Brutal. I’m using this.
Two in the thoughts, one in the prayers.
I think this is funny, and pray he gets what he voted for (getting his ass deported).
He’s a cuban in the US, his family almost certainly owned slaves and hates the working class for taking their land and ‘making’ them flee or be judged by their former slaves.
Its unsurprising he’s maga, he just didn’t realize gusanos aren’t white.
This is really only true for Miami Cubans. Tampa Cubans (generally) came much earlier fleeing Bautista, and are MUCH more supportive of socialism than Miami Cubans (who, you’re right, came to the US because Castro had the nerve to take their plantations away).
Thanks for adding context. That does clarify why he waggled his face at the leopards’ mouths.
Also, I believe his partner was drawn into all of this, too.
How do you come to such conclusions?
Pretty much the only ones that ‘fled cuba’ did so to avoid justice. Their families tend to be far right conservatives, since they were the ones overthrown.
Reinaldo Arenas would have liked to say something here.
I did say pretty much. The repression of lgbt by soviet and non soviet forces, each blaming the other for the cause, was a terrible time in history. However for every person like arenas there’s are least a dozen ‘we hate castro because he brainwashed the servant family that had been loyal to us for decades’.
He’s likely still loyal to Trump despite all this.
I can’t believe the deep state Democrats usurped Trumps authority by deporting this guy. Have they no honor?
“if only the Führer knew”
“Daddy would never hurt me! It must be my fault!”
Y payaso.
Womp womp
Let’s pray folks
Tots and pears
I’m not wasting my tots and pears on him.
I’m praying I don’t catch an aneurysm from laughing so hard at him, does that count?
Our thoughts are with you.
I imagine that the leopard is enjoying the Cuban flavor, after so much white bread
Le gustan las carrilleras de cerdo cubanas.
Get acquainted with the underside of the bus.
Acquainted? They’re about to be common-law married!
Two wrongs rarely make a right.
“The Right hurt itself in its confusion!”
Play stupid game win stupid prize.
Also, schadenfreude deluxe
Someone needs to chant “let’s go Brandon” as he is being deported.
Being that delusional, he might have been chanting it the whole way.
The stupid is strong in this one!