Nononono you see life is easier if you just say BoTh SiDeS and move on. Sort of. You kind of have to repeat this mantra every time politics comes up for the rest of your life. But it sure beats thinking! That shit is hard!
If you keep saying “in a socialist utopia this wouldn’t happen” and do nothing long enough, a revolution will just happen and solve all the problems!
That’s what I’m saying!! Communism is the only way bro
Any day now!
If I put a picture of Karl Marx in my profile, does that make communism happen? I’ll do anything to have an excuse for not voting!
Nah you also gotta make sure to tell everyone on the Internet that both sides are the same so third party is the only real way
And when you or your partner get sent to prison because you had a miscarriage, you can rest easy knowing that at least you didn’t vote for the guy that wouldn’t have sent you to prison for having a miscarriage
Just a friendly reminder…
The first thing I’ll do as President is sign the Freedom of Choice Act
Im pro choice
Not my highest priority
parody… No
Man I guess this makes him worse than the guy that’ll throw gay people in prison or something
Don’t get me wrong, Fuck Joe Biden, but don’t act like he’s worse than the guys who promise to do awful things and then follow through on those promises
“Thinking is hard” is 5/4 of the way to right wing ideology.
Also 7/6 of the way toward a [insert label] person who thinks the whole system is so corrupt that we all may as well give up on anything but spreading doom
I think the best course of action is to just not vote! That way, I can be blamed when the United States becomes a facist religious country!
Bro you just changed my life with this revelation!
life is easier if you just say BoTh SiDeS and move on
When they’re both drawing money from the same basket of mega-donors, they’re both pushing the same draconian border policies, they’re both encouraging historic levels of new carbon emissions, they’re both bankrolling an endless series of nightmare wars abroad, they’re both advocating lower taxes and privatization of Medicare/SS, they’re both deep in bed with Wall Street, they’re both “pro-life”, they’re both religious sycophants, they even both call one another “communists” as a derogatory slur…
FFS, man. Where’s the line?
But it sure beats thinking!
The more you think about it, the worse the situation looks. Its lose-lose. The only real question is whether we get Trump terrorizing the LGBT community at home or Biden flinging bombs at brown people living abroad.
Half the shit you said is flat out wrong, the rest is oversimplified thought-sloth. You’re 100% in the camp of thought avoidance if you can write this comment.