I prefer Marx one, Lenin went a little too specific with “British millionaires”, while Marx “organ of the aristocracy of finance” remains more relevant.
“so that the smallest amount of seeding possible could occur,”
They can’t even pirate ethically, fucking landlubbers
Looking from British colonial cop PoV, probably that one of them was a Jew
Which Soviets have no problem with, even before the USSR was founded, for example in first Sovnarkom of RSFSR on 17 seats 5 were members of minorities.
Same with Poland, annexing the worst ukronazi breeding ground in Lviv and Tarnopil would fuck us up for decades at least. Hell, last time when those places were part of Poland, Poland was largely responsible for the ukronazis to even exist in the first place.
There’s also further funny bits. PoE1 mentions Doryani many times but never mentions what happened to him. It’s because he gets recruited by Alva to help MC in PoE2 (and gets demoted from chief thaumaturge of Vaal to free item identify bot). Fun fact is that Alva probably try to bluff him about the time travel and history, but she accidently hits the same theory as Ketzuli, Architect of Time and advisor to Doryani so Doryani believes that quite easily, especially that the Vaal cataclysm happens minutes later so it’s fait accompli anyways. And even better is that this theory is observably false since the atlas in PoE2 suppose to be Wraeclast after the cataclysm, but it has no sense at all with random placement and mix of everything. Doryani even notice that (though its too late) and comment that the reality itself is disrupted by the sheer power of the cataclysm, and warns MC that anything can happen, even meeting with another Doryani (which ofc happens, no way GGG is gonna waste a good boss on just campaign). Thing is, this makes the theories about determinism of history nonsense. And ultimately we know that of the Vaal traditions the only thing that gets preserved is their knowledge about thaumaturgy which only leads to even more tragedies as the recieving Azmeri later found the Eternal Empire which while less bloody than Vaal still abuse the thaumaturgy and fucks up the world again.
No chance in hell with how EU is basically corpos in a trenchcoat and most of them are either US or walking in US leash.
Ukraine open to exchanging minerals for more dead Ukrainians, says Zelenskyy
Typical US diplomacy but this time they didnt even waited for their victims cave in to the threats just announced the result beforehand lol.
Why would Iran even want to assassinate Trump? You don’t hamper your enemy when they are making mistakes.
Maybe not favourite but the most recent i encountered and in surprising place: Path of Exile 2 which belongs to a genre not famous for even having much lore in the first place:
When you fight Doryani in act 3 he call you “Demon of Atzoatl”, despite protagonist of PoE 2 is not the same person as the protagonist of PoE 1 who travelled in time and ruthlessly pillaged the Temple of Atzoatl and by doing so possibly significantly influenced the fall of Vaal civilization and destruction of entire continent. But Doryani never met the MC of PoE1 and he possibly makes mistake because you too travel in time and do absolute mayhem at key time and place of the Vaal. What’s best: Doryani, while genius and one of the most impactful people in game world history, is a complete psycho and one of the worst mass murderers in history of Wraeclast but he figuratively* shit his pants on the mere thought of “Demon of Atzoatl” so it’s a nice detail too that finally some boss is scared of you.
*Figuratively because he don’t wear pants
Not even invented but he allegedly found the plans. Inventing things is a tech heresy, so while less dogmatic tech priests do invent things sometimes they always use this excuse so maybe Land did it too. Except Belisarius Cawl, he don’t give a fuck but even he have to frequently engage in extreme theological discussions (extreme because they often ends in shooting) to justify himself.
Also all that is apparently not entirely canon, despite being so entrenched it is in every bit of relevant lore, because Mechanicus Codex said it’s not that bad, inventing things is deemed acceptable in at least one major forge world, Ryza.
Oh well i guess that is some deep lore lol.
Reddit: “Oh no, there are the most tankiest tankies on .ml”
Meanwhile, hex and 'grad:
It was cannibal economy, at first they cannibalised state and collective property by privatisation, then they cannibalisd Jewish property by so called “aryanisation”, finally they cannibalised conquered Poland and USSR. They couldn’t even thought nor do anything else, they arrived at the most rotting stage of imperialism right from the start.
Historically, some people did lived like that or similar, many religious communes comes to mind, but again the very reason they lived like that is that they were outcasts of the mainstream society, and it was never on any big scale. Marx was right when he criticized that, and it shows intelectual idealism and tendence to oversimplification of its proponents, like the short Procrustes bed of societies.
Yeah just around 20 years older
Nazi economy was basically a ponzi scheme already in real life.
New man trying to get some brownie points from old money monopolies i see.