Rep. Paul Gosar said that the “homosexual-promoting” general “would be hung” in a better society.

Rep. Paul Gosar (R-AZ) called for the execution of General Mark Milley, the chair of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, in a homophobic tirade this weekend.

In his newsletter this weekend – published to his Congressional website – Gosar accused Milley of being a “homosexual-promoting-BLM-activist” who delayed the military’s response to the January 6 riot. An election denier, Gosar has in the past claimed that he “started the revolution,” referring to the insurrection.

    1929 months ago

    If all the quotes in the article, both from Gosar and Trump, are correct, that’s pretty outrageous. I didn’t fact-check them.

    In any case, I heard Milley interviewed by Fareed Zakaria about a week ago. You can tell that he is completely bemused by all these crazy Republicans accusing him of being “woke”. He is an old, white, grizzled, buzz-cut, 45-year army general. He is the epitome of The Establishment. In any previous decade, he would have been a staunch conservative. But the Republicans have gone crazy and alienated all of the sane conservatives.

      599 months ago

      We need more than 2 political parties to fix this shit show now, I don’t believe what we’ve got now is sustainable, especially on the right.

      • partial_accumen
        499 months ago

        We almost had it when the Tea Party was spinning off into their own party. However, in a grab for relevancy the GOP agreed to drink their crazy KoolAid to maintain the bodies in the GOP.

        149 months ago

        I like the Australian system better. It ain’t perfect, but it is better imo. Regardless, dragging the conservatives kicking and screaming into modernity, much less the future, has thus far proven to be a mixed bag at best. The fact that they’re currently backsliding is hard as they possibly can isn’t helping.

          49 months ago

          MMP is the “better” system.

          No system is perfect. NZ went from First past the post (what the USA uses) to MMP.

          The aus system is pretty good too, but still dominated by two parties.

            19 months ago

            It’s really three parties though, the Liberals have needed the Nationals quite often in order to gain the house. Plus last election we saw a surge in support for independents, who are actually being extremely effective in both Parliament and Senate. Lastly, year-on-year the Greens poach more from both sides as climate change becomes topical.

        69 months ago

        One party is relatively conservative and the other is batshit insane and fascist. We need a party that represents the progressive majority in this country.

        29 months ago

        FYI: There is the Forward party that is trying to get started. They are focusing their efforts on 12 states local elections to start with. They are intentionally not trying to only compete at the federal level to start locally.

      -29 months ago

      Don’t take issue with your point, but he’s 65. I doubt there are many, if any, 45 year old 4 star generals.

  • @dannoffs
    1409 months ago

    The guy running against Gosar having all of Gosar’s immediate family in an ad saying Gosar sucks will always be one of my favorite campaign ads.

    1149 months ago

    I would like, if I may, to ask the distinguished gentleman from Arizona, exactly what better society he is referring to here? I can only think of nations like Russia or Saudi Arabia who would do such a thing so I would like the gentleman to clarify which nation he thinks is better than the United States of America.

    I would also like to inform the gentleman, that to be hung, one would need to be a portrait or a porn star. A criminal would be, in fact, hanged.

  • Rottcodd
    879 months ago

    Neither Gosar nor Trump have served in the military.

    That pretty much goes without saying, but bears repeating anyway.

  • Nougat
    549 months ago

    So … Milley is a “BLM activist” (etc.) … who delayed the miltary’s response to Jan 6? That doesn’t even make any sense.

    9 months ago

    would be hung

    This is the the Free speech the right so desperately fights to say in the internet discourse. Either thinly veiled threats or dogwhistles.

    Unfortunately for them such speech has consequences for them outside of their small bubbles.

    399 months ago

    delayed the military’s response to the January 6 riot

    I thought it was just a tourist visit? Or is it only bad when it’s convenient for them?

    Also, isn’t Gosar the one who’s siblings all appeared in an ad for the guy that was running against him?

    • Hairyblue
      119 months ago

      Yes. That says a lot. Who else knows you better that your own family.

      My brother would have to be super duper evil for me to make a commercial campaigning against him.

    • @dannoffs
      99 months ago

      Also, isn’t Gosar the one who’s siblings all appeared in an ad for the guy that was running against him?

      He is, I spend a lot of time in his district and saw the ad on TV.

  • Smurfe
    319 months ago

    What’s up with all these pro life conservatives wanting to kill people? /s