Our comrades in the secret hexbear/gooning discord server have been hard at work for months on a new AI model trained entirely on hexbear user data. We have created cybersyn folks! Gone are the days of ideological disagreement and struggle sessions, we can just ask the robot what is right and what is left. Meet @comradeisraeligenocide, pronouns (they/them)/(it/its). Ask them/it a question and they/it will respond immediately, also they/it have been made admin of the site and will carry out all moderation duties from now on. We will also be expanding our dataset with user data from other lemmy sites, we use OpenAI 4.5 which itself uses reddit, twitter, and facebook data among others as part of its models. Please note that @comradeisraeligenocide is in beta so mistakes will be made, despite the label of artificial intelligence @comradeisraeligenocide is not actually sentient, but we hope that one day they/it will be. Anyways if you intentionally get @comradeisraeligenocide to say something offensive countdown

  • HakFoo
    9 months ago

    I won’t believe that @comradeisraeligenocide isn’t just exploited workers in the Global South until I see it single-handedly consume more energy than a mid-sized freight locomotive to generate a wrong answer.