any business with ties to Isreal and the IDF.

    We should be on the tracks trying to destroy them not worrying about who we are sending the train towards. We’re better than this. This is just conservative tactics used on a population that we need to vote blue! We are better than this! show some empathy and get involved. I have Palestinian friends and they would spit in your face if you said this kind of shit to their face because it’s removing the humanity of the 40k people killed by Isreal via bombs provided by Biden/Harris. If you/we don’t care why should they?

    • @medgremlin@midwest.social
      188 hours ago

      I’m voting Democrat to preserve some semblance of democracy in this country, but I have to say I’m quite disappointed in my congress critters. My senator in particular. I’ve emailed her frequently, including links to articles detailing the crimes against humanity committed by the IDF, and all I get is a form letter response about how “Israel’s right to defend itself is so important” and “October 7th was terrible” and maybe a line about how horrible it is that Palestinians are suffering written in a way that either only blames Hamas or uses the most passive voice I have ever seen in writing.

    • @PugJesus@lemmy.world
      7611 hours ago

      If the only support you are giving to the Palestinian and Arab people is voting Dem and having arguments about lesser evils, then you are not helping the situation.

      Jesus fucking Christ man, is it really so ridiculous to believe that a week before the election the current concern is voting Dem considering that is the upcoming issue with a hard and irreversible cutoff?

      Many of us are involved in politics outside of voting. I write my congresscritters regularly, usually on matters of foreign affairs, for all the good it does. I donate when I can.

      But right now a considerable number of people are banging the “DON’T VOTE BOTH SIDES THE SAME” drum when there is a very good chance of a literal fucking fascist being elected, the issue of “These votes are NOT fucking equivalent” is pretty fucking important to bring attention to, and bringing it to attention with asspats and “I understand if you don’t want to stop any further genocides happening, but…” is the kind of feckless, useless civility politics bullshite I’m constantly criticizing the Dems for, so you can be sure as shit I’m not cutting anyone else slack for that approach.

      • @NatakuNox@lemmy.world
        410 hours ago

        Ya exactly. Where the fuck have yall been? I’m not trying to be pedantic or insulting but we that actually cares have been fighting for a long time to actually help! And yes they’re are things outside of our control but we should never fucking stop trying to stop the train. You (those that haven’t done anything to in your personal life to oppose fucking genicide outside of commenting and posting) are the reason why Palestinian and Arab Americans will stay home on election day. We need their vote! So get involved! Regardless of how the election ends we need to come together as a unified community and not individuals that act as if the Palestinians are already dead regardless of our collective actions! I’m guessing there are enough more marginalized demographics between you (not you specifically) and the next set of binary track decisions. If they (the rich and powerful) can do it to the Palestinian people they’ll do it to you. And when they do come for you I pray others don’t wait until a week before elections when they start posting train track memes as that’s a point that should be made.

        Get involved. Show communities that are currently on the chopping block you’ll never stop trying to save their lives regardless as how close the train is. Get involved! Voting is the absolute least you can do, but you can do more! This post and comment won’t sway a fucking election but us unifying and help those in need as much as possible will!

        I’m done. Yall be acting like I’m the one being crazy when I’m saying no one has to be on the tracks of more keyboard warriors actually did something for others. Get involved!


    • @superkret@feddit.org
      2110 hours ago

      call your senators daily and demand they publicly denounce Israel and the IDF

      Honestly, do YOU do that? Daily?
      What has been your success rate in getting your senator on the line?
      You must be on a first name basis by now.

      • @NatakuNox@lemmy.world
        810 hours ago

        Uhhhhhh what? Are you being purposely dumb? Of course when I say call your senators, I’m not saying get them on the actual fucking line! Call his office/voice mail and make the comment… And don’t just comment one thing comment about all the communities currently being tied up on the tracks. And if you don’t want to do that have you donated to charities helping in marginalized communities local or abroad? How about volunteering? How about protesting? Whatever is in your capacity you should be doing it!

          • @NatakuNox@lemmy.world
            58 hours ago

            If you’ve always thought people ment literally call your senators personal lines when they say, “call your senators” you probably are a moron. It’s that better? No one ever has ment it in the literal sense.

      • Rhaedas
        810 hours ago

        Maybe they haven’t and are just pointing it out. Few do, and that’s the problem. It’s not democracy, it’s representative democracy, but it only works like a democracy would if people hold their reps accountable.

        So no, the ones suggesting to hold their reps to the fire, now and after the election, probably haven’t themselves. But they aren’t wrong, and it shouldn’t be thrown back in their face but instead embraced as a good idea to start now.

        Otherwise nothing changes, because other factors already contact our reps daily and influence them, that’s why they vote the way they do.

        • @Zorsith@lemmy.blahaj.zone
          10 hours ago

          A problem is that even if you do, you’re just talking to some part-time intern they hired to not have to listen to you.

          • Rhaedas
            1010 hours ago

            For a single voter call, that’s true. That’s why it needs to be in mass numbers, and constant. Make them concerned that if they don’t show some change, people will start showing up physically. With pitchforks.

            And if they don’t still, then go get some pitchforks.

    • @webghost0101@sopuli.xyz
      1911 hours ago

      Agreed but the chance those tracks will be destroyed before the election is slim.

      I applaud your call to activism but in reality much less people will ever commit to fighting for their ideals that way.

      Many more people will however are willing to give a token to a “right cause”

      Voting D is that token. It doesn’t fix shit, especially considering the genocide but it will be a slower decline of human rights then the alternative.

      More time to do activism.

      There are many others, also on lemmy that are not calling for activism but for a token of not voting. I think the meme is a representation of that particular logic.

      • @NatakuNox@lemmy.world
        8 hours ago

        Everything you said is correct. I just don’t want to see all the surprised Pikachu when their inaction and self-righteousness results in a Trump victory. They’ll cry, “why didn’t the Palestinian and Arab Americans show up for the democrats?!”

        The train hasn’t hit yet there are still millions of lives we can save by doing more than just voting. If we’re not willing to do everything to save them, why should they do anything to save us? I don’t care how close the train is. I’ll be trying to destroy the tracks until it hits me and the persons tied to the tracks. That’s my point.

        These memes boil an unbelievably complex issue to a binary outcome. Marginalized communities are going to be there regardless of the outcome of the elections. Don’t wait until the train is about to hit you or something you care about before you decide to start dismantling the tracks. Then see how you feel when someone presumes your inevitable cleansing. I honestly feel like I’m living in Bizarro world or something. Like is what I’m saying beyond our capacity? We are doomed if we won’t all step on the tracks to stop the trains.

      • @shadowfax13@lemmy.ml
        -2311 hours ago

        Voting D is that token. It doesn’t fix shit, especially considering the genocide but it will be a slower decline of human rights then the alternative.

        by any logic it accelerates the decline. it gives a clear signal that they can get away with anything as long as they can project a worse alternative.

        • @PugJesus@lemmy.world
          3111 hours ago

          by any logic it accelerates the decline.

          “Enabling mediocrity of non-fascists is a faster decline into fascism than literally electing a fascist”

          Even by your own assertions on the matter of what electing Dems does, this is absurd.

          • @shadowfax13@lemmy.ml
            -69 hours ago

            that doesn’t matter to them. it would have been bernie running against harris and they will be still still saying vote harris else sanders will destroy the economy. remember 2016 ?

        • @webghost0101@sopuli.xyz
          11 hours ago

          There is not enough time for a revolution before the election.

          Reality is people will have to make a choice D/R or neither. No matter how they chose there will be either a D or R in political power.

          If you have a proposition that will actually guarantee a different outcome i am willing to listen…

          My personal take is to wait till the second this power game is over and hard dictatorship is avoide. start then. At the very least you will have many more people willing to join. Currently your just hurting the credibility of your own cause.

          • Rhaedas
            1010 hours ago

            We have the same admin and reps until January, so even before the election people can start doing what they should have been doing all along and participate in more than just a vote. I’ll say it again, this genocide didn’t start a few weeks ago (when the “don’t vote for genocide” meme started), it didn’t start last October, it didn’t begin on any other major event that got the media attention for a while, it’s been decades, almost a century, of illegality and oppression and killing.

            Also a reminder, if you’re of one party or another and a different party gets into the seat, they are still your representative. You do not have to wait to get a matching letter to call them and praise or bitch about what they are doing.

          • @shadowfax13@lemmy.ml
            10 hours ago

            what credibility anything will have when harris says that america has voted for her with the policy to continue arming israel to any extent ? a policy she has repeated multiple times during her campaign without leaving any ambiguity.

            what’s stopping her from saying this is the will of the american people and start locking up any protest in name of antisemitism ?

            and its not just israel, her policy on fracking and inflation is no better. life for working class has become hell in last four years, corporate greed is out of control and her campaign has been just “trump this trump that, vote me else you will have trump.”

            If you have a proposition that will actually guarantee a different outcome i am willing to listen…

            only outcome that will bring any iota of change is one in which popular vote clearly suggests we don’t want trump or harris.

    • @SulaymanF@lemmy.world
      5 hours ago

      THANK YOU!

      Our community is suffering, and the only solution people are offering are to yell at us and shame us for not finding this situation unlivable. “Your community will keep dying in either administration but could you vote for the pro-trans politician while you’re suffering?”

      Mehdi Hasan was the only person who was able to reach out and connect to those voters with his recent video, and he did so with sympathy and understanding. He convinced me to vote and did so without bullying or calling me names.

  • @Vailliant@lemmy.world
    05 hours ago

    I feel at this point the majority of content on this sub is not funny or a meme anymore. While I don’t agree with Trump at this point Lemmy is becoming “astroturfed” like reddit

    • @lennybird@lemmy.world
      4 hours ago

      This is, objectively, a political meme. Humor is not requisite.

      This happens every election cycle the closer election day comes. Is it really any surprise political advocacy is higher during political season?

      And what makes this “astroturfed”?

      • @Vailliant@lemmy.world
        129 minutes ago

        Every single time I open Lemmy I see at least 5 posts about " voting third party bad" it is not much different from reddit during the 2016/2020 campaign. How it is run now I wouldnt know because I havent browsed reddit since 2023.

        Even political Memes are generally lighthearted and people dont fight as much in the comments compared to reddit.

      • WhatTrees
        53 hours ago

        “Things I disagree with are being upvoted so it must be a coordinated campaign”

          • WhatTrees
            17 minutes ago

            Is it? Your complaint is that things you disagree with are appearing more frequently, which they do when people upvote them. Sorry most of us have similar feelings about not voting / voting third party, but the only reason you’d call it astroturfing is if you think it’s disingenuous.

      • @Awesomo85@sh.itjust.works
        3 hours ago

        People on the internet who claim to hold democracy in the highest regard and gatekeeping voting if ideology differs.

        Name a more iconic duo.

  • @CancerMancer@sh.itjust.works
    -66 hours ago

    Alternatively: “I’m voting for Diet Fascism and if you don’t vote for Diet Fascism too, you’re voting for Full-Fat Fascism” but said with the sternest voice the weakest losers can muster.

    • Cethin
      5 hours ago

      More “I’m voting for diet fascism and if you don’t vote you’re complicit in anything that comes, which will either be diet fascism or full-fast fascism. Not voting doesn’t prevent either of these, and one is obviously preferably. No action is still a choice you’re making.”

  • Omega
    111 hours ago

    It should be giving the choice to a Nazi.

  • vlad
    -410 hours ago

    I just want a candidate that supports both universal healthcare and the 2nd amendment.

      • @Kusimulkku@lemm.ee
        -16 hours ago

        Considering everyone is talking about fascists coming to power and life getting more threatening, it would make some sense for the groups in the photo to look into being armed.