Time to enjoy free open source clones
Time to enjoy free open source clones
Good point. But the upvote is for “ trumpets “ lol!
Do NOT run with them. It is written.
Play stupid game win stupid prize.
Also, schadenfreude deluxe
She learned that from George Costanza
She is a smoldering soul with big eyes and a demeanor of perpetual rejection. Therefore the unattainable hotness to the type that go for that. I’m among them.
It’s all about her face though, and the aura of hot bitchiness
This was easily my favorite so far. Thank you for that!
But the AI sex bots should
As a casual consumer and owner of some of her lps, I think she makes very catchy music for the most part, some with real lasting influence. Lyrically, I’m not expecting her works to be studied in colleges in a hundred years or anything.
Not me 48 minutes after eating a way too strong edible and suddenly getting informed we’re going out
Mitigated power is the microwave’s secret weapon. Nice way not to utterly destroy things you’re reheating (breads, tortillas, some kinds of pasta)
Soups and such you can literally ( ok ok figuratively ) nuke them
Guess they weren’t around for EA self destructive decisions over the last decade.
None. Current boycotts are based on choices involving human dignity and rights.
I thought she was kind of mid charisma-wise, but I will say she’s well known
I wonder if down votes mean you successfully demonstrated an unpopular opinion