• Savaran
    869 months ago

    50s. Getting back to one’s 30s you’re still old enough for people to take you seriously, but the creaking bones and exhaustion hasn’t really started creeping in yet.

      • Savaran
        309 months ago

        Well, just saying, what creaking bones I had in my 30s don’t even rate in comparison now

        • SteefLem
          159 months ago

          Wife and i were talking about that yesterday. I turned 50 last year and its like my body just decided that everything should brake down all at once.

          • AZERTY
            9 months ago

            I said the same thing once I hit 30… I threw my back out once when I sneezed and was like whelp I’m basically almost dead now

            • SteefLem
              29 months ago

              Ha yeah had that not with a sneeze but i made a mistake by taking a drink from the fridge, and there it went. Dumb thing is i can carry “heavy” stuff and be fine but i look at a sock wrong and my backs out and walk like a duck for a week.

    • Bizzle
      99 months ago

      Ugh I turn 30 today, I’ve had a bum knee for like 15 years and now the arthritis is starting in my thumbs 🙄

      • @Wahots@pawb.social
        29 months ago

        What on earth did you do at 15? Were you that guy that jumped off the 10 foot roof and landed legs locked in rainboots? :p

        • Bizzle
          89 months ago

          I threw a head high kick in a kung fu tournament and landed weird, it’s never been the same. I probably tore something but I didn’t go to the doctor on account of the fact I’m American, but I manage the pain pretty well with medical marijuana and walking barefoot, at least in the warmer months.

  • athos77
    709 months ago

    I don’t take it. I give it to my cat, who died one day after her twentieth birthday.

  • ℕ𝕖𝕞𝕠
    429 months ago

    No earlier than 45. Otherwise you’re headed back into territory where your body and brain are still developing – fuck with that and you might not feel right in your own body.

  • themeatbridge
    399 months ago

    I’m 42. Does everyone get a pill? My wife? My kids? My parents?

    Jumping back 20 years puts me out of sync with everyone I care about. I’m not sure I’d even want it.

    • @Bakachu@lemmy.world
      279 months ago

      That’s a good point. You kinda lose your kids once you take the pill. On the flip side though, who’s putting who in the nursing home now?

        • @Bakachu@lemmy.world
          39 months ago

          I think there’s a certain power dynamic that comes with looking and acting older. If you look the same age or younger than your kids, that power dynamic is most likely going to slowly shift. It’d be like if you’re in your 40s working for a guy who looks like he’s in his 20s. While possible, I imagine it’d be a challenging arrangement. Not to mention how your kids would feel about your decision as a parent to take an age reversal pill.

          • lad
            27 months ago

            I think there’s an assumption that kids are about 20 years younger than the one taking the pill, this will not always be true. In the US women’s median age for giving birth had hit 30 in 2022, I would expect that age is even higher in men.

            So, if you’re 45 and your child is 15, after taking the pill you’ll be 25 which looks like an adult enough for a 15 year old

    • partial_accumen
      39 months ago

      Out-of-sync not only in lifestyle but you’d now be young enough to possibly outlive your loved ones. Thats a special hell, I’d imagine, burying your parents, wife, and children all because you took a pill to make you younger.

  • @jeffw@lemmy.world
    259 months ago

    I’m tempted to say 40, so I can relive the most physically fit part of my life, but maybe I should wait until I’m really old. Not sure

    • The Snark Urge
      289 months ago

      Yeah stick with 40. What are you gonna do, be like “yeah it feels great being only 50 years again! Glad I passed up having a second twenties.” If you heard someone say that you’d think they were insane.

  • BeautifulMind ♾️
    229 months ago

    I’d take it today. I’m in my 50s, I’m an endurance athlete (I race bikes) and the calculus looks like: if I wait 20 years I get to experience body-age 50-70 twice, but if I take it now I experience 30-50 twice. Living my prime twice is better than enduring my decline twice, thanks

    • Ada
      49 months ago

      What you said, but I’m just shy of 50 and I run rather than cycle

  • @CaptPretentious@lemmy.world
    9 months ago

    I’d take it right now.

    I’m not married, not dating, and have no kids.

    Getting 20 years back means I can correct a lot of mistakes and I’ll have way more energy and focus to be the me I want to be. My 20s were so stressful I started getting white hair.

      • @CaptPretentious@lemmy.world
        9 months ago

        I added some words to clear it up. I often write how I talk, which is to say extremely informal. Around my area it all makes sense. It was meant to imply that I don’t have those things so I’m not abandoning anybody or leaving anybody. If you were able to magically de-age yourself it would be viewed as somewhat selfish.

  • ComradeSharkfucker
    189 months ago

    Let’s say hypothetically this repairs organ damage.

    I have 2 choices. I can save the pill for when I or a loved on is in serious danger of death or I can do a shit ton of LSD, like an absurd amount of LSD, enough to actually break me and then reset.

    It’s a tough choice /s

  • SuiXi3D
    179 months ago

    Assuming this is a tablet, I chop it in half and my wife and I both enjoy being in our twenties again.

    • @BradleyUffner@lemmy.world
      29 months ago

      Your left side gets 20 years younger while your right side stays the same. Or top and bottom half, depending on how you cut it.

  • @Snapz@lemmy.world
    169 months ago

    A lot of variables in the magic to consider, but if you retain your knowledge, than 35 back to 15. You’ve essentially matured as far as you will at that point, started a family or married if you will do so, found stabilization in your career or at least moved far down that path, you hit the major milestones.

    So back to 15 and then you live out the bulk of your high school with knowledge to help you actually enjoy learning, slow pace of high school, form lasting lifelong friendships, properly pursue education beyond high school, then live your 20s with a full appreciation for what they are, start saving money the right way, date the right way and invest in all of the tech companies before they get big so that you’re obscenely wealthy through your late 20s and beyond.

    Use the money to line a small island completely with underground dynamite charges. Invite trump, tell him you’re offering him an unlimited budget to make the island into the first trump island and resort, hand him a golden shovel and say, “I’m going to get in this helicopter to get higher up to take a nice cinematic shot of you breaking ground for the press release” when you’re out of the blast radius, press the button. You’ve done one of the greater services to humanity by any living human in history. Enjoy your earned retirement.

  • @jwing@lemmy.world
    169 months ago

    For your first 20-40 trip, you could stay childless and live it up, see the world.

    Then, on your second 20-40 trip, you could have kids while still physically fit and able to keep up with them and have fun.

    • 👍Maximum Derek👍
      109 months ago

      The problem with that is that (now that I’m in my 40s) I don’t like to be around kids for long periods of time, and have come to see anyone under ~25 as a kid. Would I be able to stand being around myself (or my new peers)?

    • @Stovetop@lemmy.world
      69 months ago

      It would be weird to have kids with someone who is effectively 20 years younger than you, though.

      You either go with someone physically the same age who is of a completely different generation from you, or you go with someone mentally your age who you may not be able to have kids with without risking a higher chance of congenital disorders.

  • @Geek_King@lemmy.world
    139 months ago

    I’m 42, I was fat in my 20s and didn’t lose 100 pounds and get in shape until 31. I’d gladly take that pill right this instant, make a lot of different choices, lose my weight and get in shape at a younger age too. I would have a very different life I bet.

    But alas, your theoretical pill just taunts “Now Me”!

  • conciselyverbose
    139 months ago

    Like, if I go from 35 to 15 do I go back to school, clear student loan debts, etc?

    Because redoing the lead up and college with the maturity to actually try would probably be good.

    • eightpix
      89 months ago

      Key question here. I’d take it at 37 and go back to being 17 with the skills, knowledge, and experiences and most importantly income of my 37 year-old self. But, I’d pass myself off as 18. Unless, of course, it’s not a secret. In which case the strategy totally changes.

      If it’s known and knowable that I took this drug, then I’d take it at 55 and de-age to 35. Then, when my kids are in their teens and tweens, I’ll have the energy for their B.S. Also, when I retire at 95 (b/c seriously, retirement wont be a thing for me), I’ll only be 75 and I’ll still be able to fight off some of the horde of lawyer-bots, advertisclones, and chain letters that are coming after my pension.

      • conciselyverbose
        29 months ago

        I was thinking 15 so I can do homework in high school and get As instead of Bs to play the whole “good college” game. Maybe actually try on SATs. Etc.

  • @RememberTheApollo_@lemmy.world
    129 months ago

    The day your health becomes a problem requiring more than regular effort to maintain.

    That’ll rewind the clock to a lot of good years that maybe you can push back the decline a little further. Your clock will run out eventually, it’s inevitable. You just want to maximize the good years, not just youth or keeping yourself from death.