They then complain and call everything they hate tankie
Lmao “Um actually they think Donald Trump is a lib”
He IS a lib. FFS Americans learn what political terms mean before applying them. This is how you get an entire country thinking that the Democrats are left.
US liberal, learning that the far right party in their fellow white country of australia is called The Liberal Party : 🤔
Hah no. Tankies want him elected.
IDK which tankies you are seeing, but the ones on Lemmy are Russian trolls who very clearly favor Donald Trump
The tankies I see on Lemmy are Zionist trolls who deny Genocide and favor Joe Biden.
Just making it all up as they go along.
Tankies is just the word they use for peoplw they don’t agree with
nah that word is usually russian bot
They’re synonymous at this point
Nah they have another thread to explain Russian bots
That last one is really something. I am so curious as to how they claim to this conclusion.
Edit: nevermind it is linkerbaan lmao
Linker–anyone to the left or right of me is a Tankie–baan has to be a bit, or the worms have replaced the brain.
Basically someone that apologizes for war criminals.
Its existence stems from people defending the massacre at Tiannenmen square.
These days tankies appear in many forms. On Lemmy most commonly as people such as OP apologizing for Joe Biden being complicit in Genocide.
It’s been pointed out to them that “tankie” predates the Tiananmen riots by a generation, but they persist with their pet definition, which literally no one shares.
Mostly they seem to use it to mean anyone who has in any way supported any genocide, including any apologia or denial. And they believe in a genocidal Holomodor & Uyghurmodor as much as in the German Nazi ones & the ongoing one in Gaza.
If weren’t defederated from Hexbear, I would ask them to confirm.
Edit to add: they seem to flip-flop on whether or not Uyghurs have been / are being genocided
I think they might be making fun of how meaningless the word ‘tankie’ is by calling everything a tankie
brain empty no thoughts
They be throwing words around like a LLM.
A single attempt of trying to comprehend what decent lemmys say already broke their brain.
I clicked in hoping to see the unicorn-rare .world W, but the comments are one of the worst cesspits of idiocy even for their standards. I mean:
it’s legitimately hilarious how clueless and naive these people are, and how smart they think they are.
They are a walking stereotype of Liberals. We know exactly how they think and the exact narratives they parrot.
They don’t know anything about us, saying we are ‘zionists’ when we are practically the Hamas fan club over here. They don’t understand jack shit about anything.
imagining the resistance groups as members of a boy band, and we all have our favorite.
“I stan PFLP, their logo is badass.”
“Al-Qassam is soooo dreamy.”
“did you see Tulkarem Brigade’s new headband?”They don’t understand jack shit about anything.
There is a lot liberals don’t want to understand, and by the magic of hegemony, never feel much pressure to. Trumpism has been the prevailing US ideology from the beginning
It seems to me that I am more to the Left than you, Mr. Stalin
- H.G. Wells, Marxism Versus Liberalism - An Interview with Joseph Stalin, 1934
This person thinks it just means redfash, if they can even understand that.
But seriously, not a single comment expressing anything like “hell yeah fuck trump” all just deeply unserious.
But seriously, not a single comment expressing anything like “hell yeah fuck trump” all just deeply unserious.
Normally they are all “fuck trump” but the moment spectre of tankie shows they immediately just click away to face the more hated enemies. In other words, Kronshtad was not a mistake and we should have a thousands more.
Kronshtad was not a mistake
Can you explain this, I’m trying to learn more history.
Kronshtadt Rebellion was a proto-prototype of colour coup, basically all the washed out opportunists, libs and ultras that took a huge L in October Revolution gathered there (supported by imperialist powers) and riding on a social unrest caused by hard conditions of 7 years of continous war (it was in 1921) demanded that bolsheviks just give them everything and back off. They got crushed by Trotsky subsequently, which is often cited as his mosed based contribution.
center left turbolibs had to be crushed, and we will do it again
Kronstadt provided conclusive evidence that bringing the hammer down on wreckers and libs is a good idea.
This made me internally scream lmao
I hate Donald Trump because he is America personified.
You hate Donald Trump because he’s uncivil and rude.
We are not the same.
I hate him because he perfectly ecapulates the double standards of the American justice system. If he was a poor black dude breaking the law he would be in jail or executed by now
If he was a poor black dude breaking the law he would be in jail or executed by now
America personified.
His record was apparently technically “clean” before this? Like… what the fuck.
He mega deserves it for the central park shit
Big boorish oaf that bullies and brags, whining when things don’t go their way, cheats constantly and accuses everyone else of cheating.
Did I describe
I love Donald Trump because he’s funny, and he’s delegitimizing and mismanaging the high office of an empire that needs to finally die.
Chuds love Donald Trump because they think he makes me cry.
We are not the same.
Fun fact, in 2015 the Democratic Party and Hillary Clinton Campaign told liberal media to popularize Donald Trump because they said he would be easy to defeat. The Republican party had rejected Trump at the time because he was seen as an outsider. If it had not been for Liberal media, he probably would have never been elected president.“We need to be elevating the Pied Piper candidates so that they are leaders of the pack and tell the press to them seriously”
You can still see the videos of Liberal media promoting Trump in 2015 on mainstream Liberal media youtube channels. (CNN) Best Trump Zingers Anderson Cooper interviews Donald Trump Morning Joe interviews Donald Trump “Summer of Trump” 2015 compilation of MSNBC clips promoting Donald TrumpThis is just a few example, you can go to the CNN or MSNBC youtube channel and search “Trump 2015” and there’s dozens of videos. MSNBC and CNN promoted Trump for several months during 2015.
deleted by creator
And the witch still lost. Imagine how ghoulish one has to be to make Trump seem better.
Wow for a moment I was teleported back to Reddit
Sadly isn’t that what world is going for?
“liberals are often to the left of tankies” 🫠
‘i’m as left as it gets but we need to nuke the houthis and show them why we don’t have free healthcare!’
Dude was the most benign Republican of the last 100 years. Maybe Ford could be argued, but compared to the 2 Bushes, Regan and Nixon, he was alright. People freaking the fuck out over him made history change for the stupider and arguably worse but yknow, his actions as president pale in comparison to Reagan mics, the Iraq wars, invading Afghanistan, Iran Contra and it’s surrounding crimes against humanity, bombing Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia into smithereens etc. He’s just a loud and silly dumb guy, really not a big deal.
He’s just a loud and silly dumb guy, really not a big deal.
That’s why he’s a big deal to civility brained libs. He’s bringing the office of the president into disrepute by acting like he acts. Compared to that, not killing millions of people doesn’t even matter.
We can condone bombing civilians
But we draw the line at civility
why did i click the link. i didnt need to receive the psychic damage that occurs every time a liberal opens their mouth
Glad to see the ‘well actually’ nerds are still at it, correcting the record, with the caveat that we deny there is a genocide going on in China.
You know, the one that has no substantial proof outside of the ravings of a Christian lunatic and some unaccountable websites, that is not believed by a single international body. The accusations that rings especially hollow now that we know what evidence of what an actual genocide looks like in the era of smart phones, and how the U.S. and international bodies actually respond to such atrocities.
But ya know, they gotta get their digs in at us somehow while still getting things completely wrong. God, they’re just so very smart!
What literally no fucking theory does to motherfuckers.
This goes well beyond no theory, these people are outright psychotic.
and shit sometimes i doubt myself, maybe libs are the ones holding the truth, but then i come by stuff like this and im like
nah, not them
“the tankies I see are Russian bots who support trump”
And more unserious stuff tonight on the 10 o clock news
Dios Mio! draws a cross
commenters in that thread: did u no its actually extreme right wing to be a leftist and it’s actually super leftist to be a centrist???